Market News

Changing consumption habits in the fruit juice market

After record sales in 2015, last year brought a slowdown in the expansion of the fruit juice market. This more moderate performance had to do with the 5-percent average price...

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KSH: pork and fruit prices caused an increase in agricultural purchase prices

In November last year, the annual increase in agricultural producer prices jumped from 2.3 percent in October to 5.2 percent, mainly due to the sharp rise in the purchase price...

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ITM: students can acquire consumer awareness education in 70 schools so far

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) has recognized the work of the seventieth educational institution as the Consumer Awareness School. The diploma was handed over by Keszthelyi Nikoletta, Deputy...

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Consuming low fat milk increases the biological age of the adult body more slowly

Adults who consume skimmed milk or 1 percent fat have a slower biological age than those who conume 2 percent or whole milk counterparts – according to a new study....

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You can also determine the market value of companies by their culture

Both investors and the public expect more openness from organizations, according to EY’s global survey made with the involvement of more than 1,000 financial executives. Corporate culture information also significantly...

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The KKM announces an export promotion program

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and (KKM) announces a 200 million HUF grant application to promote domestic small and medium-sized enterprises on the foreign market – Joó István Deputy Minister of...

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This is how you can replace our ID card, our passport with a smartphone

According to NETLOCK, an e-signature specialist, the digital wallets enclosed in smartphones may soon replace physically existing documents, leather wallets: a breakthrough in digitalization is predicted for 2020. “For years,...

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EBRD: funding for the operating region set a record last year

For the first time since its existence, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided a record amount of funding in excess of 10 billion euros to its...

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Avian Influenza – Virus infection requires slaughtering of a hen farm in Maramureş

The outbreak of avian influenza virus has required the destruction of a hen farm in Seini, Maramureş county – the Romanian Department of Animal Health (DSVSA) announced on Wednesday. Of...

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Inflation in Germany is on a five-month high

In December, German inflation rose to a five-month high – according to a report released Thursday by the German Federal Bureau of Statistics, Destatis. According to the final data of...

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Retail sales in the United States increased in December

Retail and hospitality sales in the United States increased in December, for the third consecutive month. Except for car purchases, households did not skimp in the last month of the...

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Global PC sales increased after seven years

Global PC sales increased for the first time last year after seven years – according to data from two leading industry companies. US International Data Corporation (IDC), an IT and...

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Minister of Agriculture increased fish consumption in Hungary

The Minister of Agriculture also spoke about the increase in fish consumption on Wednesday at the handover of the Tiszacsege fishing inn restored from the 110 million HUF. Nagy István...

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According to analysts, fuel prices and inflation increased due to Chinese swine fever in December

Analysts explained high inflation in December with the low base effect of fuel prices a year before and the soaring food prices caused by the Chinese swine fever epidemic. According...

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Instead of items, Internet users are now buying experiences as gifts, according to a survey

There was a turnaround in e-commerce at Christmas, with people buying more experience and services instead of items. In the fourth quarter of last year, more than 1,250 billion HUF...

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Promising Hungarian trends in financial awareness

Hungarian financial consumers surveyed inquire first and apply for a loan only when they are really needed. This is how respondents largely answered in the Ipsos MORI study, which was...

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Avian flu: the eradication of the infected duck colony in Hajdú-Bihar county has started

The eradication of the infected duck colony in Létavértes, Hajdú-Bihar county has begun, as poultry flocks infected with avian influenza virus have been found here on Tuesday – Bognár Lajos,...

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Families and fair businesses can count on consumer protection again this year

Consumer protection is present in all fields of life, so last year it focused on family safety and the protection of decent businesses, and will continue to work towards this...

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The Institute for Organic Agriculture is expanding its activities

The Organic Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi) expands its team and activities this year, extending its experimentation to the fields of soil quality, digital agriculture and animal husbandry, and continues to...

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The euro area’s foreign trade surplus declined in October

In November last year, the euro area’s foreign trade surplus fell more than expected, according to a report released on Wednesday by Eurostat, the EU’s statistical office. According to Eurostat’s...

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The bank where cheese is accepted as a collateral

If you are a producer or a trader, you know exactly what it is like to pre-finance the production, purchase, storage and any associated costs of the product. Well, so...

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So far, tens of billions of forints have been given to winemakers

So far, investment support of 35 billion HUF has been awarded to wineries in the Rural Development Program – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at the 18th winemaker meeting...

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Equilor: In 2020, the Hungarian economy will still be able to outperform the eurozone and the region

The Hungarian economy may be slowing down after last year’s dynamic expansion, but its growth may still be significantly higher than the growth of the eurozone and the countries of...

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It is mandatory to indicate the origin of meat with flags in the meat counters of major stores

From January 15, Wednesday it is mandatory to indicate the origin of non-prepacked, fresh pork in the meat counters of major supermarkets – Éder Tamás, president of the Hungarian Meat...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 3.4 percent last year

Consumer prices increased by 3.4 percent year-on-year and were 4.0 percent higher in December than a year before – the Central Statistical Office announced on Tuesday. Prices increased by 0.3...

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The Bakery Association reacted: this is why bread in Hungary could become more expensive

In a tight market environment, the surge in prices has reached domestic bakery companies, which have a major role in supply, which also affects the production of the most basic...

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We want quality time instead of queuing

Shopping is a sneaky time-robber. One in five Hungarians think they spend a lot of time shopping, yet only 4 percent of the population buys groceries online, according to a...

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Expert: the employment of the 20-64 age group surpasses the EU target

In Hungary, the average employment rate for the 20-64 age group is 75.5 percent, above the 75 percent target set by the European Union for 2020 – Csath Magdolna economist...

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Avian flu was detected in poultry in Komárom-Esztergom county

The presence of avian influenza virus has been detected in a large turkey farm in Ács, Komárom-Esztergom County, and the authority has taken immediate action – the National Food Chain...

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