
Price increase in the stores

Origo’s product basket price increased significantly, compared to the last survey. The web portal – as before, now it did not take own branded products into account. The prices of...

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Romanian pork exports can be re-started

Next year, Romania can export pork products, such as Szebeni salami into the member countries of the European Union as well as raw meat exports may restart – announced Emil...

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Hungarian product from Hungarian shop

Leader Alliance for the Renewal of the Countryside, the Coop Hungary Ltd. and the East-Central European Federation for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises signed an agreement with “Hungarian product from Hungarian...

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Even the chocolate declines in the crisis

The confectionery industry is also infiltrated by the crisis. According to Bélai Krisztina Secretary of the Hungarian Confectionery Association, the third quarter datas are already indicates a decline in the...

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Weak retail datas from Europe

According to Ecostat; Euro zone retail sales fell unexpectedly in September, on a monthly basis. This shows the weak consumer demands, which questions the strength of economic expansion. Within the...

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Improved payment morale

According to the most recent report of Dun & Bradstreet ; The economic crisis brought new trends in the payment patterns: in low rates, but the Hungarian payment morale has...

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Cutted off beef heads on the demonstration of dairy producers

A dozen cutted off beef heads were taken in front of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on the Thursday dairy demonstration, where dairy farmers protested against the lowest...

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Increased in value, in volume food store sales are stable

The value of food retail sales rose by 3 percent, between December 2008 and September 2009, compared to the previous similar period, from the 90 product groups measured by Nielsen...

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The profitability of the beverage industry is falling

The VAT and excise duty increase was a severe shock to the domestic distillation industries: The main participants of the market only expects the keeping the turnover on level this...

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The brand value of consumer goods has increased

Europe's most valuable brand is the world's largest mobile operator company, the Finnish Nokia, the second is the French luxury manufacturer the LVMH group, while the third is the Belgian...

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The Four Paws attacks again

Animal and consumer protectors assessing the Austrian catering operators, because they use “lower-quality Hungarian goose-flesh”, instead of domestic products. Twenty-four percent of the Goose-flesh consumed in Austria is domestic product,...

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Calories tax in favor of the public interest

Unhealthy nutrition and obesity are becoming increasingly serious problem in the developed part of the world. It is no coincidence, that in the United States, sugary soft drinks, in Denmark...

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European Trade Day – for the fifth time in Hungary

The European Trade Day was organised for the fifth time by the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) together with a number of national advocacy organizations on 3rd of...

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Successful presentation in Beijing

Food and drinks presentation day was held in the organisation of the Hungarian Embassy in Beijing. Fourty-four Hungarian companies’ products were introduced in the Zhai Long hotel. The Chinese organizers...

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Hungarian companies believe in late upturn

According to the most recent survey of Coface Hungary Credit Insurance Company; the earliest date of the economic recovery can be in the second half of 2010. The leaders of...

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Positive changes in the working capital loan program

Commercial enterprises may also use the sources of the New Hungary working capital loan program, which is supported by the Hungarian Development Bank Ltd. The program was originally announced for...

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Mr. Tea visits Budapest: tea pavilions and a giant cup of tea in the capital

Stephen Twining Tea Ambassador will visit Budapest on 7th of November. The tea enthusiasts and those who interested, can meet “Mr. Tea ” in the MOM Park shopping mall, and...

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Finally, the producer pays instead of the ”black market”

According to Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture; On the stagnating cereal market the ”black traders” are gaining profit. Usually tricking with the VAT, in the name of not existing foreign companies....

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Hungarian participant on the Bocuse d'Or Europe

Althought the skeptics did not believe in success, there will be Hungarian participant at the most significant international top gastronomy events at the 2010 Bocuse d'Or Europe. Because of the...

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The public is confident, the optimism of the companies is broken

Ecostat’s aggregate business cycle index decreased by 0.5 percentage points to 77.6 percent in October, compared to the previous month. While the public confidence indicator rose strongly, business confidence indicator...

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Price comparison market is getting more focused

No more than three price comparison sites could remain on the Hungarian market in long terms. This Internet service can accelerate the competition in the market. At the beginning of...

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Twilight of the Irish pubs

According to a study, 2000 rural pubs could be closed in the next 10-15 years in Ireland, because of the law changes and due to the weakening economy. According to...

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Spirits: brandy, pálinka brandy and bitter are the most popular

The retail sales of distilled spirits were 73 billion HUF between October 2008 and November 2009, just like as in the previous comparable period. However, a 5 percent volume reduction...

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The foreign trade balance improved further – besides declining exports and imports

In August, the foreign trade exports decreased by 10, imports by 15 percent, compared to a year earlier. In the January-August period, exports decreased by 17, imports by 23 percent...

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Increase in the support for product sellers

The government will increase the support of its working capital loan program with three billion HUF in order to support the product sellers in the fruit and vegetable sector. Government...

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Still far from a real boom

Chen Deming, Chinese Minister of Commerce and Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prized economist also expressed doubts about the fast recovering from the recession, at an economic conference in Shanghai. Although more...

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Plaza Centers: stopped investments in Romania

Plaza Centers, suspended its eight Romanian projects. The planned investment projects would have been realised in a worth of a total two billion euros. "In the current economic situation it...

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The fifth stage of the Balkan Express

Agrármarketing Centrum will organise a community appearance in the South East European region for the fifth time this year. After Mostar, Novi Sad, Bucharest and Banja Luka, the Hungarian food...

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U.S. economy grew in July-September

The U.S. economy grown by 3.5 percent in the third quarter. Analysts expected 2,7-3,5 percent increase. The U.S. economy became smaller with 2.3 percent last year. In the first quarter...

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World confectionery will watch Hungary next year

The 16th International Confectionery, Bakery and Culinary Exhibition and Fair will be held in Hungary between 21st and 24th February 2010. Parallel to the exhibition the Confectioner's World Junior Championships...

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