
International FMCG-tradeshows

EME organises a wide range of trade exhibitions and consumer events with supporting conferences, special feature areas and additional attractions for both exhibitors and visitors. It operates in a wide...

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PROFEL material to be downloaded

The material of April 29th Brussels-based PROFEL can be downloaded here: PROFEL 2011...

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Both consumer confidence and propensity to buy increase

Confidence Index, the Consumer Expectations Index and the Propensity to Buy Index have increased in the 2nd quarter of 2011. Slightly fewer people expect unemployment to grow, and inflationary expectations...

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An MP of Fidesz would exempt cocoa powder from the chips-tax

A law amendment would remove the cocoa powder from the public health product tax. According to the law amendment of Koncz Ferenc (Fidesz); cocoa powder would not fallen under the...

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More and more retailers bankrupt

3.3 percent of the domestic retail companies were closed last year, far more than in the other sectors. In the first part of 2010 and 2011 the number of bankruptcies...

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From Friday an EU regulation will make pizza and cake more expensive

From the 1st of July a 25 percent VAT should be charged in restaurants after cakes and pizzas – published the tax authority for the request of Pé If someone...

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Hungary can be China's Central European Gate

Hungary can gain a prominent place in Central Europe, if the country will become China's central European logistics and trading center. Due to the Hungarian-Chinese agreements signed during the weekend,...

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Parliamentary committee set up to examine the privatization of the sugar industry

The parliament set up a committee on Monday, in order to examine the privatization of the sugar factories. The proposal of Font Sándor, Ivanics Ferenc és Sebestyén Lászó was adopted...

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Naturalma program for organic apple-growing

The Naturalma program promotes disease resistant dessert apple varieties in Hungary. For those who plants apples suitable for organic production it is not required to switch to organic farming, but...

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Health care businesses need more consciousness

1st July is the day of Hungarian health care – thus it is an excellent opportunity to take a closer look at the way this sector keeps changing. THe main...

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A Stable Agricultural Market is in the Interests of the EU and Hungary

Stable agricultural markets and predictable prices are in the interests of both the EU and Hungary – said Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas, summarising the discussions held during the...

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The public health product taxes would be applied on five product groups

According to the proposal, that was submitted to the parliament on Friday by two MPs of Fidesz; the so-called hamburger tax would be applied on five product groups. After she...

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Chocolate prices may increase by 20 percent this summer

After the price increase of sugar, the chocolate will soon be a luxury item. Within a few weeks we have to pay more for candies. Hungarians last year consumed 60...

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So far only five countries can export vegetables to the Russian market, Hungary is not among them

The Russian authorities permits the restarting of vegetable exports for five countries. Hungary is not among these countries yet. The Russian consumer rights supervision can permit the restarting of vegetable...

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The Ministry of Rural Development considers banning of some unhealthy food products

Some unhealthy foods would be banned from the Hungarian market and their sale would be pushed back with economic tools – said Ángyán József, State Secretary of the Ministry of...

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Three wines won the Veszprém County's Wine recognition

The top quality wines of Veszprém county have been selected: Among the 36 wines of 23 experts a total of 14 were found worthy for the final jury, three of...

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European Commission: the dietary food denomination should be deleted

According to the concept of the European Commission; the dietary food denomination should be deleted to fill in the legislative gaps of the EU, and to restrict the companies' access...

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A good harvest is coming

Winegrowers can take it easy now: seems like this year's harvest is going to be successful. Hungarian winegrowers can reach a total of 3.5 million hectoliter wine-harvest in 2011, according...

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Thousands of jobs might be created by Chinese companies in Hungary

The parties attending the plenary session of the Hungarian-Chinese Joint Economic Committee in Hungarian Parliament on 22 June 2011 discussed new initiatives with the aim of expanding and intensifying bilateral...

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José Graziano da Silva of Brazil elected FAO Director-General

José Graziano da Silva of Brazil was elected Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today. Graziano da Silva, who is 61, received a total of 92 votes...

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New competition by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN

2567-CIO – Information & Communications Technology Officer P-4 Deadline: 21st July 2011. The entire material can be downloaded here…...

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Four Hungarian FMCG-companies to be closed

The so-called hamburgertax is going to affect all products containing too much sugar, salt or coffein. This way, companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestlé or Chio will have to pay an...

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Hungarian candy industry is facing a bitter year

The new hamburgertax – officially called national health care product-tax – offers a bitter year for the Hungarian Sweets Industry, especially considering that incredients have also faced a rather significant...

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Retail sales decreased by half percent in the first four months

The retail shops – on the basis of the calendary adjusted datas – in April 2011 had 1.3 percent sales volume, compared to April 2011. Retail turnover in the first...

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Consumption and and consumer confidence are still weak

The retail sales are below the expectations, that can be threat on the growth prospects of the Hungarian economy – says Suppan Gergely senior analyst of TakarékBank. Retail sales were...

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EU food labeling: nutrient composition will be indicated on prepackaged food

The Member States supported the compromise on food labeling, which was created between the Hungarian presidency and the European Parliament (EP) – states the Ministry of Rural Development (VM). The...

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The sugar delivered from the state stocks will be 275 HUF per kilogrammes

A decision was made several weeks ago, that the two thousand tons of sugar, from the state stocks will soon be marketed. 1000-1000 tons will be marketed in the stores...

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The IDEA draw conclusions on sales decrease of chips and soft drinks from American experiences

The Institute for Democratic Alternative (IDEA), analyzed the possible scenarios of the introduction of the public health product regulation. The Government intends that the revenues from the new tax would...

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The G20 will fight for the stability of food prices with a joint database

The 20 most advanced economies creates a common database, in which they will inform each other on agriculture, food production, consumption and inventory datas. At the same time, they agreed...

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Almost half of the shopliftings are committed by a criminal organizations

Almost half of the stolen goods from hyper-and supermarkets are by criminal organisations working for orders. The thieves cause tens of billions of forints worth damages every year – reports...

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