
Cheap Ukrainian wheat can break down the prices

The cheap Ukrainian wheat also occured in Hungary, after the traders of the EU applied for permits for the imports  of more than 1.6 million tons of grain in July...

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Vegetarian Festival in the Weekend

Macrobiotic and vegetarian tasting sessions, organic and organic-based product presentations, nutrition specialist lectures, relax and dance lessons and many interesting programs are awaiting the participants of this year's Vegetarian Festival...

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Magazine: margarine plays an important role in shopping frequency

Margarine retail sales declined by 3 percent in both value and volume in the April 2010-March 2011 period, compared with the same period a year before. The annual market was...

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Europe-wide srowth slowdown

As noted in our Eurozone Outlook update, forward-looking PMI indicators clearly signal a sharp slowdown ahead, including in core economies, as shown by the new-orders-to-inventory ratios in the manufacturing sector,...

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Private pension fund real-returns are in banks

A survey carried out on behalf of Budapest Bank and Budapest Alapkezelő found that Hungarian do spend their the real return of their private pension funds, but prefer to place...

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Compensation to Pécs-companies

The municipiality of Pécs is willing to pay compensation fee of 45 million HUF to 38 Pécs-based companies which needed to be closed temporarily due to investments of European Capital...

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Farmer Expo attracted 30 thousand visitors

Over 30000 visitors and 300 exhibitors were present at this year's Farmer Expo at UD's Centre for Agriculture. The 20th Farmer Expo was organized this August on the campus of...

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Magazine: Consumers spread less margarine on their slice of bread

– Base material prices have grown like never before and as a result product prices augmented, so a difficult year awaits distributors – says Ágota Puskás, category operations assistant manager...

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Russia at the Budavári Pálinka and Sausage Festival

In the romantic Buda Castle, on the Savoya Terrace, twenty palinka brewers and ten professional sausage makers present their mastery at the 2011 Buda Castle Palinka and Sausage Festival, offering...

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HP cutting off PC department may affect upstream supply chain

As Hewlett-Packard (HP) decided to perhaps spin off its PC business, which contributes revenues of about US$40 billion, it is becoming more obvious that HP intends to turn its focus...

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Breweries against drunk driving

Breweries have decided to create a speciasl event in order to call attention to the importance of responsible drinking, which was launched on 25th July, the Day of Sober Responsible...

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Bakers do not plan price increases until the end of September

Bakers are waiting for the stabilizing of flour prices, but then the bread may become more expensive if production costs rise. Kurdi András, the President of the Hungarian Bakers' Associatuin...

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Domestic winemakers urging the strict quality control of imported wines

Domestic winemakers and the association of farmers ask for the intervention of the Ministry of Agriculture to repel the dubious origin import wines in order to defend the domestic grape...

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Morgan Stanley: the momentum of the global economy decreasing, business and consumer confidence declining

Morgan Stanley modified the expected global growth rate for this year from 4.2 percent to 3.9 percent. The correction was made with reference to the not appropriate policy reactions for...

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Without subsidies, the breeding of native species is impossible

Despite the expansion of mangalica and gray cattle products in trade, only the support can help the breeders of the local native animals to escape even without losses. Without the...

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Magazine: An increase in prices and more promotions characterised the wet condiment market

What is new on the wet condiment market? Well, premium brands managed to evade a significant decline in sales and private labels were getting stronger – only the medium category...

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This autumn in Cologne: The 31st Anuga with more than 6,500 suppliers

The 31st Anuga, which will be held in Cologne from 8th to 12th October 2011, is once again expected to attract around 6,500 suppliers from about 100 countries. The estimated...

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National product basket for quality and award-winning products

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) is scheduled to start its National product basket initiative in October – said Pintér István, director of the organization, at a press conference in...

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Association of Hungarian Bakers: 73 kilograms of bread consumed each year

Annually 73 kilograms of bread is consumed per capita – shows the datas of the Association of Hungarian Bakers. Two-thirds the sales volume is still white and half brown bread....

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Domestic beer industry declining since 2007

The crisis continued in the beer industry in 2010 – shows the datas of the  Hungarian Brewers Association. According to the document, the sales of the largest beer factories decreased...

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Worsening sentiment in the global economy

According to the WES survey (World Economic Survey of the Munich-based ifo Economic Research and the Paris-based ICC International Chamber of Commerce; The global business climate index deteriorated in the...

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Green light for fattened goose and duck products at the Anuga in Cologne

The event organizer, the Kölnmesse GmbH allows the presence of fattened goose and duck products at the Anuga exhibition in Cologne. The company previously – under pressure from extremist animal...

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Grape growers can get a good price

It seems that this year's harvest start with good prices. At the small region of Kiskőrös, 120 forints are paid for fragrant grapes. “Earlier this week, the purchasers came out...

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Hungarian Agricultural Research: Special Edition Published

The latest issue of Hungarian Agricultural Research introduces Hungarian research institutes concerned with agricultural research and environmental studies. The special edition of the English language professional journal founded by the...

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Hírös Hét Fesztival starting in Kecskemét on Monday

Kecskemét's most important and oldest event, the so-called Hírös Hét Fesztivál is starting on Monday and will be open until next Sunday. The event is centered around gardening and food,...

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British retailers barely saw any increase regarding volume

Britain's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by 0.2 per cent in the second quarter of 2011, following an increase of 0.5 per cent in the first quarter of 2011. There...

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EU wind power will triple by 2020

The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) today published its scenarios for onshore and offshore wind power deployment in the EU, ahead of the European Commission's Energy Roadmap 2050, due to...

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More and more people get their shopping done in seperate stores

Two out of five Hungarians – 42 percent of the population – get their shopping done in seperate grocery stores, although often it is not a choice but a must...

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The domestic pig stocks may decrease under 3 million soon

In one year, the producer price of pigs increased by 1.1 percent – shows the datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). After last year's depressed pork prices, many of...

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