
Network research answers the following questions of leaders

Which colleagues should I select to be members of a winning team? • How can new colleagues be made part of the team more easily – so that they would...

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Using modern technology

Pannon Kávé Kft. rents out and operates coffee making machines and beverage vending machines. Managing director László Lőrincz says that the crisis caused a setback in both the Horeca and...

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Wages are stagnating

At enterprises with a minimum of five employees and at budgetary institutions, gross average wages improved by 1.3 percent and net average wages increased by 1 percent in the first...

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Food category, gold medal: Unilever

Magyarország Kft – Delikát8 “Cook 8 playgrounds!” In the past 2 years, Unilever Magyarország Kft. and Delikát8 buyers built the most playgrounds in Hungary. Since the seasoning Delikát is used...

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Price/value ratio plays the leading role on the fondant candy market

This year’s fondant candy season may bring significant price increase. Both base material and energy prices increased, affecting branded products and private labels alike. Volume sales are practically guaranteed to...

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Decreasing production, subdued prices

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) continuously monitors and publishes world trends in poultry and fruit/vegetable products. Their last report reveals that shrinking consumption directly affects the processing industry and...

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Beverage category, gold medal: Great Soproni NumberShow

“Great Soproni NumberShow” promotion activity by Heineken Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt. won in the beverage category. Gergely Tóth, Soproni’s brand manager recalled the events of the 2008 campaign. From 1 June...

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We bought more fondant candy in 2008

According to GfK Hungária’s ConsumerScan, in October 2008-January 2009, Hungarian households bought more fondant candy than a year before; the increase was 4 percent in terms of volume (meaning that...

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Dwindling pessimism

According to predictions by GKI, made in cooperation with Erste Bank, the Hungarian economy’s performance probably reached its nadir this summer. External balance is radically improving, while internal balance meets...

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Non-food category, gold medal: Reckitt Benckiser Kft. – ”Unstained donation” promotion

In this category, the social responsibility-type campaign of Reckitt Benckiser Magyarország Kft.’s Vanish brand finished first. Actress Anita Deutsch was the face of the campaign, and in cooperation with the...

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It is time to wake up!

What does crisis mean? It means that we cannot continue doing things the way we did before, we have to find new solutions. This is true for the FMCG sector...

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Beautiful and hardworking

Toyota believes that a workplace can be comfortable, what is more, it should be comfortable. Image does matter in business, therefore Dyna is not only practical but good-looking and stylish...

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Supermarkets recuperate in the first six months

A report by GfK Hungária on retail in Hungary in the first half of the year reveals that households bought significantly less in volume. The supermarket channel expanded healthily, it...

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The Wandering Magyar

The food basket known by the name of Hungaricum is one of the most straightforward advertising messages: sausage, onion and a pitcher accompany Hungarian flavours. However, in an age of...

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Thriftiness fuelling activities

Cheese is one of the categories where thriftiness has driven consumers to turn to cheaper products and distribution channels, resulting in growth for discounts and private labels. Average prices were...

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Hungarians economise differently than the rest of the world

While in the United States and Europe consumers try hard to save money by looking for cheaper products, Hungarians buy less of the same daily consumer goods, according to a...

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The economic crisis brings new challenges and new opportunities as well. Fairs are becoming increasingly important in achieving business objectives. FOODAPEST, Hungary’s biggest food, food processing machinery and catering event...

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Less cheese consumed than a year ago

According to data from GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, practically all segments of the cheese market showed decline last year. Hyper markets and super markets remained the primary distribution channels. Sales in...

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Retail volume sales decrease all over Europe

According to an estimate by Eurostat, in June 2009 retail sales continued to shrink in terms of volume: in the EU-27 by 1.7 percent, in the Euro zone by 2.4...

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Customers are looking for actions and visiting shops rarely

According to Nielsen market research company; consumers are visiting shops rarely; more and more people are looking for cheaper goods and discount shopping opportunities. The growth of the popularity of...

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London and New York in the lead, Budapest is the 74th in the ranking of business centers

London and New York remain the most competitive business centers of the world. The score of Budapest has improved, but its ranking became worse, due to the improvement of the...

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FAO: in the next 40 years, 70 percent more food will be need

According to United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); Seventy percent more food should be produced worldwide, until 2050. The FAO expects that the global population is expected to grow...

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The first “Pannon Wheat Quality” certificate was handed over

The “Pannonian wheat” trade mark was established in July, by the National Association of Cereal Producers (GOSZ), to indicate the extra quality wheat. The first certificate was given to the...

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Stock orders in the euro area are over expectations

According to the report of Eurostat, the new industrial orders of the euro zone increased in July, surpassing expectations, that shows a recovery in activity and the easing of recession....

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The situation of dairy producers has improved a bit

According to the latest report of Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI); In August, for the first time this year, even if a very small extent, but the domestic milk prices...

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Christmas shopping already started

It is just the end of the summer, but chains are preparing for Christmas, due to the economic crisis and under the pressure of the changing consumer habits. The latest...

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GKI economic forecast for 2009-2010

According to the summer data of GKI Economic Research company, the greatest economic crisis of the last 70 years has ended. However, the magnitude and the sustainability of improvement are...

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Retail declines from every point of views

In July, the retail sales fell by 2.2 percent compared to June. Compared to July 2008, by 6.6 percent. In the first seven months of 2009 a 3.7 percent decrease...

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Four exhibitions at HUNGEXPO at the same time

With the participation of 300 exhibitors of 13 countries, four exhibitions has been opened at the HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center.  The presentations of he packaging and handling, printing, marketing, communications...

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Face analyzer program for commercial purposes

The software is suitable for the analysis of consumer behavior, research for marketing renewal and the precise targeting of target groups. The new technology is able for the support proactive...

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