
Sága-research on Hungarian women – less housework and more time with the family

The study made by Sága Foods Plc. reveals that seven out of ten women wishes to spend less time with cooking and more time with her family. The aim of...

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E-bills can save us a trillion

If the Hungarian companies switched to e-billing, our economy would get rid of 400 millions of paper bills and it could evade a cost of four billion euros with savings...

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Shopping addict men

A German study claims that men can also become shopping addicts. The logos stimulated the rewarding system brain areas. Scientists have analyzed the brain activities of men susceptible of shopping...

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The EU about to export fruit more easily to Russia

The European Union has made a revolutionary agreement with Russia – they have unified the regulations regarding the maximum allowed amount of pesticides in food. The agreement concerns fruits like...

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Destination centers instead of malls

For retail real estate development it is no longer enough to have a clean concept. The developers need to examine the shopping habbits, the purchasing power and the location of...

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Cool weather is not favourable for beer consumption

After last year’s throw-back of 90%, the cool early summer further worsened the sales statistics. It can not be foreclosed the by the time of annual data comparison, there will...

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No more ’ten-eggs’ or ’four-apples’?

The latest proposal of the European Parliament would put an end to food distribution based on number of pieces. Instead, the volume of the product would be indicated on the...

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American consumers are optimistic

Consumer sentiment in the US has reached an unexpected peak since January 2008. Besides, the number of layoffs has remarkably decreased since the same period last year. The Michigan consumer...

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VAT rise in Romania

The amount of the value-added tax has been increased from 19 to 24 percent in Romania according to a governmental decision. The immediate tax increase was neccessary, because the Romanian...

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The majority, benefitted from globalization

The survey of Ipsos, that was made for with the participation of 18,624 adult respondents, living in 24 countries, representing the 75 percent of the world's GDP. In context...

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U.S. growth datas were smaller than expected

Compared to the first estimations; U.S. GDP grew by 2.7 percent annually in the the first quarter – reports the U.S. Ministry of Commerce. In late April, the ministry has...

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The shrinkage of retail continues

The volume of retail sales – adjusted from calendary effect – decreased by 4.7, percent in the first four months of 2010 and by 5 percent in April, compared to...

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Interactivity at this year’s Kiosk Europe Expo and Digital Signage Expo

KIOSK EUROPE EXPO 2010 and DIGITAL SIGNAGE EXPO 2010 reaffirm their status as the leading exhibitions concerned with interactivity and digital signage and demonstrate that innovation in these two industries...

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How we can distill pálinka

Although many hoped that anyone can buy fruits on the market and distill pálinka on balconies or in garages – at least according to the national ministry’s proposals there will...

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Euro area is slowing down

The preliminary estimates suggest that the growth in the euro area slowed in June, both in the the manufacturing and services sectors. The performance of the manufacturing index was 55.6...

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Slovakian customers rush still not coming

The weakening of the forint not yet excited those euro-paying customers, who live near the Hungarian-Slovakian border on the Slovak side. In the recent weeks Hungarians had to get used...

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Product labeling: the producers are satisfied, the consumer protection is not

The food industry lobby won – say the consumer protectionists, who sharply criticized the new rules of the European Union, over food products labeling. The scheme is that all countries...

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ÉFOSZ made a denouncement

The food industral lobby organisation denunced three chain of stores, because they think they violated the law. Datas were collecting for weeks. According to the informations of the Népszabadság;  ÉFOSZ...

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Brand building and community sites

Consumers are more likely to visit the web site of a packed product, than became the followers of the brand on Twitter or on Facebook – shows the online survey...

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No reduction in renting fees in the shopping markets

Jones Lang LaSalle presents the latest Shopping Market Rental Map, which illustrates the current market conditions in Europe, taking an insight into the rent levels of the major shopping centers...

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Wine lovers drink wine instead of beer during the word cup

According to the survey of Varga Winery and; more than 70 percent of the wine lovers drinks wine or wine and soda, instead of beer, even during the football...

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The success of Hungarian wines in the 11th VinAgora International Wine Competition

The 11th VinAgora International Wine Competition was held between the 17th and the 20th of June in Visegrád, which received 552 wine samples from 21 countries. The event is among...

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Waste coordinating union was founded

The RECOMPLEX founded by the eight leading domestic selective collection and recovery coordinating organisations, offering a complex service of selective collection and recovery. The RECOMPLEX Treatment Organizations Coordinating Association deals...

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New concept for the pálinka distilling

The planned domestic legislation of pálinka distillation envisaged by the government, contradicts the EU law. According to the plans of the goverment the new regulation would treat pálinka as not...

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Hungarian company to build hotel complex at a Serbia Cave

Hungarian company is also interested in the hotel complex that will be built at the eastern Serbian Resavska cave – informed the competent office of Despotovac district. The Resavskai Cave...

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This year's cherry crop has poor quality

The harvested cherry is larger, but has a lower quality. The harvest in Nagykörű, which known as the cherry garden of the country is near completion. As far as sales...

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Business sentiment in Germany is on its two year peak

In Germany, the index, indicating the business sentiment, increased to its two year peak in June. According to the communication of the Ifo Economic Research Institute, released on Tuesday in...

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We are still not closer to the EU average after seven years

According to preliminary datas of the European Union's statistical office in Hungary last year, the per capita GDP was the 63 percentn of the EU average. his also means that...

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The qualification requirements were abolished in several commercial professions

One of the last step of the Bajnai government was the abolition of qualification requirements, at a part of the commercial professions. According to the trade unions; these steps downgrade...

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The Agrobank and the Compensation Fund can help the flooded farmers

The agriculture sector could be the biggest loser of this year’s flooding – said Font Sándor the chairman of the agriculture committee of the National Assembly in Duna TV’s morning...

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