
Prices in the food industry climbed 10 percent

Domestic sales prices in the food industry were up 0.3 percent from the previous month in May 2011 and if we compare them with May 2010 we can see a...

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Everything will be mixed

Liefmans cherry beer is also used for making low-alcohol cocktails. It has a special flavour in itself, but with the addition of orange juice and whisky or white rum and...

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Alcohol and tobacco excise tax will increase

The government insists on reducing the state debt – said Prime Minister Orbán Viktor after the cabinet meeting held in Lovasberény. Matolcsy György Economy Minister told that the excise duties...

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The MSSZ worries for the Hungarian pig sector

The Hungarian pig Association (MSSZ) continues its demonstration in the autumn, if substantive sector decisions will not be made – told Sákán Antal, president in the organization's communication. According to...

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During the summer, the purchasing price of eggs increased significantly in the EU

According to the report of the European Commission; the purchasing price of eggs increased significantly in July and inAugust. The current EU average price is 117 euros per one hundred...

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Eating insects against food shortages?

Brussels experts believe that eating insects could solve the food shortage in an environmentally friendly way. The meat of beetles, worms and other reptiles is low in fat and cholesterol....

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The Ministry of Rural Development would increase the public burden of the quality of drinks

The rural development minister would increase significantly the excise taxe on counterfeit drinks and pálinka imitations. According to Fazekas Sándor, the market would be cleaner if they would raise up...

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The Furmint of the Demetervin winery won the JuniWine title

The 2009 vintage Tokaji Furmint of Demeter Endre has won the JuniWine title, on the basis of the votes of the Junibor association, consists of young winemakers – announced the...

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GMO-tainted croplands and compensations

The government is about to offer farmers compensation of HUF 360 000 per hectare for GMO-tainted cropland, the Ministry of Rural Development informed MTI. The ministry pointed out that the...

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FruitVeB: the vegetables are too expensive

Vegetables are too expensive, even though they should not be – says Mártonffy Béla, the Chairman of FruitVeB Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Board and Interprofessional Organisation. Producers only receive...

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The gross real wage decline continues

Due to the moderate wage increases in 2011, the gross real wages decreased again, so by ignoring the effects of tax changes, the workers' gross wages increased less than the...

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The electronics market has recovered

The industry participants have concluded deals worth of 3.5 billion euros in Berlin during the IFA consumer electronics and domestic exhibition and fair lasted until the 7th of September –...

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Fifty million forint-improvement by the mineral water bottling company

A fifty million forint-improvement has been carried out by mineral water producer and bottler VitaQuelle Co. in the company's outlet in Vasszilvágy. The Győr-based company is owned by Balázs Matusz,...

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The price of cooking oil may reach 500 HUF per liter

Already there are a few parcels, where the sunflower harvest began, in the next few weeks, the plants will be harvested from more than half a million hectares. The sunflower...

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Euro zone retail sales decreased

In an annual comparision, Euro zone retail sales in June became worse than expected, while the monthly data shows an increase. Compared to the same period of last year, retail...

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AMC: the Danube wine region campaign has ended

The major nationwide campaign of the Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC), that was launched to promote the wine region of the Danube has ended. The campaign has achieved its main goal:...

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Outstanding year for tobacco-growers in Hungary

The best tobacco harvest is coming this year in Hungary, both when it comes to quantity and quality – Illés Berényi, president of Hungarian Tobacco Growers Association (MADOSZ) informed MTI...

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Budavári Winefestival begins on Wednesday – what about used corks?

Following the example set by a number of foreign campaigns, this is the first time in Hungary that used corks will be collected selectively within the compass of this year's...

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Virtual supermarkets in the Shanghai underground

Shanghai is following in Seoul's footsteps by creating more shopping opportunities for metro commuters. Yihaodian, China's leading online grocery store, introduced “virtual supermarkets” to Shanghai's metro stations earlier this week....

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OKSZ: retail consumption decreased in 2010 or not?

There's a contradiction between Matolcsy György's words over the halt occurred in the fall of domestic consumption two years ago – states the article of According to the article;...

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The Hungarian product regulation will not come into force this year?

The Hungarian product regulation of the Ministry of Rural Development may only come into force early next year – wrote the Magyar Nemzet on Friday. The reason may be, that...

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The dynamics of foreign trade is slowing down

The significant slowdown in June's export and import growth caused no surprise to analysts polled by MTI, who believed in the year as a whole, the trade surplus may reach...

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The Thummerer Winery of Noszvaj became the Winery of the Year

The Thummerer Winery of Noszvaj, that belongs to the Eger wine region became the Winery of the Year in 2011. Thummerer Vilmos received the recognition on Thursday in Noszvaj. MTI...

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Digital communication and instore realisations – take your chance and participate!

On the third day of our Business Days conference in Tapolca we will discuss the topics of digital communication and the extended world of in-store realisations. GfK Market Research prepares...

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Magazine: Food safety will be a key issue with insurance policies too

The credit crisis is a major concern for insurance companies because companies react to the lack of liquidity by cutting costs, therefore many companies reduced their insurance coverage and undertook...

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Hungarian e-commerce seeing dynamic growth

In 2010, Hungarian online e-commerce has seen a synamic expansion – GKIeNet's survey of August 2011 pointed out. It covers roughly 1.8 percent of the total retail sales in Hungary,...

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Festival in Székesfehérvár for conscious customers

The major focus of the first Conscious Customer Festival is going to be centered around local food and handmade products. The event takes place in Székesfehérvár on 4th September, whereas...

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The quarter of online shoppers buy FMCG products also online

The online growth of daily consumer goods sales, exceededs the online market growth rate, despite the fact that only the piper and cosmetics category increased compared to 2010 – shows...

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The number of consumer complaints have reached seven thousand

In the capital, until the end of August a close to two thousand consumer complaints arrived to the Conciliation Board against about 600 companies – was announced at the Budapest...

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Farmers' market opened in the 10th district

Hungarian farmers' market was opened on Wednesday in the Liget square, 10th district,  Budapest, where products of Hungarian farmers are sold. Rural Development Minister Fazekas Sándor in his opening speach...

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