News and articles

Kroger grows Simple Truth Plant Based line

The Kroger Co. is expanding its year-old Simple Truth Plant Based own-brand line with more than 50 new items, including the addition of plant-based chicken products in its Simple Truth...

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Walmart turns Black Friday into multi-weekend sales campaign

In a quest to keep crowds down in its stores during the holiday shopping season, Walmart is slicing up its traditional Black Friday sales approach into a multi-weekend sales strategy...

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Big consumer behavior shifts in holiday shopping this year

Consumers will be taking a more considered approach toward Black Friday and the Christmas holiday spend though 20% of U.S. shoppers plan to spend more given a desire to shake...

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(HU) Ezért éri meg tojást enni!

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Magazine: Ice tea all year round

Barnabás Kovács, Szentkirályi Magyarország’s senior regional brand manager told Trade magazin that ice tea sales were higher in 2019 than in the previous year. Lipton Ice Tea sales were growing...

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(HU) Magyarországot a PICK ízei hajtják

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Advertising Association: the entire communications industry can expect a decline of 148.8 billion HUF this year

According to the MRSZ Barometer survey, 55.6 billion HUF may disappear from the media market, while the entire communications industry may expect a decline of 148.8 billion HUF this year,...

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Chief veterinarian: foods and their packaging do not spread the coronavirus

Based on the scientific knowledge so far, food and its packaging do not play a role in the spread of the coronavirus, the national chief veterinarian said on Friday at...

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The second wave has reached e-commerce!

E-commerce traffic started to rise sharply at the end of September. E-commerce sales exceeded the May peak after the first wave of the coronavirus at the end of September. If...

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Another program is helping to promote fish consumption

“Fish Friday” and “Get It!” In addition to fish consumption campaigns, the Ministry of Agriculture pays special attention to fish meat quality issues. According to the results presented at the...

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Nébih: more than 300 thousand tons of food are wasted every year in Hungary

In Hungary, people waste more than 300,000 tons of food every year. The monetary value of the loss exceeds 170 billion HUF, which is 18,000 HUF per person. Food waste...

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New managing director at the Dél-100 Kft.

Barnáné Vitárius Márta, new managing director took over the management tasks of the Dél-100 Kft. The 100 percent Hungarian-owned company operates the GoodsMarket and plusmarket store chains in a franchise...

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Muesli is immune to the economic effects of a coronavirus pandemic

Although the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic has led to declining sales in several confectionery product categories, muesli, which has consistently shown the fastest growth with biscuits in the...

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Thierry Guillon-Verne is the new CEO of METRO Magyarország

From October 2020, the former CEO of METRO in Croatia, Thierry Guillon-Verne will take over the head of METRO Hungary. Horváth Imre, the CEO, who has held the Hungarian position...

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According to the company managers, the Hungarian economy may be cash-free in the foreseeable future

The financial digitization was significantly accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic in Hungary, and according to the company executives interviewed by Intrum, the cash-free economy is also within reach. However, the...

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It’s good to know: the larger Auchan stores are also resuscitation points

Today is World Resuscitation Day, and on this occasion, Auchan would like to draw attention to the fact that the company’s larger stores are also resuscitation points. All hypermarkets, superstores,...

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Donations collected at the running festival help the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service

Almost 2,000 runners started in the classic marathon run of the 35th SPAR Budapest Marathon® Festival, and during the two days of the running weekend, a total of 8,100 people...

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Book a mammography appointment – soft drink manufacturers’ posters encourage all over Budapest

The cold that comes with the second half of autumn gives us more opportunities to pay more attention to ourselves – our soul, our body and our health. October is...

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Diet Coke – Unsung pandemic heroes can get a year of free soda

Diet Coke lets people reward unsung pandemic heroes with a year of free soda. Anybody can be nominated to win the soft drinks and the mini-fridge. Part of the brand’s...

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Professional organizations are demanding the lifting of the tightening of the kata

Several professional advocacy organizations are asking the parliament to withdraw the tightening of the kata (itemized tax for small tax companies) effective from 2021 and to discuss the 7 +...

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Vajda-Papír donates more than 10 tons of hygienic paper products

Vajda-Papír donates two trucks of more than 10 tons of hygienic paper products to the institutions of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and the Patient Compassion Order to help the...

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Retail sales grew much more than expected in the United States in September

In September, retail sales in the United States saw a larger-than-expected three-month increase in the United States, according to a Friday report by the Census Bureau, a statistical institute in...

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The masters of thirst-quenching

The functional drink category had been growing and strengthening before it suffered a blow because of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020. There was one exception though, the...

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New directions: Kunság-Szesz Zrt. is looking forward

Our magazine interviewed Kunság-Szesz Zrt.’s CEO László Nagy, founder and owner of the spirits company.  What was the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the company? – Sales dropped 20...

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Special lecture for 2020 World Food Day

The global World Food Day ceremony in Rome introduced by FAO Director-General QU Dongyu and featuring high-level participants from around the world was followed by a lecture from Joachim von...

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Carlsberg Agrees To Acquire Wernesgrüner Brewery In Germany

The Carlsberg Group has announced that it has agreed with Bitburger Braugruppe to acquire the Wernesgrüner Brewery. The move will improve the company’s efficiency and flexibility in production and logistics...

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Contronics Awarded EU Prize For Reducing Food Waste

Contronics Dry Misting has received an award from the European Commission for its research project ‘Fresh Demo’. With this EU funded project, Contronics has proven that its Dry Misting technology...

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Kroger launches in-store ‘ghost’ kitchens

US-based Kroger has launched two ‘ghost’ kitchens at stores in Indianapolis and Columbus in partnership with ClusterTruck, a technology start-up that operates delivery-only restaurants. ClusterTruck is a software platform that...

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Magazine: Cleanliness is more important than ever before!

Zsuzsa Petrikovics, brand manager of Unilever Magyarország Kft. reported to Trade magazin that sales in the cleaning product category grew by a single-digit number in 2019. Then in March-April 2020...

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Another program is helping to promote fish consumption

The Ministry of Agriculture pays special attention to fish quality issues and to the recognition of excellent fish products, which also includes the creation of geographical indications and the development...

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