Market News

BrandFestival focuses on consumer behaviour this year

Understanding ‘irrational consumer decisions’ requires radically different communication competences and strategic planning than before. One of Central Europe’s biggest brand and corporate strategy summits, the BrandFestvial can help in understanding...

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Sustainability is an increasingly important aspect when choosing a job

While we traditionally think about job choice in terms of income available, opportunities for professional development and advancement, social utility and the working environment, it is also increasingly important for...

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Student display competition 2021-2022

Also at the end of the POPAI meeting the POPAI Student Design Awards 2021-2022 competition was announced. This year’s theme provider sponsor is PICK Szeged Zrt. and the main sponsor...

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No change in raw milk’s price

According to the data of AKI PÁIR, the average producer price of raw milk in Hungary was HUF 109.08/kg in July 2021. Protein content decreased by 0.02 percentage point, the...

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(HU) A bevásárlóturizmus leépült szinte teljesen

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Takarékbank has raised its GDP growth forecast for this year to 8 percent

Due to better-than-expected second-quarter GDP data, Takarékbank has raised its growth forecast from 7.7 percent to 8.0 percent this year and left it at 7.0 percent next year, the financial...

Read more fruits will become more expensive for years

The adverse effects of climate change and labor shortages have dramatically worsened the profitability of orchards over the past decade. Fruit production has reached an all-time limit: significantly declining production...

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The Milk Product Council is calling for swift action due to rising producer costs

The significant increase in costs ruins dairy farmers, so quick action is needed, the Dairy Product Council told MTI. The rise in prices seems unstoppable and affects almost all production...

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We can lose a one-year warranty on discounted products

The main season of trade promotions has begun. In October, coupon days are typically available in traditional stores, and in the case of Black Friday, which covers the whole of...

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Sentix’s eurozone investor sentiment index deteriorated further

For the third consecutive month in October, the Sentix Frankfurt Economic Research Institute’s euro area investor sentiment index deteriorated as another sign that economic growth has turned from the peak...

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Truck driver shortage in Britain

According to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, very few foreign truck drivers have applied to work in the UK, but this is not the result of the end of British...

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(HU) A napraforgó közel 80 százalékát betakarították Zala megyében

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(HU) A Tej Terméktanács tejtermelő képviselőinek sajtóközleménye

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(HU) Szeptemberben lassult az euróövezeti gazdaság teljesítményének növekedése

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Vitality and health in a bottle

András Palkó, Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország’s marketing operations manager opines that the driving forces of the hydration category are functional waters and plant-based drinks, with a small market share but dynamically...

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KSH: per capita GDP in purchasing power parity was 22 thousand euros in 2020

Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices was 48,000 billion HUF in 2020, short of 11.5 billion HUF, and decreased by 4.7 percent at constant prices, compared to the...

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Pig farming is becoming more expensive, meat prices are stagnating

While a rapid rise in food prices has been observed recently, pork has been stagnating at low prices for a long time. This puts the sector in a very difficult...

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Extreme weather makes it impossible to produce green peas and sweet corn

The Hungarian green pea and sweet corn sector is in serious trouble, as due to the extreme weather conditions in recent years, more and more people in the sector are...

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Unemployment in the euro area fell in August

Unemployment fell in the euro area and the EU in August, according to a report by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. In the euro area, the unemployment rate fell...

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German companies saved more than ten billion euros last year by restricting business travel

Businesses in Germany saved more than tens of billions of euros last year by restricting their employees ’business travel, according to a survey released on Friday According to a study...

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Donald Trump has failed because of a ‘minor thing’

Communication about the outbreak is behind Donald Trump’s loss of the US presidential election. Exactly what kind of voter thinking led to this result is presented by Brent Buchanan, managing...

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The sugar beet processing campaign has started in Kaposvár

The 128th sugar beet processing campaign started at the sugar factory of Magyar Cukor Zrt. in Kaposvár on Friday. Kovács Gergely, the company’s sales and marketing director, said at the...

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This year, 885 hectares of new apple orchards can be planted

In the plantation planting program, 885 hectares of new apple orchards can be planted in Hungary this year, the Minister of Agriculture declared in Nagykálló, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, on Thursday. Nagy...

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U.S. consumer sentiment did not deteriorate in September

Consumer sentiment in the U.S. improved in September from both August and preliminary data from the September survey, according to a report released by the University of Michigan on Friday....

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Inflation rose to a thirteen-year high in the euro area

Inflation was pushed to a thirteen-year high by sharply rising energy prices in the eurozone in September. According to preliminary data released by the European Union’s statistical office (Eurostat) on...

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K&H: pessimism and optimism at the same time: what about young people’s pay?

Although net pay for 20-year-olds has increased by 7.8 percent this year, only 23 percent of working young people expect a pay increase of more than 3-5 percent over the...

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BMI: Expansion continues

A Beszerzési Menedzser Index (BMI) szezonálisan kiigazított szeptemberi értéke: 52,1. A korábbi szeptemberekkel összevetve az idei érték alulmúlja a hosszú távú szeptemberi átlagot (52,7), de majdnem eléri az elmúlt három...

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Ministry of Agriculture: additional help for pig farmers

Additional resources, advance payments and a new loan scheme will also help pig farmers. To compensate for the combined increase in feed prices, restrictions caused by animal diseases and the...

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Hungarian-Czech trade is setting a record this year

The value of trade between Hungary and the Czech Republic will set a record this year, but at the same time the parties have a common interest in further enhancing...

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NAV: More than three thousand bottles of fake perfume have been found in the capital

Employees of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) seized more than 3,000 bottles of counterfeit perfume, 230 counterfeit-branded headphones, phone chargers and speakers, and 1,500 brand logos during an...

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