
More than one ton of beverage boxes collected

Within two days, nearly 320 thousand, thus more than 1 ton of beverage boxes were collected by Italos Karton Environmentfriendly Association, within the compass of their Happy Box Days in...

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New local wine magazine in Debrecen

In order to resurrect the old wine-traditions of Debrecen, a new wine-magazine has published its first issue this September – Pál Kovács, president of the Debrecen Wine-friends' Publisher has announced...

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When the chips tax will appear in prices?

Contrary to the earlier belief the new tax appears much earlier in the prices. Those traders can even gain on the introduction of the tax, that purchased the products in...

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The foreign trade surplus increased further: the weak import reflects the lack of domestic demand

In the first seven months of the year, exports grew by 17 percent, compared with the import's growth of 14 percent. In July, the value of Hungarian export was 6.2...

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The old vine plantations forecast a decline in wine production

The current downward trend of the Hungarian wine production may continue in the forthcoming years, because the number of modern, newly planted vineyards in Hungary is low – said Varga...

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The vast majority of domestic organic products find markets abroad

The labor-intensive organic farming may pay an important role in the various employment and social programs – said experts. According to them; the areas involved in production can soon be...

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Czech VAT rate may rise to nearly double

The Czech government plans to raise the value added tax's rate next year, if the economic growth will be slower than expected – said the Czech prime minister in a...

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One can apply for “The Website of the Year” competition until the 31st of October

One can apply for one of the most significant competition of the domestic online profession “The Website of the Year” competition, announced by the Hungarian Marketing Association and Internet Marketing...

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Harvest began at Tokaj-foothills

The harvest of early ripening grapes began on Wednesday in the Tokaj foothills. According to estimates, the crop is going to be over 300 thousands quintals of grapes, and the...

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Pork shortage in China

In China the number of porks is low, the price of meat is 57 percent higher than before. The state launches a 80 billion HUF worth pork plant program. Meanwhile,...

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Food safety: more than 10 thousand controls

In two months of this summer – that is July and August – experts responsible for food safety have carried out a total of 12,500 controls. Throughout these regular authority...

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The excise tax increase may appear in consumer prices

According to traders; the government's intention to increase taxes is moderate, but the increase in excise duty willentirety appear in consumer prices. It is excluded that the trade could swallow...

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The majority owner of the Magyar Cukor Zrt. prepares for price increase

The Austrian Agrana group, which is the majority owner of the Magyar Cukor Zrt. is expected to increase sugar prices by more than 20 percent from October – told Johann...

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Central European Top 500: The consumer goods manufacturers and trading companies are among the losers

The Deloitte compiled the Top 500 list of the Central European companies. Mol holds its 2nd position with its 15,530 million euros net income of last year, while Audi Hungária...

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Eu’Vend+Coffeena opened its gates in Cologne

Eu'Vend isl be held in Cologne for the fifth time from 8th to 10th September. We have remained true to our philosophy, retaining tried and tested elements while at the...

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More support for the restructuring of vineyards

Farmers receive about 12 billion forints in the next two years, for the restructuring of vineyards – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) has informed MTI. For community-financed program for...

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Motre than thirty wineries at the Szekszárd Vintage Days

More than thirty wineries from the Szekszárd and Tolna region are going to present their wines within the compass of the 7th Vintage Days of Szekszárd, from 15th to 18th...

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Fruit prices go up in Slovakia

According to initital estimates, high-quality fruit will get 10-30 percent more expensive in Slovakia – daily Új Szó from Bratislava pointed out this week. Apple-crop is expected to be about...

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Hungary's competitiveness improved four places

Hungary stands on the 48th place from last year's 52nd place in the global competitiveness ranking of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2011 – announced Palócz Éva, CEO of...

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Industrial production growth may be six percent this year

Both the external and internal demand fell, so the industrial production increase in July was better than expected, but analysts polled by MTI expect a 6 percent annual growth. In...

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One sow per one small farm

The government's pork sector strategy is based on the doubling of the pig population. The first step of the strategy is to increase the domestic pig stocks with 800 thousand...

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Visa: The driving back of cash use would help the fight against underground economy

According to the study of Visa Europe; the size of the European shadow economy can be 2,100 billion euros, which is an average 20 percent of the GDP in the...

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The European Court of Justice protects the GM-free honey

The European Court of Justice on Tuesday strenghtened the right of the beekeepers and consumers to GM-polluted free honey. The Court decided that for the distribution of honey containing pollution...

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Magazine: A supermarket chain sits on top of the retail ranking

With its 47-million inhabitants, Spain’s population is the fifth highest in Europe. Although the economy showed signs of improvement after the recession, the level of unemployment was still above 20...

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Home pálinka distillation: the rented distilerries are the winners

From September 2010 it is legal to produce a small amount of pálinka at home. The idea of the Fidesz received plenty of professional and political criticism. The associations and...

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Wine-tasting for the blind before Budavári

A professional series of presentations were otganized by 20. Budavári Wine Festival for the blind to be able to test wine in a professional manner. On Monday and Tuesday, before...

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Vegetables already stepped on the brake

In June 2011 the average consumer price dropped by 0.2 percent from the previous month; compared with June 2010 it was up 3.5 percent. The pensioner consumer price index was...

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May growth creates new hope

In May 2011 the volume of retail expanded by 0.7 percent – reports KSH. Domestic retail network and mail order companies generated sales of HUF 646 billion in May. 45...

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Wages increased moderately

2,667,000 people were employed at enterprises employing a minimum of 5 people, at budgetary institutions and at observed non-profit organisations in January-May 2011. In the same period gross average wages...

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Inflation in Hungary: higher then the EU average

In May 2011 consumer prices were 3.2 percent higher on average in the EU-27, compared to prices in May 2010. After the 2.8 percent in April, in May the rate...

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