‘From village stores even a loaf of bread was delivered to old people’s doors’

Just like other retailers, CBA had a difficult last year. Trade magazin interviewed chief commercial officer Zoltán Noszlopy. What happened to CBA in the pandemic year of 2020? – The...

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Standing firm during the crisis – with progressive development projects

Our magazine interviewed László Pekó, chairman of CO-OP Hungary Zrt.’s board of directors and Géza Tóth, the CEO of CO-OP Hungary Zrt. How did 2020 go for the Coop Group?...

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Retail chain Manna successfully battled the pandemic with expansion

Manna was 15 years old last year, but instead of celebrations 2020 and the pandemic brought the most difficult period ever for András Papp, co-owner of the Manna ABC grocery...

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(HU) Nestlé: másfél évszázad siker

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(HU) Az élelmiszeriparban is megbízható partner

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Seven new Hungarian brands to debut on the shelves of INTERSPAR stores!

More than 90 percent of FMCG products sold by SPAR stores are made by companies based in Hungary. The retailer helps the Hungarian agri-food sector, family businesses and Hungarian farmers...

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Rossmann’s double-digit sales growth continued

az előre menekülés – voltak. Thanks to its flexible market strategy, Rossmann Hungary realised a double-digit sales growth in 2020. In March consumers started stockpiling and shopper behaviour models turned...

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(HU) AL!VE pálcikás jégkrémek az ALDI kínálatában

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(HU) Mindennapi gondoskodás a kis kedvencekről

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(HU) Digitális Kisokos segíti a magyar vállalkozásokat a járvány utáni újrakezdésben

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(HU) Vegán kenhető készítmény az ALDI-ban

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(HU) MILFINÁ-val kezdődik a nap

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Online shopping, logistics and sustainability efforts on ALDI’s agenda

In 2020 ALDI built a new cold storage warehouse in Biatorbágy, made products available online in Budapest and created nearly 500 new jobs. Our magazine interviewed managing director Bernhard Haider....

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CLM Bitai & Partners: The FMCG law firm

An FMCG company might need legal help any time and in any field. CLM Bitai & Partners Law Firm is the perfect choice for them: the company offers complex services...

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25 years in the vehicle fleet market

In the last quarter of a century Mercarius Flottakezelő developed from a family business into a key player in the Hungarian fleet management market. Managing director László Rónai-Horst reckons that...

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I am green, what about YOU?

As of 1 July 2021 a new law regulates the distribution of in-store plastic bags. However, it is still the consumer who decides which option they choose when shopping. Single-use...

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What kind of e-commerce packaging do shoppers want?

DS Smith has commissioned Ipsos MORI to do a survey on how the Covid situation changed consumer attitude towards packaging. It was revealed that there is still great demand for...

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Prepared for everything

Zsolt Pálinkás, the CEO of Tesco-Global Zrt. analysed the retailer’s last year for our magazine. What was the pandemic-ridden 2020 like for Tesco? – During the first wave of the...

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Food shelf life and meal freshness extending packaging solutions from Bizerba

Demand is growing dynamically for prepared meals and solutions that extend the shelf life of groceries. This is the reason why Bizerba Mérleg Hungária Kft. launched a new business line...

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From producer to consumer: This is how works

Digitalised distributor for growers has been working with since the online grocery retailer’s market entry.’s main target groups are retail chains, restaurants and hotels. Managing director Zsolt...

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ALDI is preparing for the summer season – at Lake Balaton as well

ALDI is getting ready for the holiday season at Lake Balaton with a large seasonal product selection, modernised in-store bakeries and a regional wine selection. ALDI has 15 stores around...

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Customers remain in the centre of Reál’s strategy

Reál is modernising stores and at the same time plans to increase the role of the online channel in communication and marketing. Trade magazin interviewed Lívia Jeszenszki, the 20-year-old retail...

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Gluten-free diet

In Hungary 1-2 percent of the population are sensitive to gluten and the proportion of lactose intolerant people is between 20 and 40 percent. For them it is crucial to...

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It is not the trends that define you, but the customers

The future belongs to those businesses that are always one step ahead of customer needs SAP has organised a regional conference, titled SAP Customer Experience Summit, where participants discussed corporate...

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Zewa has developed and now launches a hypoallergenic product range

Zewa, Essity’s international health and hygiene product brand presents Zewa Natural Soft toilet papers and facial tissues. All products are 100 percent natural, made of biodegradable fibres without artificial colours...

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Air conditioner average prices hardly changed in Hungary in 30 years

Daikin’s products appeared in the Hungarian market 30 years ago, establishing the premium air conditioner category in the country. The beginning In Hungary the Daikin story started in 1991, with...

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(HU) Szenvedélyünk a márkák már 30 éve

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(HU) Ízletes ropogtatnivalók az ALDI-ban: SNACK FUN

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Eco-friendly Crepto and Szilvia conquer the hearts of eco-conscious shoppers

MAGYAR PISZKE PAPÍR Kft. has a completed a successful launch period. Thanks to the innovative plastic wrap free packaging – the products are marketed in paper box packaging – and...

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Dietary supplements and the law: Should we always believe what the ads say?

According to Dr Zsófia Bitai, managing partner of Bitai Law Firm, dietary supplements qualify as food products, which means that the regulations for making, labelling and advertising them are the...

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