
Hungarian wines won at the world's highest wine competition

Eight Hungarian wineries were awarded at the world's most prestigious wine competition the VINITALY of Verona. The International Wine Competition (Concors Enologico Internazionale) also known as the world's strictest wine...

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Wonder Cofee competition at the Wonderful Coffee exhibition

The Wonderful Coffee exhibition will debut on the 23rd of April with the introduction of substantial brands and with the participation of companies, which have more than half of the...

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Billions for the small and medium-sized enterprises

The Hungarian Development Bank Ltd. approved nearly 304 billion HUF new loans, until the 5th of April, in the scope of the business lending programs. The bank between the 29th...

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The level of agricultural prices increased

The level of agricultural prices increased in February 2010 by 0.2 percent, over the same period the previous year. Including herbal products, the price level rose by 2 percent, the...

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The multinational stores would not close on Sunday due to the customers

The opinion of the Hungarian chains are various about the limitation of the opening hours on Sundays. According to the opponents; the limitation is contrary to the interests of the...

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Russian economy renewal?

The Russian economy may expand by 8.3 percent annually, due to domestic demand and aluminum prices in the second quarter – said the Moscow-based Renaissance Capital. In its earlier forecast...

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Decreaseing unemployment rate in the Czech Republic

Unemployment decreased slightly in the Czech Republic in March: the rate declined by 0.2 percentage points to 9.7 percent. According to the datas of the Labour Ministry, 556 thousand people...

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Increasing costumer conscioussness in the purchasing decisions

We are willing to visit more chains in a hope of a better offer. According to the analysis of GfK Hungária; a slow but clear change can be observed in...

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The competitiveness index in Hungary has improved

GKI and Microsoft released its competitiveness and business environment index of March. The Competitiveness Index (Vex) stagnated in the Czech Republic, in the fourth quarter of 2009, increased in the...

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Deficit occured in China's foreign trade – for the first time in 6 years

China's foreign trade balance showed a 7.24 billion dollar a deficit in March, for the first time since April 2004. In March, Chinese exports increased by 24.3, imports by 66.0...

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Tax controls: 130 million fine for shopkeepers

To sum up the Tax and Financial Control Office’s investigations between 16th of March and the 5th of April; more than 6 thousand tests resulted in 130 million HUF fines...

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0.5 percent GDP growth forecasts for 2010

According to the latest foorecast of the Pénzügykutató; 0.5 percent increase in gross domestic product (GDP) can be expected and a 4.2 percent inflation rate. The projection assumes with nearly...

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Political parties agree about most issues in agricultural policy

Hungarian political parties may disagree in nearly all important matters, however, their agricultural policy views are rather similar.  They all would like to limit the power of hipermarkets, integrate domestic...

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The crisis is not yet over according to Coface

Bad news from the euro-zone: the crisis will take a while to end, according to the latest Coface report.One year after Coface's positioning as an international financial rating agency, specialised...

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The De Kuyper mixer competition has ended

This year, the De Kuyper Best Bartender of the Year competition was held for the fifth time. Twenty-four young mixers, took part in the competition.The competition was won by Csatlós...

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Still waiting for the candidates of SME days

Between the 15th of May and the 1st of June the European Commission will launch the second edition of the European SME Week. The international event aims to promote entrepreneurship...

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Industrial production increased by 8.4 percent

In February, the volume of industrial production adjusted by both seasonally and working day-effect, decreased by 1.7 percent compared to the previous month, and was 8.4 percent higher than in...

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The crisis has not yet ended in Europe

According to the World Bank; the ten recently acceded Members of the European Union, can expect a 1.6 percent GDP growth, but not in all of the countries. The EU10...

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Alimentaria brings together more than 140,000 agents from the sector

Alimentaria 2010 closed its doors last 26th, leaving a good taste in the mouth of all involved. With final numbers still to come, the show succeeded in bringing in 140,542...

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The growth of liquidations slows down

According to the datas of Opten company information provider; businesses are still in a difficult situation, however, the growth of liquidations slows down. In the first quarter of this year...

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Last year the decline in the number of food stores have stopped

The Nielsen market research company registered a total of 19 900 general food stores in Hungary, at the end of the year, almost the same as a year earlier. The...

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This year the Agricultural Marketing Centre focuses on inland

More than two thirds of the marketing programs of the Agricultural Marketing Centre will be domestic programs. The foreign appearance this year is limited to the countries with priority market....

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Economic policy dilemmas

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. prepared in co-operation with Erste Bank in 2010 the Hungarian economy will be close to stagnation, recovery with modest GDP growth...

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The Russian economy increases

The Russian economy grew in this year's first quarter the first time since 2008. According to the calculations of the VTB bank giant; in the first three months of 2010,...

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Descending Czech retail datas

The Czech retail sales continued to decline in February, but in a lesser extent than in January – reported the Czech Statistical Office on Tuesday. The February – 2.1 percent...

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