
Battle for EU labeling

The Which? British consumer magazine sent jam donuts to all members of the European parliament, to protest against the planned changes in food labeling. The British consumer group states, that...

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Expanding British retail

British retail sales rose in February excess of the expectations, thanks to the record level sales of household goods. On the basis of the datas of the British statistical office;...

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The demand for quality sweets continues to increase in the Easter season

In the 2009 Easter period, the Hungarian consumers have been observed despite to high quality, despite the crisis, because twice as many high-quality chocolate candy was purchased than products made...

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Slow way out of the crisis

The recovery from the crisis, its speed and durability – especially the most important to us in the EU – is uncertain and a fragile process – states GKI. In...

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National pálinka competition in Gyula

Gyula will host the Hungarian National Pálinka and International Fruit Distillates Competition. The prize ceremony will be held in the scope of the 11th. Kisüsti Pálinka Festival, Exhibition and Fair....

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Nearly half of the investments came to Budapest

46 percent of investments of the country, came to Budapest last year, in addition the concentration increased in the last two years. The per capita investment was 823 thousand HUF...

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Retail sales: decreased by 5.5, increased by 0.6 percent

The retail sales datas of January 2010, adjusted from the calendar effect, decreased by 5.6 percent, compared to the same period of last year, but rose by 0.6 percent, compared...

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Easter ham traffic remained stable

Consumers continue to purchase Easter ham. Retail sales increased in value by 5 percent, in quantities by 1 percent last year in the March-April season, compared to the previous year's...

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Decreasing trade – increasing black economy

According to the Central Statistical Office; trade sales in January were less than a year earlier. Due to the decline last year, this reflects a very negative consumer market –...

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Decreasing expectations in wages

According to web job site; the expectations of job searchers fell to 166,700 HUF for an average wage in 2010, while in 2009, the expected to average wage was...

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The 102nd Social Store opened in Dombóvár

At the weekend the 102nd social store opened in Dombóvár. In the retail network – that was the initiative established by MAGOSZ – the fruits, vegetables basic foodstuffs of Hungarian...

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Last year a 30 percent decrease in sales of processed fruit occured

According to the president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation and Marketing Council (FruitVeb) less fruit is expected this year than in 2009, although last year, the sector...

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The first self-service warehouse opened in Hungary

Nearly for 50 years, a large part of Americans do not store unnecessary stuff at home, rather in self-service stores. In the specially-built warehouses anyone can rent storage place. The...

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Fruit Logistica: price war without winners

This year’s Fruit Logistica trade fair was held in Berlin, in the middle of February. German retail prices are going down, especially in the discount channel. There is a price...

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Plain sweet and household biscuit sales grew in volume as well

Sweet biscuit retail sales grew by 6 percent in terms of value, in December 2008-November 2009. Volume sales are stable at 25,000 tons, according to the Nielsen Retail Index. The...

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The crisis brought numerous bankruptcies

Earlier forecasts about an economic upturn in the second part of 2010 might turn out to be wrong and the situation is rather volatile – says the director of. Coface...

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A day of recreation

Despite the difficulties 2009 brought there were success stories in the FMCG sector. Karrier és Stílus Tanácsadó Kft. held a conference on 3 February, titled ‘The road to success’ to...

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Everything for the little ones

Despite the number of babies born decreasing, the selection of baby products is widening. Krisztina Antal, Nestlé Hungária Kft.’s trade marketing manager is of the opinion that young mothers do...

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Brand building is rewarding on the biscuit market

Sweet biscuits have been developing constantly in the past couple of years. This year growth stalled, but Nielsen’s data indicate that there is no need to panic. Private labels’ dominance...

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Convenience in Europe

Which products do consumers prefer, where do they buy them and when do they buy them? The Convenience & Marketing Department of the European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel published a...

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Retail done the Asian way

It is best to spend the winter where the sun shines and the weather is warm, so in November we decided to start the year in the Far East. Singapore...

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Retro 4 (in memoriam listing)

Since Act 95/2009 on the prohibition of unfair market conduct by the suppliers of the food product life cycle entered into force, several conciliation meetings were organised by the trade....

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Lower biscuit and wafer sales than a year before

According to GfK Hungária’s Consumer Scan survey, in the November 2008-October 2009 period Hungarian households bought 11 percent less sweet biscuits than a year earlier. Biscuit selection, honey macaroon and...

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Private labels leap forward

When we bought food last year, almost every 4th Forint was spent on private label products – this amounted to HUF 300 billion, according to Nielsen. In the case of...

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Wincor Nixdorf, the stronghold of cutting edge technology

One thousand Forints in the cash register is only worth 930 for a food store. The missing amount is the average cost of handling. New CINEO cash management systems, developed...

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Evil rates

From retail’s point of view, the most important question last year was whether the decline in demand and turnover already hit rock bottom or it could still go lower? Another...

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