
Stagnating business and deteriorating consumer expectations

In June GKI-Erste economic confidence index adjusted for seasonal effects continued to deteriorate. According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI with the support of the EU business expectations remained...

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The beer market can get through the nadir

On the basis of the experiences of the first six months, the ten years lasting decline of the domestic beer market seems to slow down, the domestic brewers are hoping...

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Are Egypt, fenugreek seeds responsible for the diarrheal epidemic?

According to the latest report of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; the diarrheal epidemic that infected in Germany and France, are due to seeds imported from Egypt...

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The Four Paws attacks again

The Four Paws Animal protection organization has launched an attack on, among other things, against the Hungarian goose liver and against thedomestic goose breeders. Their action was successful in Cologne,...

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Plaza Stop in the guise of sustainability?

According to the proposed amendment of the commercial law; the firms from January, should obtain the approval of the Professional Board for Sustainable Trade (FKSZT) if they want to open...

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The poultry sector expects modest growth with a 270 billion HUF in revenue

The poultry sector will achieve an expected 6-7 percent revenue growth, this year. Revenues are expected around 270 billion HUF, compared last year's 250 billion – told Bárány László, chairman...

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There are no uniform EU rules for honey

It is an untenable condition, that the Union has no common regulation of allowed antibiotics in honey. For example, the honey, that is “polluted and should be destroyed”, in Hungary...

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A brand festival will be held in October in Budapest

Budapest hosts one of the major branding strategy summit, the BrandFestivalt in October. The two-day event is designed to show the the direction of engagement and brand strategy potential with...

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Instore marketing is facing great expectations

Even though 85 percent of the decisions made by FMCG-customers are made in the store while getting the shopping done, companies only spend a bare five percent of the marketing-budget...

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FruitVeB campaign for Hungarian melon

The Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation and Marketing Board (FruitVeB) launches a promotional campaign amounting to 10 million HUF in early July, to encourage the sale of the Hungarian...

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When we cannot obtain food for our money

Each year, the production of agricultural products is short of consumption, so at the main agricultural products with the stock levels decreased to a low level. According to Jim Rogers,...

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Danube Wineregion will be re-positioned

Hungary's greatest winegrowing area, Danube Wineregion is going to be re-positioned by Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC) soon – a press conference was centered around this opic on Thursday where joutnalists had...

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A further decline in German retail sales

German retail sales fell sharply in May, instead of the expected modest growth, while the revised April figure showed stagnation, contrary to the previously published 0.6 percent expansion. In May,...

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Competition Office fines milling companies for cartel activity

The Competition Office of Hungary (GVH) fined three Hungarian milling companies a combined HUF 50 million for cartel activity. The companies – H&T Kft., SIKER Malomipari Zrt., and Szecseny-Mill Kft....

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Even the European Union supports protein-rich diets

When you're talking about trying to build lean muscle tissue or “bulk up,” you've probably heard that protein-rich diets can help you gain muscle. It's true that protein does contribute...

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Mobile solutions to boost business opportunities

MobilCom Day, organized by GS1 proved to be a success in 35 countries of the world, in three time-zones from Japan to the USA. Hungarian TElekom was the home to...

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The petitioners of the chips-tax do not support the governmental amendments

According to the most recent proposal of Fidesz, the public health product tax would enter into force after the approval of the European Commission (EC). Koszorús László (Fidesz) submitted his...

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KSH: unemployment decreased to 11 percent

According to the Central Statistiical Office (KSH): the unemployment rate declined in Hungary with a further 0.4 percentage points to 11 percent, in the March-May, and the number of employees...

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The rich Chinese province will debut in Budapest

The CBTC (China Brand Trade Center) opens in Budapest on the 29th of June 2011 with Zhejiang Branded Products exhibition and with Business Forum. The CBTC offers the opportunity for...

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Consumers are optimistic in Europe's largest economy

German consumer confidence improved in July. The predicted July index became 5.7 points, after the 5.6 points of June. The increase on an annual basis is particularly significant: in last...

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CID income and customer index list for 2010

CID Cég-Info Kft. has been publishing its fact-based list of income- and customer index for marketing purposes since 1998. Here is last year's list: CID list 2010...

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International FMCG-tradeshows

EME organises a wide range of trade exhibitions and consumer events with supporting conferences, special feature areas and additional attractions for both exhibitors and visitors. It operates in a wide...

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PROFEL material to be downloaded

The material of April 29th Brussels-based PROFEL can be downloaded here: PROFEL 2011...

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Both consumer confidence and propensity to buy increase

Confidence Index, the Consumer Expectations Index and the Propensity to Buy Index have increased in the 2nd quarter of 2011. Slightly fewer people expect unemployment to grow, and inflationary expectations...

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An MP of Fidesz would exempt cocoa powder from the chips-tax

A law amendment would remove the cocoa powder from the public health product tax. According to the law amendment of Koncz Ferenc (Fidesz); cocoa powder would not fallen under the...

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More and more retailers bankrupt

3.3 percent of the domestic retail companies were closed last year, far more than in the other sectors. In the first part of 2010 and 2011 the number of bankruptcies...

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From Friday an EU regulation will make pizza and cake more expensive

From the 1st of July a 25 percent VAT should be charged in restaurants after cakes and pizzas – published the tax authority for the request of Pé If someone...

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Hungary can be China's Central European Gate

Hungary can gain a prominent place in Central Europe, if the country will become China's central European logistics and trading center. Due to the Hungarian-Chinese agreements signed during the weekend,...

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Parliamentary committee set up to examine the privatization of the sugar industry

The parliament set up a committee on Monday, in order to examine the privatization of the sugar factories. The proposal of Font Sándor, Ivanics Ferenc és Sebestyén Lászó was adopted...

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Naturalma program for organic apple-growing

The Naturalma program promotes disease resistant dessert apple varieties in Hungary. For those who plants apples suitable for organic production it is not required to switch to organic farming, but...

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