Market News

The government will spend 82.5 billion euros on childcare next year

In the 2020 budget, the government will provide more than 82.5 billion forints for childcare – the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) told MTI on Wednesday. In the communication, the...

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The Asian throne cities are coming

Traditionally, the world’s leading cities are in an increasingly difficult position as they try to maintain their global competitiveness. The 2019 Global Cities Report (compiled by the AT Kearney Consulting...

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Women check out food labels but most of them don”t quite get it

In the vast majority of households (91 percent), women make family shoppings. The most important aspects they are lookiong for are health in the first place, then comes price, and...

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European Fraich Fantasy

Last year Hungarian families tasted more than 3,000kg of fruits and vegetables as part of the European Fraich Fantasy programme. The joint campaign of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK)...

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MNB: inflation stagnated, with the core indicators rising

In May, the average increase in consumer prices stagnated, inflation was 3.9 percent in April, while core inflation rose – according to the Hungarian National Bank’s (MNB) analysis – published...

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The solvency of Hungarian households is peaking according to the indicator of Intrum

The solvency of Hungarian households in the first quarter of this year has reached a higher level than ever before, and further improvement is expected – according to the joint...

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KSH: four-month export surplus is over two billion euros

In the first four months of the year, the trade surplus became 2.081 billion euros as an 5.3 percent increase occured in the value of exports in euro and 7.4...

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Július 1-jével új korszak köszönt a hazai vállalatokra

Teljesen átalakíthatja a cégek forrásbevonási szerkezetét a napokon belül induló Növekedési Kötvényprogram (NKP) – hívta fel rá a figyelmet Lóga Máté, a Magyar Nemzeti Bank főosztályvezetője az EY konferenciáján. Az...

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A média és a divat vonzza a legtöbb hazai Instagram követőt

A májusban elindult weboldal ismét közzétette a legtöbb követővel rendelkező hazai Instagram márkaoldalak toplistáját. A június elsejei követőszámokkal frissített Magyar Insta Brandlista alapján a média és a divat érdekli...

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Millions of cardiovascular deaths can be caused by low fruit and vegetable intake

Millions of deaths in the world can be caused by cardiovascular diseases each year, which may be due to the low intake of vegetables and fruits. The first results of...

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HENT: most of the consumers continue to trust pharmacies

The vast majority of customers remain confident in pharmacies, and the risk of counterfeiting is the most frequent objection to online ordering – according to a report of the National...

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Quarterly GDP growth accelerated in the euro area and the EU in the first quarter

On quarterly basis, GDP growth accelerated in both the euro area and the EU, based on a report published by the European Union Statistical Office, Eurostat, on Thursday. The quarterly...

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OKSZ: families spent nearly 20 thousand billion HUF last year on consumption

Last year, the consumption spendings of families was close to 20,000 billion HUF, while consumption in Hungary pulls the power of the economy to a great extent, and this trend...

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A small proportion of customers understand the terms on the food labels according to a survey

Nearly half of the customers watch the food labels, but barely one tenth fully understands the information contained on them, according to a recent study by the Federation of Responsible...

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World Food Day: new challenges

World Food Day is being organized for the first time on June . One of the most important prerequisites for food safety is the regular laboratory testing of products, but...

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The importance of milk consumption was highlighted at the World Milk Day Festival

On this occasion, the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Council held its celebration this year, focusing on education and environmental awareness. Many people do not know how beneficial milk in...

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The Hungarian onion growers will fight with the imports

The harvest of onions has begun in Hungary. Last year’s Hungarian onions have already ran out of stocks already January, but in the coming months, domestic goods will re-enter markets...

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Retail sales increased in the Czech Republic

In April, retail sales in the Czech Republic increased by 6.9 percent year-on-year. In March, this indicator was 4.8 percent – the Czech Statistical Office announced. The statisticians drew attention...

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Analysts: retail sales remain an important driver of GDP growth throughout the year

Basically, retail sales can continue to grow vigorously throughout the year due to wage outflow, which will remain an important factor for economic growth, as expected by analysts interviewed by...

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Nielsen: We fight against sweating with twenty million deos every year

The value of antiperspirant products in domestic retail sales increased by eight percent between May 2018 and April 2019: Hungarians spent over 13 billion HUF on these products. This means...

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Decathlon and Lumenet are the Internet Traders of the Year in 2019

The Internet Merchant Award of the Year was presented for the 13th time. In the corporate category, the winner became Decathlon, the second prize winner became Konzolvilág, while the third...

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The Takarék Group expanded its cooperation with the National Association of Grain Producers

The MTB Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank Zrt. and the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) are expanding their cooperation. The purpose of the agreement is to increase the efficiency of cereal...

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Sixteen percent reduction occured in the number of bee colonies in the winter of 2017-18, according to an international study

Sixteen percent reduction occured in the number of honey colonies in the winter of 2017-18 according to an international study led by the Strathclyde University of Glasgow. The survey carried...

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The Hungarians are having breakfast by scrolling on their mobile phones alone

Although almost everyone thinks it is important for the family to have breakfast together, and the common breakfast is a good time for a quality time together, in everyday life...

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Retail sales in the euro area fell in April

The euro area retail sales decreased in April, compared to the previous month, as a further sign of the weak domestic demand. The European Union Statistical Office (Eurostat) announced on...

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KSH: retail sales were lively in April

According to raw data, retail trade turnover, was 8.5 percent higher in April, compared to a year before. Calendar effect adjusted, the growth was 7.1 percent, mainly due to the...

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The Ministry of Agriculture can count on a budget of over 218 billion forints

The Ministry of Agriculture will be able to calculate with a budget of 218.3 billion forints next year, after this year’s 206.2 billion forints – according to the draft budget...

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Less cherry will grow this year

The cherry yield is expected to be 60-70 thousand tons this year, less than last year’s record of 100,000 tons. Demand and prices are increasing due to the lower yields...

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Digital Assistance for Corporate Contracts – The first Hungarian Regtech and Fintech Collaboration has been launched

From now on, the Hungarian and Czech companies can register into the first digital contract and commercial interface of the Visegrád region, the TrustChain Platform. Dr. Romhány Gergely, Managing Director...

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EU Member States recognize the Hungarian biomass initiative

The majority of EU Member States and the European Commission have recognized the importance of the Bioeast initiative launched for a Hungarian proposal to support agricultural research and development and...

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