
Magazine: Celebrities in-store and in hailstorm

On 2 June Trade Marketing Club members convened for their traditional season starting barbeque party. Due to a heavy downfall participants were forced to find shelter inside Szépkilátás confectionery. Zewa,...

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Many people wait for the last days to purchase school supplies

Hungarians usually get their back to school shopping done during the summer, but 20 percent of the population waits for the last days before school starts to purchase everything for...

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Get zoo-tickets for selectively collected cartons

Selectively collected beverage cartons are worth free children's ticket to the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden on September 10th and 11th. Now everybody who brings at least 10 empty milk-...

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Retail area will increase by six million square meters until 2013 in the Central European countries

The countries of the region will increase retail space to its one and a halffold by 2013. Romania and Bulgaria, rumbles, while Hungary is progressing very slowly. The Bulgarian and...

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New EU rules about tobacco production

On 16 June 2011, the Commission launched a new campaign, Ex-smokers are Unstoppable, to encourage young adults in the 25 to 34 age group to stop smoking. The campaign shifts...

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35 new Hungarian products added to the Hungarian Traditions – Tastes – Regions collection

35 products were added to the traditional Hungarian Traditions – Tastes – Regions collection, bringing the total number of products bearing the trademark to 83. Typical Hungarian and special regional...

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The strong Swiss franc affects the chocolate and emmental export badly

The best-selling daily consumer goods manufacturers the chocolate and emmental cheese manufacturer Swiss-firms feel mostly the effect of the strong Swiss franc. Due to the decline in their exports, their...

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Extensive collaboration against tobacco smuggling and counterfeiting

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) signed an agreement with the member companies of the Hungarian Tobacco Industry (MDSZ) and with the Philip Morris Hungary Ltd. to prevent the...

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Wine replaces beer in the Castle of Buda

The 1st Beer Festival in the Castle of Buda opened yesterday and stays open to the visitors until Sunday evening. The visitors can taste more than one hundred types of...

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Magazine: private label products are unstoppable

PLMA’s World of Private Label, the biggest annual private label product trade show in Europe was held in Amsterdam on 24-25 May 2011, with 3,600 exhibitor stands from 70 countries...

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NGM: fixing the exchange rate may prevent a dramatic fall in consumption

The Hungarian government did not anticipate that as a result of the dramatically strengthened Swiss franc, consumption would fall – said the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) to MTI. The...

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Chips-tax can be avoided with new recipes

Where it is possible, the manufacturers are developing new recipes to avoid the chips-tax. The salt grains ncan win, energy drinks may fall – reports Index, after Figyelő. Perhaps the...

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The payment deadline reduces at the domestic firms

The survey results among the domestic businesses show that in the last quarter, the deadline for payment of customer bills towards small and medium-sized enterprises decreased. The expectations are appear...

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The retail property market remained stable

Hungary's retail real estate market continues to show signs of stability in the first half of 2011, after having reached this state last year. “The market participants have adapted to...

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The number of chip bankcards increased by almost two-thirds

The spread of the EMV chip bank cards accelerated in Hungary: at the end of the first half their number reached 4.65 million this is the 53 percent of ther...

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Huge price drops may come in Swiss shops

The retail chains of Switzerland foreseen a significant food price reduction: due to the very strong franc, many customers spend money in Germany and France. According to the informations of...

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National Chocolate Festival in Szerencs for the fourth time

The National Chocolate Festival awaits the guests from inland and abroad on the last weekend of August in Szerencs for the fourth time. After the success of the past three...

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Magazine: An increase in prices and more promotions characterised the wet condiment market

What is new on the wet condiment market? Well, premium brands managed to evade a significant decline in sales and private labels were getting stronger – only the medium category...

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Retail sales fall again

The volume of retail sales – on the basis of the calendar-adjusted datas – in June 2011 declined by 0.5% and essentially stagnant in the first half of the year,...

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The heat wave brought massive mineral water and beer sales

The beer and mineral water are consumed more often in the heat. In the stores surveyed by MTI 20-30 percent more was consumed of these drinks in recent days, and...

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Domestic melon consumption accelerated

50 percent of the about 180 thousand tons of the produced watermelons were consumed by the Hungarians this year. Thanks to the successwful watermelon promotion, the domestic consumption increased significantly....

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Milk consumption can increase in long-term, in short term the sector's survival is at stake

Although according to the projections; domestic milk consumption can increase in long-term, it is unlikely to reassure the farmers of Somogy county – writes Expensive feed, surging purchase prices...

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GFK: Schoolbags and notebooks sell well

In the current economic situation, a successful season is particularly appreciated, and the start of school is one of these times. The beginning of the school year opens up new...

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More than half of the population would not spend more than 10 000 HUF on school supplies

53 percent of the population is not willing to spend more on school supplies than 10 000 HUF, and 50 percent of those asked are waiting for a state support...

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The Agricultural Days near the Rába will debut next weekend

The Agricultural Days near the Rába will be held for the first time next weekend – that was announced at the event's press conference in Győr. About sixty exhibitors will...

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Sales are distributed evenly

Spice retail sales grew by 1 percent in April 2010-March 2011, from the previous comparable period. Volume sales were down 1 percent on the HUF 13-billion market. In 2009 manufacturer...

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VAT on food will not reduce next year

In medium terms VAT on food, will not be reduced, the case was removed from the agenda of the government – reports Népszabadság. In the spring, the rural development ministry...

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Looking for the cheap, canned beers

The big losers of last year were the glass packed, and alcohol-free beers were, but overall, the total domestic beer market was shrinking in 2010, as in previous years. Within...

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Ministry of Rural Development: goose liver at the Anuga is a success for the Hungarian agricultural diplomacy

Diplomats in charge for the Hungarian agricultural information gathering and lobbying achieved to remove the ban on goose liver at the Cologne Fair trade – told the Ministry of Rural...

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ZEW-index: German economic sentiment fell

In August, a significant deterioration occurred in the economic sentiment in Germany – shows the survey of ZEW. The main index decreased from -15.1 points to -37.6 points (a level...

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