
Ministry of Finance would correct the spoilt of the cafeteria-regulation

The government has to correct its tax proposal, voted summer 2009. Under the current rules not 25, but 58 percent would afflict the fringe benefits. In the case of the...

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The companies of the region do not expect recovery

Deloitte prepared its first regional economic sentiment survey. In the summer 190 heads of large companies were asked about the prospects of the next 6-12 months. Hungary, Romania, Poland, Croatia,...

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Salient optimism at the Germans

According to the GfK market research institute on the basis of the October survey, the GfK consumer confidence index produced the highest value of the last 16 months in Germany....

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This year’s grape harvest worth a little

Midway through the harvest, it can be seen, that the yield will be less than the expected 3.5 million hektoliters, because of the hot summer. But despite the fewer amount...

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CSB-System Ltd.: Seminar on corporate food management

CSB-System Ltd. will held a seminar linked to a plant visit for food companies, at Fino-Food Ltd. entitled: “Product rationalization and integrated follow-up, with corporate food system” The event will...

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Germany-Hungary: we take the lead once again

At the Grüne Woche trade fair in January 2010, Germany will honour us with the „Partner Country” status, which is a great challenge and a task we have to prepare...

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Battery-operated air fresheners energise the market

Last year the air freshener market produced a two-digit expansion, but this year growth is losing pace. One third of the market is covered by aerosol products and battery-operated devices...

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Weakening price-decrease in the agricultural sector

Producer price level of agricultural products in June 2009 fell by 13 percent, compared to the same period in 2008. According to KSH, crop products were down by 17.5 percent,...

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Virtual Hungary at the Green Week in Berlin

Next year, Hungary will be present in a partner country status at one of the most prestigious international food trade fairs, Berlin’s Grüne Woche. Hungary’s participation will be financed and...

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Packaged demands

Household packaging material sales grew in value and stagnated in terms of volume, compared to last year. The food packaging and baking paper segments both grew by two-digit numbers. As...

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Consumer confidence on the increase, moderate optimism

We have experienced an unparalleled economic crisis and the consequences have been difficult to predict. The Consumer Confidence Index makes it possible to forecast probable trends. FMCG retail data in...

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Most popular segments became more expensive by 7-11 percent in one year

According to Nielsen, retail sales of coffee was up by 5 percent in value, surpassing an annual HUF 50 billion in August 2008-July 2009, compared to the same period in...

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Cosmetics market prepares for Christmas

In value, the market holds its position. In personal body care, shower gels and deodorants are the two biggest sub-categories where special products, innovations and promotions push category sales forward....

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Foreign markets – Spain: Supermarkets dominate, discounts gaining ground

Out of 100 Spanish households, 58 spend the most money on food, household chemicals and cosmetics in supermarkets. For the Spanish, the most important in choosing a shop is a...

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Modern and exclusive messages from coffee brands

Private labels are attacking on the coffee market too, but they are successful mainly in the instant segment where functionality prevails over the formality of drinking a good ground-roasted espresso....

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Mothers mobilised via the Internet

Despite the recession, the baby category is solid in terms of both value and volume, since major indicators hardly changed compared to previous years. Creams, wet wipes and private labels...

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Private labels: two-digit growth

According to the Nielsen Retail Index, private label food product sales were up by 14 percent in the first half of the year, while household chemicals and cosmetics improved by...

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Coffee accessories going natural

According to Rita Habuda-Salyámosy, the managing director of Maresi Foodboker Kft., coffee whiteners are only used by a part of coffee drinkers. The share of discounts and private labels rose...

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Consumers look for more economical sources of energy

A modest restructuring is taking place on the battery market, alkaline and Zinc coal batteries play the leading roles. Private labels’ expansion and novelties push the category forward. We find...

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The business potential of co-operation

Communicating restrictive measures to employees in the way management wants these to be interpreted is a major problem all over the world. It was a mystery for the top management...

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Sales growth of instant 3in1 coffees drawn to a halt

Despite that most Hungarian consumers buy ground roasted coffee, the segment continues to show a negative trend. According to data by GfK’s ConsumerScan, ground roasted coffee sales were down by...

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Hoventa 2009

Hoventa trade fair, the biggest annual event of the Hungarian hotel, restaurant and catering sector will be held on 6-9 October for the 28th time. According to Mária Etele, managing...

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Network research answers the following questions of leaders

Which colleagues should I select to be members of a winning team? • How can new colleagues be made part of the team more easily – so that they would...

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Using modern technology

Pannon Kávé Kft. rents out and operates coffee making machines and beverage vending machines. Managing director László Lőrincz says that the crisis caused a setback in both the Horeca and...

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Wages are stagnating

At enterprises with a minimum of five employees and at budgetary institutions, gross average wages improved by 1.3 percent and net average wages increased by 1 percent in the first...

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Food category, gold medal: Unilever

Magyarország Kft – Delikát8 “Cook 8 playgrounds!” In the past 2 years, Unilever Magyarország Kft. and Delikát8 buyers built the most playgrounds in Hungary. Since the seasoning Delikát is used...

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Price/value ratio plays the leading role on the fondant candy market

This year’s fondant candy season may bring significant price increase. Both base material and energy prices increased, affecting branded products and private labels alike. Volume sales are practically guaranteed to...

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Decreasing production, subdued prices

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) continuously monitors and publishes world trends in poultry and fruit/vegetable products. Their last report reveals that shrinking consumption directly affects the processing industry and...

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Beverage category, gold medal: Great Soproni NumberShow

“Great Soproni NumberShow” promotion activity by Heineken Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt. won in the beverage category. Gergely Tóth, Soproni’s brand manager recalled the events of the 2008 campaign. From 1 June...

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We bought more fondant candy in 2008

According to GfK Hungária’s ConsumerScan, in October 2008-January 2009, Hungarian households bought more fondant candy than a year before; the increase was 4 percent in terms of volume (meaning that...

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