
BDO: VAT increase, chips-tax – the government follows EU trends

The adjustment measures of the Hungarian government follows the general practice of the European Union (EU), since in the EU, it is becoming increasingly common excise duty on the highest...

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There is need for regular savings

Fifty-one percent of the population between the of 30 and 40 have some kind of savings, but this money is usually under half million forints – a new survey by...

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Commission agreed in the exemption of GMOs

At Monday's National Sustainable Development Committee meeting the parties agreed that the GMO free Hungary should be maintained. In this spirit, unanimously adopted the proposal over the joining to the...

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Veszprém issues local money

From the 1st of January, local money will be issued in Veszprém and its region, called Balaton Crown – said Porga Gyula (Fidesz-KDNP), Mayor of Veszprém on Monday, at press...

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Magazin: Egg consumption: unstoppable sinking?

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) reveal that the price of slaughter pig moderately increased recently and slaughter cattle prices augmented...

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Support for assets to mark sheep and goat

From 15th September to 30th November, farmers get to sign up for a special support for sheep- and goat checking devices. the Hungarian Agricultural Chamber informed MTI. According to EU...

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The Rural Development Minister would restore the old prestige of Kalocsai Paprika

With the collaboration of producers and processors, and with support of the ministry the old prestige of Kalocsai Paprika can be and should be restored – said the Rural Development...

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Onions beating beer and chocolate, at least at the Brits

The onion gives the “happiest” food experience – at least for the Brits – even overtaking the chocolates and chips as well. According to the survey of the Live Well...

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Full house at the Global Party

The Budapest issue of the world's biggest charity event was sold out. The Symbol Budapest offered the whole income of the event to the Gyermekkor Foundation of the Children Hospital...

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White fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of stroke

According to Dutch researchers; white-fleshed fruit and vegetable consumption may protect against stroke – reported BBC's website on Friday. In the study, more than 20 thousand adults' health was tracked...

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A taster of the crisis in the Mediterranean

Already on the first evening I got a taster of the debt crisis in the Mediterranean: when I try to return to my hotel it turns out that tram No....

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FMCG world congress in Barcelona (part 2)

Reidar Molthe, the editor and publisher of a trade magazine from Oslo asked the following question from the heads of Ahold, Carrefour, Coca-Cola and Nestlé at the press conference: –...

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BNI Juliális – family and business at the same place

Trade magazin and BNI, a business networking organisation realised BNI Juliális – the first event that targets businesspersons and their families at the same time. The event was held for...

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An overview of the labour market in the FMCG sector

Reading the trade press makes me realise how fast the labour market is changing. Companies disappear or merge every day so there is lots of movement on the labour market....

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Digitalisation in the region

In the average shop an incorrect price is indicated for 6 percent of the products. Statistical data prove that 15 percent of shoppers do not buy a product if the...

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In the USA half of the population will be overweight by 2030

The online version of The Washington Post published an article on 26 August – after Brutish medical journal Lancet – reporting that half of the population will be overweight by...

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Women appreciate if brands address them

Frito-Lay (Lays crisps) and Harley-Davidson are among those brands that most successfully attracted and kept female consumers in the USA last year – reported NBCUniversal. Frito-Lay collected the highest number...

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Retailers have to make their customers emotionally attached

Motista (USA) conducted a study with 4,200 participants and found that retailers have to leave the traditional themes and methods behind and move on to making customers emotionally attached. 18...

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News from Hungary

Laurel Group became the sponsor of the second Hungarian POPAI Awards POP competition. Works will be exhibited and juried at the Business Days conference in Hotel Pelion, Tapolca on 21-23...

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Nielsen: A social network users are more active in purchasing

More and more people use the Internet to use a social network. The users of blogs and social networks are living, purchasing and express their opinion more actively than the...

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New opportunities for the SMEs

The New Széchenyi Plan and the Carpathian Basin Economic Area helps the Hungarian micro, small and medium-sized businesses to find further development opportunities – stressed Szűcs György, president of the...

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Lagarde: a new and dangerous phase of the recession is coming

As uncertainty continues to roil the world’s financial markets, world leaders should act together to address the three main challenges facing the global economy: debt pressures sapping growth, risk of...

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Pálinka competition at the Szatmár-Bereg Plum Days

The best and finest pálinkas of the region will compete on the 23rd and 24th of September at the Szatmár-Bereg Plum Days in Tarpa. Last year, about 70 – 80...

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Coop Rally is over now

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county is on the verge of lifestyle change. The large industrial life of the county was typical thing of the past, while the future belongs to agriculture and the...

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Protection for the fruit species of the Carpathian Basin

A cooperation agreement was signed by several churches, professional organizations and NGOs and the Ministry of Rural Development over the preservation of Hungary's natural heritage. The cooperation was initated by...

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Prosecution against the Four Paws

The Municipal Prosecutor's Office examines the legality of the Four Paws Animal Foundation's operation. Budai Gyula accountability prosecutor on the 30th of August announced that they investigate the operation of...

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Huge discounts at the DIY stores

The five Hungarian DIY chains would be happy with the trend occurs in Germany: in the first half of the year increase was lower than expected, only 2 percent. The...

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It's a busy harvest-time in the Tokaj region

The harvest of early ripening grapes began last week in the Tokaj foothills, and the harvest is still on. According to estimates, the crop is going to be over 300...

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Product of the Year Award in Hungary

In September 2011, the world's most innovative product pricing system, the Product of the Year also be launched in Hungary. The recognition based on the votes of consumers was handed...

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The retail real estate development has already reached the low point

In the Central and Eastern European region, the retail real estate development, keeps the developers alive, half of this occurs in Poland, that 97 percent of the constructions are in...

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