
Plaza Centers: stopped investments in Romania

Plaza Centers, suspended its eight Romanian projects. The planned investment projects would have been realised in a worth of a total two billion euros. "In the current economic situation it...

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The fifth stage of the Balkan Express

Agrármarketing Centrum will organise a community appearance in the South East European region for the fifth time this year. After Mostar, Novi Sad, Bucharest and Banja Luka, the Hungarian food...

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U.S. economy grew in July-September

The U.S. economy grown by 3.5 percent in the third quarter. Analysts expected 2,7-3,5 percent increase. The U.S. economy became smaller with 2.3 percent last year. In the first quarter...

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World confectionery will watch Hungary next year

The 16th International Confectionery, Bakery and Culinary Exhibition and Fair will be held in Hungary between 21st and 24th February 2010. Parallel to the exhibition the Confectioner's World Junior Championships...

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French government vs. chain of stores

The French Ministry of Economy denounced 9 large chains with the charge of abusing of suppliers. Six of the chains are distributing primarily food products. The French press has been...

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The MVH will purchase the surplus grain

The Agriculture and Rural Development Agency (MVH) can buy unlimited quantities of wheat and barley offered for intervention from 1st November. On the basis of the proposals, the purchasing 400...

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Increase in alcohol taxes, tighter controls

The alcohol tax rate will be increased next year. Tighter controls are expected in the pálinka breweries during the autumn, and new security locks will be used on the equipments....

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Food industrial applications up to 1.6 million euros

The modification of the regulation over the “EMVA agricultural products, adding value to provide aid” is already available. On this basis, one can apply until 30th November at the Agriculture...

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The advantages of Superbrands title

Superbrands Hungary organizes a seminar on 4th November in the Kempinski Hotel Corvinus. On the event it will be examined, that how valuable is a Superbrands title win and how...

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U.S.A.: rising house prices, falling consumer confidence

Compared to July, 1.2 percent increase has occured in house prices in the U.S.A. The publication of Conference Board's consumer confidence index washed away optimism. The index was well below...

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New regulation control the services provided at accommodations

According to the new government regulation; The hotels should provide other services besides accommodation, and at least 11 rooms and 21 beds should be maintained. The regulation covers all accommodation...

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Growing retail real estate investments in the second quarter of 2009

According to the latest reasearch of Jones Lang LaSalle real estate consultant; European retail real estate investments increased 85 by percent in the second quarter compared to the first quarter....

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Food prices may dramatically increase

According to the experts of the Standard Chartered Bank; Great food price increases may come in the next few decades. The UN estimates that, by 2050 the global population will...

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Climate protection instead of agricultural support

The pre-draft document in which the European Commission outlines its visions for the 2014 – 2020 budget, indicates a strong shift from the agricultural policy and employement towards climate change...

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GM products in Hungarian shops without any indication

Despite Hungary stands out strongly under the prohibition of gene modified (GM) plants, domestic agriculture is not yet without them. The only permitted gene modified MON810 maize in Europe, although...

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New advertising code of ethics entered into force

The new Hungarian Advertising Code of Ethics was signed by 26 professional organisations and entered into force on 30 September 2009. It is based on the Code of Ethics of...

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CIB Faktor provides additional services

In the first six months of 2009, factoring turnover at CIB Faktor increased by 16 percent, compared to the same period last year, while the Hungarian factoring market contracted by...

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Purchasing power highest in Csopak

Csopak dwellers may spend the most, while purchasing power is lowest in Tiszabő (Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county), according to a study by GfK Hungária. In the county ranking (including Budapest) Budapest is...

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Turkey stew with plum for 1,500 people

The 12th Plum Days were held in Szarvas on 11-13 September, with 20-year old turkey processing company Gallicoop as one of the main sponsors. Gallicoop’s master chefs cooked a stew...

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Next step: the concentration of suppliers?

According to Dr Judit Firniksz, a competition law expert with law firm Réti, Antall and Madl Landwell, a concentration process took place in Hungarian food retail in the past 15...

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More people use Internet banking

The number of people using on-line banking services increased by 1.8 percentage point in the first half of 2009 – according to a new study by GfK Hungária. This means...

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Warning! Traffic diverted! – Business Days 2009 (Part 1)

This was the sub-title of the joint Business Days conference of Trade magazine and Lánchíd Klub on 30 September-2 October in Tapolca. The venue was decorated with traffic signs –...

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Excerpt from the president’s justification:

…” It is the Parliament’s right to decide whether legislative means are needed to repel unfair market conducts. (…) I doubt whether the law is completely in line with the...

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In Poland thousands of small shops disappear, but their market share is stable

According to Nielsen’s ShopperTrends survey, the market share of small traditional shops has been stable at 55 percent for three years. Among modern retail channels supermarket is the most popular....

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The ”3 percent” ousted from the text.

News came after our magazine went to press that on 13 October the product path law, so much debated on the first day of the conference, was given a green...

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Where were bakers mistaken?

The aim of the Association of Hungarian Bakers and baking companies was to cooperate and to harmonise the activities of the different actors in the baking industry, in order to...

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Customer satisfaction is the guarantee for our company’s success

We had a conversation with CEO Dr. Tibor Bakonyi about the steps the company has taken recently to improve their market position and serve customers. According to the CEO, during...

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From 2010, HUNGEXPO Zrt.’s prestigious trade exhibitions are organised based on a new concept. FOODAPEST and UKBA will take place every second year, at the same time. The first dual...

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Non-alcoholic mono pralines become more robust

Retail sales of praline were up by 6 percent in value in August 2008-July 2009, with the market exceeding an annual HUF 19 billion. As for volume, praline sales reached...

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The handbrake is on

A bill has been proposed in Parliament that would strengthen the bargaining position of suppliers and would limit detrimental conditions (buying back obligation of suppliers, long payment deadlines, etc.) set...

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