
The signation of the new advertising ethics code

From the 30th September the new Code of Hungarian advertising ethics will come into force, with expanded content, renewed in structure and signed by 26 organizations on 16th September. The...

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The Hungarian companies’ losings are over five percent

According to Direktinfo Kft.; the losings of the Hungarian companies increased over five percent, compared to last year’s average, one and a half percent loss. A significant part of the...

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Domestic markets are in transition

The editors of Event Manager and O | G | H – Open Gates Hungary Ltd. carried out a survey at the beginning of the autumn season, in the areas...

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Community Wine Campaign will start

Hungarian Wine Marketing Kht. Launches a nation wide image campaign, in order to promote Hungarian wines in mid-September. The campaign is produced by the Action-NXS advertising company. Its slogan is...

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Great demand for own branded products in the U.S. and New Zealand

Recession significantly changed the eating habits of the citizens of New Zealand and U.S.A. More and more people purchase sensible and economical, while fewer and fewer choose to takeaway meals....

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The agricultural sector is in competition handicap

According to the study of Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI); The Hungarian agricultural enterprises – especially the small and medium ones – can get loans with an extra 5-8 percent...

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U.S. Retail is in progress

The U.S. retail sector sales produced the highest increase of the past three and a half years in August. The total retail sales increased by 2.7 percent instead of the...

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Hungarian honey bottle will be given an award

Award will be given to the Hungarian honey bottle on 23rd September on the Awards Ceremony of the 2009 packaging competition. The winner bottle illustrates Hungary, with hexagonal bee cells,...

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Low point of wheat

The price of wheat, has not been so low since April 2007, as it is now. The volume of production was increased by favorable weather conditions in the United States,...

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German economic sentiment is under expectations

The German ZEW economic sentiment index increased to 57.7 points in September from the 56.1 points of August. Sixty points were expected. According to ZEW Institute of Economic Research, the...

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More and more people buy online with card

Slowly, but the caution of the Hungarian cardholders shopping online, is getting soluble. According to MasterCard's home study, 8 percent of the respondents regularly use card to purchase on the...

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Supermarkets increased market share

According to GfK Hungária Market Research Institute supermarkets have continued to increased their market share, over the past nearly one year. Real winners of the the last one year, were...

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Coffee is more popular than chocolate and mineral water

According to Nielsen market research company’s latest research, retail coffee sales increased 5 percent compared to the same period the previous year, between the August 2008 and July 2009 period....

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Food prices decreased significantly in a month

According to the Central Statistical Office (KSH); the monthly average retail price decreased 0.3 percent in August. Compared to the August 2008, the prices increased by 5 percent. In the...

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Budapest malls handing over ceremonies postponed for next year

According to the analysis of GVA Robertson, only one shopping mall will be handed over this year in Budapest. The furter four, will be handed over next year. The decline...

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American consumers became more optimistic

The consumer sentiment index of the University of Michigan has improved in September. The middle month index jumped to 70.2 points, after the 65.7 points, measured at the end of...

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Frozen vegetables are better

According to a new research; one can save more money and even live healthier, during the winter months, if eating frozen vegetables rather than choose from the frozen import goods....

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Grape harvest on Tokaj-Hegyalja

The grape harvest on Tokaj-Hegyalja has been started with the harvest of the muscat grape, which is the earliest exposure grape. On the historic wine region, about 35 thousand tonnes...

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The soul of the chocolate

The Belgian chocolate brand the Côte d'Or celebrating its 125th anniversary, saluted with a special exhibition for chocolate, between 11th and 13th September. The interactive exhibition called "The chocolate soul"...

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It will be hard to get support from the Ministry of Agriculture

Next year state support for agriculture will decrease with 47 billion HUF and rural development will get 5 billion HUF less. All sources supplemented with EU aid will be less:...

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Alimentaria 2010

Alimentaria is gaining importance outside Spain. For this reason the event has increased its budget for international promotion by 30 percent. Over 20 percent of the show’s 158,000 visitors come...

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The premium meat products represents the future

Most of the Hungarian meat processing companies are almost in a hopeless position: the crisis has been further aggravated the condition of the already struggling under-resourced sector. The companies receive...

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Only drinks became more expensive

According to Privátbanká’s food basket prices have been decreasing for the third month, but drinks are getting more expensive. The September Privátbankár food basket survey shows, that prices were 0.2...

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Wine Festival in the Castle

On 9th September at 2 pm, the organisation of the Magyar Szőlő- és Borkultúra Nonprofit Ltd., the Buda Castle Festival opened its doors. From the first day, thousands of visitors...

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Hungarian geese liver will be again on the shelves

Although there is no agreement with the Négy Mancs animal rights organization, at the Hungerit Ltd. of Szentes the cut continues, such as last year, before the scandal. The majority...

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U.S. consumers still do not spend

Not much more to reassure the U.S. economy is not in an encouraging postion.The most recent consumer credit datas shows a significant decline. After the 10.3 billion USD fall of...

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Meat can be brought to slaughterhouse without qualification

The requisite amendment of the Ministry of Agriculture dismissed smaller slaughterhouses under the obligation of operating, if they obtain the meat from a livestock plant within 50 kilometres and market...

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More than half of the firms gives fringe benefits

Publicus Research asked the leaders of 500 domestic companies on the general impacts of the crisis, including the cafeteria and about the future of the fringe benefits after the introduction...

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Dairy producers can only receive help on national level

Hungary will take all steps that the EU rules allow, to cure the problems of the dairy sector – said Gráf József Minister of Agriculture after failed to agree on...

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The foreign trade turnover between January and July 2009

According to the estimations of the Central Statistical Office; Hungary’s export reached 1388 million HUF, while imports reached 1242 billion HUF. Calculated in euro, exports decresed 18, imports by 32...

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