
Romania: drastic decline, in line with consumption trends

In Romania the number of completed transactions in the retail sector dropped from 15 to 6 in the first eight months of 2011. Consumption growth practically stopped: retail sales will...

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Slovakia: few transactions, enterprise-friendly environment

In Slovakia the number of completed transactions in the retail sector doubled, from 1 to 2 in the first eight months of 2011. Statistical data indicate a slowing down in...

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Poland: fewer transactions but growing retail sales

In Poland the number of completed transactions in the retail sector fell from 5 to 3 in the first eight months of 2011. Rather surprising data, considering that retail statistics...

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Latest merger trends in the retail sector in our region

Experts at PwC Retail & Consumer (R&C) analysed the performance of countries in Central and Eastern Europe in terms of M&A transactions, plus highlighted characteristic M&A trends in the food...

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Staying in the game

Small and medium-sized retail enterprises have to compete with many others every day, in order to keep their customers. Consequently, it is great help for them if orders can be...

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Cross of Merit

On 20 August Eszter Vágóné Balla, together with other two colleagues from Coop was decorated with the Gold Grade of the Cross of Merit of the Hungarian Republic. The CEO...

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Alföld Pro-Coop Zrt. strengthens its fresh product segment

Domestic retail is stricken by economic difficulties, less money in consumers’ pockets and weakening purchasing power. Coop reacted to these trends by not surrendering: they carry on with the modernisation...

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Majority of Hungarians are not against receiving ads in e-mail

Hungarians have a more favourable opinion of receiving online advertisements via e-mail than the European average – revealed a 55-countrey survey conducted by Nielsen. 58 percent of Hungarian participants said...

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Ladybird discount stores, Real, Tesco, Lidl…

In the second quarter of 2010 51 percent of Polish consumers were of the opinion that their country’s economy was in a state of crisis – the European average was...

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Foreign trades shows pre-crisis characteristics

In January-May 2011 the volume of Hungary’s foreign trade developed as follows: the volume of export augmented by 16 percent and import grew 14 percent from the same period in...

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More and more people buy in separate shops

GfK Hungária conducted its annual nationwide survey on shopping malls. One third of the survey’s participants go to a shopping mall at least once a week and 31 percent visit...

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In Hungary FMCG product prices were up 5 percent on average

In the second quarter of 2011 average prices in food retail rose by 5 percent if compared with the same period of 2010. The increase in the price of food,...

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Food prices are in the centre of attention

In June 2011 the production price level of agricultural products was 35.3 percent higher than a year before. KSH’s report indicates that vegetable product prices surged by 46.7 percent and...

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Do we Hungarians also belong to the group of achievers?

Is it true for us Hungarians what is true for one quarter of the world’s population, that our main motivation is financial well-being, position, power, ambition and our own interests?...

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Employment data look a bit better

In the first six months of 2011 39,000 more people were working at enterprises employing a minimum of 5 people than in the first half of 2010. Together with them,...

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European pig prices are slowly increasing

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) reveal that according to the estimation of the European Commission, 2 percent more pigs were...

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Body care for all ages

Body care is a complex category that comprises accessories of bathing, skin care and beauty care. Consequently brands play an important role in the category as few take the risk...

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Both value and volume sales improved

Body lotions bettered their market position: retail sales were up 9 percent in value and 5 percent in volume in January-June 2011. The category is 12th in the Nielsen ranking...

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Increased demand for pricier teas

We buy more than HUF 13-billion worth of tea every year and retail sales augmented 2 percent in the December 2010-May 2011 period, while volume sales did not change –...

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Future in capsules

Coffee is still in the top 5 food categories but according to Nielsen volume sales dropped by a couple of percent. Value sales did not change because increased raw coffee...

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Elevated coffee prices resulted in slower sales

Coffee has the fifth biggest turnover among the 90 products measured by Nielsen. Annual retail sales amounted to HUF 47 billion. Value sales were stable in the December 2010-July 2011...

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Successful dairy snacks

Data by Nielsen tell the story of stable sales on the cooled countline sweets, with túró rudi dominating. Dairy snacks represent one quarter of the market and the trend is...

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Demand kept growing for curd-filled bars in terms of value

Cooled snack bars are the 11th most important among the 90 food categories measured by Nielsen, with annual sales nearing the HUF 27-billion threshold. In January-June 2011 value sales rose...

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Motivating programmes improve public health the most

Budapest was the host of CAOBISCO’s (association of chocolate, biscuit and confectionery industries of the European Union) annual meeting and the following open roundtable discussion for members of the trade....

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Real chocolate has the advantage

Chocolate figure sales augmented in both value and volume in the 2010 Christmas season – according to data from Nielsen. More valuable real chocolate pushed forward against nougat. Andrea Szabó,...

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Sales were up 4 percent in value and 2 percent in volume last year

According to the Nielsen Retail Index, retail sales of Christmas seasonal sweets was in the HUF 2.5 billion zone in the last three years. In the November 2010-January 2011 period...

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Domestic products are only attractive if they are sold at good prices

GfK Hungária measures an increasing segment of the fresh product market. From their report we learn that Hungarian households spend an annual HUF 226 million on fresh products – in...

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Fruit-vegetable sector: a need for restructuring

Retail chains arrived in Hungary by the turn of the millennium and they brought global retail with them. The proportion of fresh fruit has grown in sales, less canned and...

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The neighbour’s garden: soybean processing in Burgenland

Debates in the European Union concerning the regulation of GMOs divide experts in Hungary as well, albeit from a commercial point of view the trend is clear in Western Europe:...

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Changing spending habits

These days most families shape their budgets from week to week. From statistical data on 3.8 million Hungarian households we can see that families’ budgets are shrinking. The Hungarian Trade...

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