Market News

Investments for the community rewarded in four categories

Effekteam has honoured what companies do for the environment or the community in four categories. Winners from the FMCG sector: Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. won with its food saving programme –...

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Confectionery association asks for support for SMEs

The Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers has published a press release, which says that the Hungarian confectionery sector can only remain competitive and maintain its export performance if SMEs are...

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Life is fantastic without plastic!

SPAR’s long-term objective is to stop using materials in the packaging of private label products that are difficult to recycle, and to only utilise just as much packaging material that...

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AM: The government is committed to safeguarding agricultural subsidies

The Hungarian government is committed to maintaining EU subsidies for agriculture and transitional national subsidies after 2020 – the Deputy Minister of State said at the Jubilee Conference of the...

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ITM: the Hungarian multi-program encourages the most promising domestic SMEs

The most promising small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will be encouraged by the Hungarian multi-program, which will receive more than 13 billion HUF non-refundable grants in the third part of...

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The Kossuth Prize winning Csík Zenekar is campaigning for food safety

The Kossuth Prize winning Csík Zenekar is campaigning for food safety The members of the Kossuth Prize-winning Csík Zenekar. Vecsei H. Miklós, actor of Vígszínház, Grecsó Krisztián writer, poet and...

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The Minister of Agriculture negotiated about agricultural technology transfer knowledge with his Brazilian counterpart on Thursday

Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture negotiated with his Brazilian partner about agricultural technology transfer knowledge – the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI. Fernando Silveira Camargo, Minister of the Brazilian Ministry...

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95 percent of baby foods in the United States are contaminated with heavy metals

Most baby foods examined in the United States contained lead and other heavy metals. Of the 68 brands tested by Healthy Babies Bright Futures (HBBF), 95 percent of 168 baby...

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Earnings continued to grow

In July, average gross and non-discounted earnings increased by 10.7 percent and net earnings, adjusted for discounts, increased by 10.9 percent year-on-year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on...

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Magazine: Canned food products underwent software and hardware update

According to András Szirbek, marketing director of Bonduelle Central Europe Kft., the main canned food consumption trends are the same in Hungary as in other parts of Europe: sales of...

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Nagy István: honey production should be encouraged

Around 20,000 bee-keeping families, 1.2 million bee colonies are living in Hungary. About 20-25,000 tonnes of honey are produced a year in the country. Honey production needs to be stimulated...

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Fruitveb: this year’s nut crop may be a medium

Like last year, a medium amount of about 7-7,500 tons of nuts can be produced in the country – the vice president of FruitVeB Hungarian Interprofessional Organization and Product Council...

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The NAK has started to reconcile the data of the single requests

On 14 October, the Hungarian State Treasury (MÁK) commenced data reconciliation of area-based single claims, which will be sent to more than seven thousand farmers – the National Chamber of...

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The ITM will present the details of the adopted SME strategy on 5 November

The ministry has drawn up an SME strategy prepared by the government and the details will be presented on 5 November – György László, Minister of State of the Ministry...

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Nébih seized several tons of pesticides in Szabolcs county

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nebih) withdrew more than 2.2 tons of pesticides from the shop of the Szalka-Agro Trade and Services Ltd. in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. The fine could...

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Retail sales in the United States decreased in September

For the first time in six months, retail and hospitality sales in the United States declined in September, signaling the widespread slowdown in consumer spending. The US Department of Commerce...

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Hungarian Product campaign becomes Google case study

The Google Ads campaign of a nationwide prize game by Hungarian Product – which was implemented by WebMa in 2018 – has become a case study that anyone can read...

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AM Minister of State: young farmers have to be prepared for the digital transformation of agriculture

The transfer of technological and agricultural knowledge is important in the education of young people with an interest in agriculture; young people must be prepared for the digital transformation of...

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ITM: digitalisation of companies improves their competitiveness

The digitalisation of companies improves their competitiveness – Nagy Ádám, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) stressed at a conference of the National Association...

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More than 50 tonnes of food donation was transported through Budapest on World Food Day

More than fifty tons of food donations from 20 Hungarian and international companies for families in need have been transported through downtown Budapest by a truck convoy on Wednesday for...

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The Magyar Posta might deliver 14 percent more packages this year

The Magyar Posta forecasts a 14 percent increase in the delivery of packages this year compared to last year, with international online orders boosting traffic. According to a joint announcement...

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Artificial intelligence creates new jobs

Artificial intelligence (AI) creates new jobs and simplifies people’s lives – the president of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) coalition told M1 news channel on Wednesday. Jakab Roland said that many...

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Az előzetesen becsültnél is alacsonyabb volt az éves infláció szeptemberben az euróövezetben

Az előzetesen becsültnél is alacsonyabb szintre, közel hároméves mélypontra süllyedt a fogyasztói árak emelkedésének éves összevetésű üteme az euróövezetben szeptemberben. Az Európai Unió statisztikai hivatalának (Eurostat) szerdán kiadott végleges adatai...

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Alkalmas lehet növénytermesztésre a Hold és a Mars talaja

Holland kutatók növényt termesztettek a Mars és a Hold talajához hasonlító, az amerikai űrkutatási hivatal szakemberei által kifejlesztett talajban. Kutatásukból kiderült, hogy nemcsak lehetséges élelmet termelni a vörös bolygón és...

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The IMF has significantly improved its GDP growth forecast

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has improved its Hungarian GDP growth forecast in the World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecast released on Tuesday. The Hungarian economy is forecast to grow by...

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GKI Digital: more than 4,500 companies are present on online marketplaces in Hungary

In Hungary, more than 4,500, typically small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are involved in internet commerce through online marketplaces, and in 2018 they generated net sales of nearly 12 billion...

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Food waste should be reduced

820 million people worldwide are starving and two billion people suffer from malnutrition. To reduce starvation, we first need to reduce food loss and wastage, which also contributes to responsible...

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AM Minister of State: to maintain EU agricultural subsidies is an expectation

Hungary cannot accept a larger reduction than the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union justifies, so keeping current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) funds at the current level is a minimum...

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Labor shortages began to decline in some sectors

New advertisements and job applications in the job market suggest that the sector’s current shortage of labor has begun to decline – according to’s third quarter compilation. In addition,...

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ITM: the road network will be developed from about 3200 billion HUF by 2024

As part of the road program, the government will expand the road network from about 3,200 billion HUF by 2024, predominantly from domestic sources – the parliamentary Minister of State...

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