
Huge discounts at the DIY stores

The five Hungarian DIY chains would be happy with the trend occurs in Germany: in the first half of the year increase was lower than expected, only 2 percent. The...

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It's a busy harvest-time in the Tokaj region

The harvest of early ripening grapes began last week in the Tokaj foothills, and the harvest is still on. According to estimates, the crop is going to be over 300...

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Product of the Year Award in Hungary

In September 2011, the world's most innovative product pricing system, the Product of the Year also be launched in Hungary. The recognition based on the votes of consumers was handed...

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The retail real estate development has already reached the low point

In the Central and Eastern European region, the retail real estate development, keeps the developers alive, half of this occurs in Poland, that 97 percent of the constructions are in...

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A great harvest is expected in the Danube Wine Region

Good quality and quantity harvest  occurred in the country's largest wine-growing area in ​​the Danube River Wine Region – told the winemakers. The harvest began in late August in the...

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The financial asset of households is 104 billion euros in Hungary

In Hungary, the household's financial assets amounted to 104 billion euros in the end of 2010. It was nearly 6 percent higher, compared to a year earlier – shows the...

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The European Commission launches a war against wasting food

In the European Union each year around 89 million tons of food is thrown out – announcedthe European Commission in Brussels. According to AFP; it is 179 kg per EU...

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The Coop Rally encourages to purchase Hungarian products

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county is on the verge of lifestyle change. The large industrial life of the county was typical thing of the past, while the future belongs to agriculture and the...

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The number of new jobs in the private sector is on its more than a half-year low point

In August employers reported 12900 unsupported jobs. Last time in January was even more less: 12,300 new unsupported jobs – shows the datas of the National Employment Service (NFSZ). In...

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Portable Shopping System by Motorola Solutions

Working as a leading Motorola solution provider, DigiPoS Store Solutions now drive additional productivity, efficiency and profitability via the full range of Motorola mobile computing options. The Portable Shopping System...

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More than five million HUF goes to Hungarian Maltese Charity Service

More than five million forint has been gathered within the compass of an action in order to support the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, within the compass of the compass of...

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Cheap cooking oil from Serbia and Ukraine

A few years ago, the cheap Romanian sunflower oil was a consolation to those who considered the domestic products expensive, but the market has changed, and this year, the cheap...

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Webstores are competing for the Store of the Country title

Less than a month ago, the Store of the Country has started. The Árukereső.hu leading price comparison site has launched the Store of the Country competition in early August, in...

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Euro zone's industrial production increased more than 4 percent in July on an annual basis

Euro zone's industrial production increased again, after the drop in June, albeit with a lesser extent than the analysts expected. Production in Germany increased slightly, while in the peripheral countries...

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The success of Premium Hungarian Foods in London

The Hungarian Premium Foods were successful at the Speciality and Fine Food Fair international food industry exhibition in London – informed the National Foreign Trade Office MTI on Wednesday. The...

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The European Consumer Centre mainly occurs in connection with online purchases

The most cross-border consumer complaints are in connection with online purchases and services. The European Consumer Centre this year has  dealt with 260 cases. This is 60 percent more, compared...

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Magazine: Hungarian consumers took a liking to coupons

This summer bonuses, coupons and vouchers were covered widely in the media. The reason of this popularity was a study on the topic, published by GKIeNet and BCE E-business Research...

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Nokia Siemens Networks roadshow: Budapest might turn into a superintelligent city

Nokia Siemens Networks is demonstrating how it has evolved its multiscreen entertainment vision by allowing end-users to enjoy their content and services anytime, anywhere and on any device. The company...

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No changes in the forkforce setting this year

According to Manpower's recently published Labour Force Survey, no particular changes are being expected in the Hungarian labor market. Of the 750 employers surveyed, 11% want to increase the workforce,...

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Japanese scientists attempt to breed caesium radiation resistant rice

Japanese scientists are attempting to breed a strain of rice, which is resistant to radioactive caesium, by testing over 100 varieties of the crop. Vast tracts of rice crops in...

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A series of events to present the Hungarian Agricultural Quality Award

The Hungarian agriculture market position can be strengthened only with high quality products – said Bognár Lajos, Deputy Secretary of State in charge for food chain surveillance and agri management...

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The price of raw milk may increase

According to the Milk Marketing Board; because of the raw milk price increases, the retail price of milk may increase by 5 to 10 percent of the, if the chains...

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KSH: Consumer prices rose by 3.6 percent

Consumer prices in August 2011 fell by 0.1 percent, compared to July – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Prices rose by 3.6 percent compared to last August. In a...

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The retail property market is characterized by duality

The retail property market is characterized by duality: the retail sales did not come back since the crisis, many of the tenants are in a difficult situation, but for the...

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The government recommends reverse VAT tax on agricultural products

The government has initiated a further extension of reverse VAT tax in connection with agricultural products. According to the expert of DTM RSM; the change that can eliminate the possibility...

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20th Farmer Expo: Rural Development Ministry to support family farms

The main purpose of the government is to support small- and middle-sized family farmer communities, hoping they would be the basis of domestic agriculture – József Ángyán, secretary of the...

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Hungarian companies proved to be successful at Agromalim International Agricultural and Food Industry Fair

The trade show Agromalim – International Agricultural and Food Industry Fair took place in Arad, Romania last weekend. The frequency of the trade show is annual, with more than 10...

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More European agrar-export to Switzerland

The European Parliament, throughout its plenary meeeting in Strasbourg has accepted the development of the agreement between the EU and Switzerland about agrar-export. Switzerland is the third greatest market for...

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The rate of black trade is 30-40 percent on the Hungarian meat market

The rate of black trade is 30-40 percent on the Hungarian meat market – states Sákán Antal, President of the Hungarian Pig Breeders (MSSZ) Association in his statement. In relation...

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