
Organic eating: the key to the future or passing fad?

Why is the proportion of organic products rising rapidly abroad, while in Hungary it remains the same? Is it because they are too expensive? Is society still unwilling to trust...

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Annual inflation mitigated by food prices

This January the monthly average consumer price increase was 1.4 percent, but compared with January 2009 prices were up by 6.4 percent. In comparison to December 2009, food prices grew...

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Ham producers communicate via packaging and schedule price promotions

Last year the contracting ham market experienced positive trends in the Easter period, however, the biggest winners were cheap import products and private labels. Strong domestic brands manage to hold...

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The law regulating the relationship of suppliers and retailers took off well

Márkaklub had a special meeting at FOODAPEST: on 1 January, the Act on the prohibition of unfair market conduct by the suppliers of the food product life cycle entered into...

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An opportunity for a breakthrough: kosher food products

Hungary is a small country, therefore we only have a chance on the world market of food if we find a market niche. One possible segment for a breakthrough is...

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Supermarkets dominate in Bulgaria

Nielsen’s ShopperTrends revealed last year that sales in almost each category were the highest in supermarkets. Hypermarkets replaced traditional shops as the second most important channel. Researchers interviewed the main...

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Environmental, economic and moral issues in Berlin

Besides the 400,000 visitors and 12,000 exhibitors, there was another record for the 75th Grüne Woche: agricultural politics was more important than ever before. The ministers of agriculture from 46...

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Ham sales remained stable at Easter

Consumers stick to their good old Easter ham: value sales were up by 5 percent, while volume sales grew by 1 percent in last March-April. 21 percent (3,000 tons) of...

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Retail still flying low

Retail sales continued to decline in November, according to KSH’s quick report. Volume sales of retail stores were down by 5 percent in the first eleven months of 2009 and...

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Popai Hungary

Enter the competition 11 February-7 May 2010 is the period assigned to enter the POPAI Awards UK&Ireland competition, in 18 categories. Results will be announced in July. GlobalShop 2010 On...

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Organic food products cope with the crisis rather well

Market researchers say that in most countries the crisis did not decrease the demand for organic products. However, Hungarian retailers say the growth has stopped. In Europe’s leading ‘organic states’...

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Less machine ham but more cooked-smoked ham sold in the first 11 months of 2009

According to GfK Hungária’s Consumer Scan survey, consumers bought 2 percent more cooked-smoked ham (not home-made), but 6 percent less machine ham in January-November 2009 than a year earlier. In...

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Import pig is still cheaper than domestic

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) continuously monitors and publishes world trends in poultry and fruit/vegetable products. Their last report reveals that the production price of domestic pork fell by...

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An empire of the senses

By Digital POP we mean all those modern technology solutions which use some kind of device to influence the buying process. Trade magazin and Magyar Telekom and its now Origo-owned...

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Small spring cleaning

The months of crisis slowed down the growth of specialised cleaning products. According to Nóra Szőts, Unilever Magyarország Kft.’s category operations assistant manager, 2009 brought significant changes on the market....

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Energy drinks kept flying high last year

While value sales of the 90 food categories measured by Nielsen grew by 2 percent on average, energy drinks skyrocketed with 18 percent in December 2008-November 2009. The annual market...

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Foreign debt is shrinking

According to a forecast by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. and Erste Bank, the Hungarian economy will stagnate in 2010. Depending on the economic policy of the next government, budget deficit will...

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In January 2010 POS Media Europe’s offices, present in 7 countries, ran nearly 100 campaigns. After the Christmas rush companies took a break, preparing for the next campaign efforts. This...

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GKI: returning confidence, increasing business cycle

In March, the GKI Sentiment Index was close, the consumer confidence index was even higher than the last pre-crisis level, which was in September 2008. According to the survey of...

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Shortage in the coffee market

Over the next few years, the shortage can increase in the coffee markets of the world, because the production is not keeping pace with the growth of consumption. According to...

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China hardens

According to Chinese opinions; that will result in serious consequences, if the United States would restrict the import of products and services of Asian countries in America, referring to the...

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Cooking-oil scandal in China

New food scandal bursted out in China: The authorities highlighted that at least ten per cent of the cooking oils are produced illegally, and the oil contains highly toxic aflatoxins....

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Plant credibility shutdown required from Bajnai

Májer János, Tokaj’s independent mayor sent an open letter to Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai, over the shutdown of public credibility of the straw-fired power plant, planned to build in Szerencs,...

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Easter chocolates: Most favourites are the egg and the bunny

The retail turnover growth of Easter confectionery came to a halt last year. According to Nielsen Retail Index; during the holiday period of 2009, a 1 percent decrease occured in...

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The pálinka industry developed much in the past decade

The domestic pálinka industry was successful last year. 600 thousand hektoliters of distillate was produced in the distilleries, but there is no too much money for marketing – said Panyik...

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Recycling saves 17 thousand hectares of forest in one year

In the last year, in the Member States of the European Union, 350 thousand tons, more than 13 billion beverage cartboards were selectively recovered; 33 pieces from 100 milk and...

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International Spirits Competition: Zimek is the Hungarian (national) winner

Hungarians achieved the 3rd place at the Destillata 2010 International Spirits Competition, in Vienna, among 15 countries with 77 medals. The most effective National winner became Zimek Manufactory, with 11...

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Unlawful entry in the Tokaj-case

The European Commission's infringement procedure caused the Hungarian-Slovak wine struggle – states Tabajdi Csaba EU representative, who call on the European Commission to clarify the offending state. The European Commission...

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Capsule coffee instead espresso

The number of espresso coffee machines, sold over the last few years has continued to decline in Hungary, while the number of coffee capsule machines are increasing – said the...

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