
Coffee in a hundred different ways

On 23-25 April, Magyar Kávétársaság Kft. organised the Marvellous Coffee trade fair. Bravos, Pellini, Mauro, Musetti, SaraLee, Semiramis, Pasco and Nestle were all present. The event’s objective was to facilitate...

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Food prices stepped on the brake

In March 2010, the monthly average consumer price increase was 0.7 percent, but compared with March 2009 prices were up by 5.9 percent On average, prices were 6 percent higher...

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Larger packaging units experienced a bigger decline

Data from GfK Hungária’s ConsumerScan indicates that 40 percent of Hungarian households bought some kind of family size ice cream in 2009. The average household purchased this cold delicacy 6...

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Category identifying placement

Energy drink category is a dynamically expanding one, which has been growing by two-digit numbers for years. Balázs Ruip, Red Bull Hungária Kft.’s trade marketing manager told our magazine that...

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Firsthand market research

Firsthand market research data’ was the title of Trade Marketing Club’s meeting on 15 April in the BKIK headquarters. Leading experts from GfK, Nielsen and Ipsos analysed the past year...

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Industrial prices decreased

lthough in February 2010 industrial export prices were 0.9 percent higher than in the previous month, they were 5.4 percent lower in comparison with February 2009. Prices in the food...

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Growth in terms of both value and volume

The Nielsen Retail Index revealed that mineral water’s market position strengthened in retail: in April 2009-March 2010 value sales improved by 3 percent and neared HUF 47 billion, while Nielsen...

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They are the best in promotion

Trade magazin, in cooperation with Nielsen and with support from POPAI Hungary and Trade Marketing Club organised its promotion competition. Manufacturers and promotion agencies competed in 5 categories (food, drink,...

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Members of the food chain are more disciplined year by year

In Hungary people’s trust in food products has never been shaken. Not even six years ago, during the paprika scandal. Nevertheless, the bird flue did some harm to chicken farmers....

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Inflation in Hungary is the highest

In February 2010, in the EU-27 consumer prices were 1.4 percent higher on average, compared to prices in February 2009. The biggest increase was measured in Hungary (5.6 percent) and...

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This year’s mineral water season may bring elevated prices

Last year mineral water sales were the only one to increase among high-volume non-alcoholic thirst quenchers: the category improved by nearly 5 percent, in a large part due to a...

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Consumer trust

Food safety is important for every second Hungarian in deciding where to do their shopping, informs a Nielsen survey. Six out of ten Hungarians think the products they buy in...

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Industry in the EU shows signs of recovery

Eurostat’s report indicates that in the last quarter of 2009 the economy of the eurozone was stagnating. However, the annual decline of 2.2 percent was bigger than expected. In January...

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Whitening toothpaste is stable in popularity

Toothpaste volume and value retail sales grew only in hypermarkets and in the 201-400 m²-channel in March 2009-February 2010 – the Nielsen Retail Index informs us. Hypermarkets’ value share reached...

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Rapid alerts

RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) operates in the member states of the EU. Through this system member states report to the European Commission if human health hazards...

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Variations on eco-bottle

Andrew Kim, an 18-year old designer unveiled a new concept, which uses squared Coca-Cola bottles that can be folded when empty – they become up to two-thirds smaller than when...

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The teeth situation

Hungarian people’s oral hygiene is still below par. Márton Pál, brand builder with Unilever Magyarország Kft. shared some data with us: toothbrush usage is 1/person/year, toothpaste consumption is 3 tubes...

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Heartening domestic retail data

According to KSH’s report, after a 0.6-percent growth in January, retail turnover in Hungary stagnated in February, but the annual downturn diminished from 5.6 to 4.3 percent. In terms of...

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Cheese in chocolate-type multi-block form

Chunka Cheese’s experts had two things in mind when they created a cheese block design that is similar to a chocolate bloc or bar: convenience and simplicity. Smaller sections of...

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Functionality gets a leg up

The economic recession hit the foot care category hard, buyers were forced to make decisions by looking at the prices only, which resulted in a fallback amongst premium brands. Renáta...

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Hungarian pigs cannot cope with competition

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) continuously monitors and publishes world trends in poultry and fruit/vegetable products. Their last report reveals that this year we can expect a global growth...

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These days one of the strongest consumer trends is transparency. US company Original Beans plants a tree after every bar of chocolate they sell. Documents in the packaging indicate the...

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Shoe care brands are strong

The Nielsen Retail Index registered 13 percent lower value sales in shoe care product retail, while volume sales were 20 percent lower in comparison with the previous year. Average price...

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The first quarter of the European food retailing was successful

The recovery from the crisis continued in the food retailing of the developed European countries: store turnover increased by 4, percent in value and 1 percent in volume, compared to...

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The foreign suppliers are cautious with the Hungarian firms

According to the Atradius Credit insurance; the rate of late and non payments is the hihest ever in Western Europe in early 2010, so businesses increasingly turned to claim managers....

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One shopping center for nineteen thousand Pécs inhabitants

Among the five big cities of Hungary (Debrecen, Győr, Miskolc, Pécs and Szeged), the highest number of shopping centers are in Pécs, the least in Debrecen, Miskolc, and (yet) in...

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Goats and sheeps may escape from the electronic chip

The European Parliament (EP), adopted the Hungarian amendment that the individual electronic identification (chip) should not be a mandatory in the cases of goats and sheeps under the age of...

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Consumer confidence is on its ten-month nadir in China

In April consumer sentiment decreases for the second month, which can be associated with the government measures taken against economic overheating. China's consumer confidence index decreased by 1.3 points to...

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Several billion storm damages hit the agricultural sector

The weekend rain caused several billion HUF damage to the country's agriculture. According to the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture, more than 150 thousand hectares are under water. After the near...

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Butter has been getting more expensive for weeks now

The price of butter increases for weeks now at the international markets, in some places the price rises were about 30 percent. The global demand for butter increases at the...

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