News and articles

Dettol: fresh color in the world of anti-bacterial soaps

The new generation Dettol antibacterial soaps, in addition to being effective in the fight against bacterias, they colorize hand washing with an enchanting fragrance, skin care ingredients, and attractive look....

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Cattle-plant investments at Tedej Zrt.

In recent years, the Tedej Agricultural Production and Service Co. (Tedej Agrártermelő és Szolgáltató Zrt.) has spent more than 1.6 billion HUF on the development of its cattle plants –...

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OBI opens a store and renting Bricostore-stores

OBI expands its network with four stores: the company rented three former Bricostore DIYs and opens a store in March in Győr. The OBI Hungary Retail Kft. that is currently...

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The thirty-first Agromash Expo has opened its gates

At the opening ceremony, Fazekas Sándor Minister of Rural Development, told that this will be the largest ever Agromash Expo exhibition, with 200 exhibitors, on 32 thousand square meters. MTI...

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Maresi price winning contest: the winners are already enjoying the gift

The winners of the price winning contest of the Maresi coffee milk and the Austria Marketing may already enjoying the ski slopes near Villach, or hiking, sledding and skating in...

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DHL: Success lies in international possibilities

In an exacting economic environment, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have been presented with a challenge. A challenge to grow and increase the profitability of their businesses against a...

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The retail sales of household chemicals and cosmetics increased by 2 percent in value and decreased by four percent in volume

Retail sales of household chemicals and cosmetics in 2012 amounted to about 313 billion HUF in revenues, 2 percent more than the year before. In terms of volume, turnover fell...

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GfK: a further reduction in the number of magazines that draw attention to discounts

According to the datas of the GfK Hungária Leaflet Monitor, the number of magazines that draw attention to discounts continued to decline, in the largest extent among discount retailers. The...

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Retailplaza webstore – where speed and convenience are cheaper!

The Retailplaza, a store that is specialized for consumables has been opened. You can order quickly and easy from thewebstore, in addition the consumables are delivered home on a great...

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Tokaj Trading House: 20 years of success

The Tokaj Trading House (Tokaj Kereskedőház Zrt.) was established on 1 January 1993 as the successor of the Tokaj-hegyaljai Állami Gazdasági Borkombinát. The past twenty years have brought a number...

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The local government of Sátoraljaújhely would save the Zemplén-Hús Kft.

The company has ceased production earlier this year after having many serious marketing difficulties for years, due to the current market conditions and due to the national crisis of the...

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FEOSZ: media campaign on consumer rights

The National Federation of Consumer Associations (FEOSZ) launches an information campaign on consumer rights from the end of January – the organization stated. From 30 January 2013, FEOSZ with its...

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New CEO at the head of the Tokaj Trading House Ltd.

The Magyar Nemzeti Vagyonkezelő Zrt. (MNV), as the owner of the company appointed Goreczky Gergely as the Chief Executive Officer of the Tokaj Trading House Ltd. from the 1st of...

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Live animal will also be lotteried at the sixth Mangalitsa Festival

In addition to the usual programs, livestock lottery will also be held at the 6th Mangalitsa Festival, that will be held between 8 – 10 February. The 6th Mangalitsa Festival...

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Horsemeat row: Offcuts in burgers came from Poland, says FSA

Food standards authorities in the Irish Republic are certain that horsemeat found in beefburgers came from Poland, the UK Food Standards Agency has said. FSA boss Catherine Brown told the...

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IKEA’s revenues in Hungary exceeded 34 billion HUF

The sales revenues of IKEA stores in Hungary in the 2012 fiscal year – 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012 – increased by 1 percent to 34.2 billion HUF,...

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The 2012 Annual Awards Ceremony of the Hungarian Franchise Association took place on 24 January

The Hungarian Franchise Association’s Awards Ceremony was held on 24 January at the LARUS Restaurant and conference center. The gala dinner of the Awards Ceremony is the domestic franchise industry's...

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The lobsters and the turbots will be exclusively provided by METRO at the Bocuse d'Or World Finals

The world finals of the Bocuse d'Or chef competition begins today. First time in the history of the competition, a Hungarian competitor Széll Tamás, chef of the Michelin starred Onyx...

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Hungarians like soup

The domestic housewives rather prepare dishes by using seasoning cubes and base foods than ordering from a restaurant. According to the recent survey of MAGGI, Hungarian housewives have time to...

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Eight companies are from Tokaj, out of the nineteen Hungarian companies at the ProWein wine fair

This year nineten Hungarian exhibitors are representing the Hungarian wineries at the  leading trade fair for of the world's wine market. The Düsseldorf ProWein, the t weill be held between...

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The Germans are willing to buy more

The German consumer willingness seems to be revived, after the weakness of Europe's largest economy will soon to be ended – N24.German news television reported. The consumer willingnes index increased...

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Nearly two thousand people were skating for the polar bears on the weekend

Nearly two thousand people were skating to preserve the habitat of the polar bears during the weekend at the City Park Ice Rink. This event is part of Coca-Cola’s and...

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Matusz Vad’s subsidiary has opened a business in Vienna

The Austrian subsidiary of the Győr-based Matusz Vad Zrt., the Gastro-Genius GmbH has opened a store in the meat hall of the wholesale market in Vienna. The Gastro-Genius GmbH operates...

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SPAR is the invisible member of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service

As the result of the 16 years lasting strategic collaboration between SPAR and the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, tens of thousands of people in need are provided help in various...

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HELL develops its Szikszó-based plant further

The HELL ENERGY Magyarország Kft. further develops its plant in Szikszó, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county.  The HELL ENERGY Magyarország Kft. will spend almost 300 million HUF for various investments – the company...

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ALDI chose a strategic agency

The ALDI Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. chose its strategic advisor, in the scope of a restricted tender, where four applicants took part. Aldi is present in Hungary for five years now....

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DHL Global Connectedness Index is out

The DHL Global Connectedness Index ranks 125 countries according to the depth and breadth of their integration into the world economy and also examines the relationship between global connectedness and...

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Takarékbank: the demand of SMEs can increase towards short-term sources

Bank lendings of the small and medium enterprises can increase in the first half of this year. Significant demand can occur towards application sources and short-term loans as well –...

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The monitoring wholesale markets starts again in February

The Government accepted the report on wholesale markets and, consequently, revitalized the monitoring of the wholesale markets – Budai Gyula, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Rural Development...

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The Vásárosnamény-based Kiss B. group of companies built a new logistics center

The Vásárosnamény-based Kiss B. group of companies dealing with food wholesale built a modern logistics center – Kiss B. Zoltán owner and CEO of the family business told MTI on...

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