Tag "Magyar Márkaszövetség"

A good day to die hard

Perhaps the least interesting question is what actually happened in 2023. Business as usual, you could say, since Covid abnormal is the “new normal” – we will get through this...

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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Sustainability with reservations

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. The Hungarian Food Bank Association has been helping people in need for 18 years “For the first time, this year...

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Annus horribilis – ”1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure”.

No, I didn’t mix up the years. 30 years ago Queen Elizabeth II said this in a famous speech. That year the glory of the institution of the monarchy suddenly...

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Growing trust in Hungarian brands – the MagyarBrands Programme has been offering guidance for 13 years now

The MagyarBrands Programme has been searching for and rewarding exceptional brands for 13 years. MagyarBrands has become a logo that serves as a trademark, guiding consumers in their purchasing decisions,...

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We had both feet on the (play)ground (Part 2)

Between 19 and 23 September, the Trade Playground was full: Trade magazine organised its Business Days conference for the 15th time. Almost 900 decision-makers gathered from the HoReCa and FMCG sectors in Hotel...

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Magazine: Change is inevitable and urgent

According to data from the United Nations, from the food that is wasted globally 3 billon people could be fed. What makes the problem even worse is that 10% of...

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Magazine: Shortages: From microchips to potato chips

In his personal account of the previous year, BGA Hungary Sec-Gen Zoltán Fekete starts with alluding to the historical perspectives of Guns, Germs and Steel, the Pulitzer Prize winner book...

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Magazine: Dr Ágnes Fábián: Specialised knowledge and individual characteristics are needed to make a career

In the latest episode of the Future Talks podcast Dr Ágnes Fábián was Szilvia Krizsó’s guest. This article features parts of the conversation, but you can find the whole interview...

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Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 2)

Nearly 800 participants turned up to discuss the 8th wonder of the world – the restart of the sector – during the 5 five days of the Business Days conference,...

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Magazine: Strong Brands, Strong Immune Systems

In this piece Henkel CEO and BGA Hungary President Ágnes Fábián gives us again her account of the previous business year along with some personal insights into the Covid issue....

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Product of the Year 2021

Going forward without hesitation, even when times are hard. This is what comes to my mind when I say: it is really good news that Product of the Year was...

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Business Days 2020 – Our conference wasn’t cancelled…Vol. 3

On Thursday morning Bálint Zsinkó, a member of the Chain Bridge Club and Zoltán Fekete, secretary general of Branded Goods Association Hungary were the moderators. Governments and rooms for manoeuvre...

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Brand-building is of greater importance than ever

In lack of continuous communication, awareness of a brand may easily diminish. Only brands that keep building themselves can be a success on the long run. Superbrands Programme remains committed...

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With efficient tools for achieving sustainability

The pandemic came like an evolutionary shock to everyone, generating a crisis in demand and supply – and entailing an existential crisis as well. Hungarian FMCG companies reacted well to...

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Magazine: MagyarBrands is 10 years old: The programme that honours excellent Hungarian brands

Ten years ago the MagyarBrands programme set a noble goal: finding Hungarian brands that are worthy of rewarding; up until the present day 750 brands were honoured with the prize....

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Brands and trends amidst the pandemic

In this piece, Henkel CEO and BGA Hungary President Ágnes Fábián gives us her account of the previous business year along with some refreshingly personal insights into the current Covid-19...

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The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 2)

On Thursday the day’s topic was hypermarkets, discounters, drugstores and e-commerce. The moderators of the day’s work were Zoltán Fekete, secretary general of Branded Goods Association Hungary and HD Group’s...

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Magazine: More stores can now use the SuperStore logo!

Trade magazin organised the SuperStore competition in 2019 too. It was an important criterion in the store design concept competition that retailers operating an online shop only weren’t eligible for...

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Magazine: The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 1)

This year our magazine organised the Business Days conference in Tapolca under the name Trade Parliament, between 16 and 20 September. A record-breaking 750 FMCG experts and decision-makers came to learn...

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Magazine: Is there a straight road leading to the circular economy?

The Federation of Hungarian Food Industries (ÉFOSZ) celebrated its 30th anniversary by changing its name to Federation of Responsible Food Manufacturers (FÉSZ). They did this to symbolically reinforce the fact the...

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Magazine: Brands as an engine of growth and looking into the crystal ball

One of the engines of economic growth is strong brands. Trade magazin has asked Dr Ágnes Fábián, president of Branded Goods Association Hungary (BGA ) and managing director of Henkel...

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Magazine: Employer branding at its best

In 2018 the best Hungarian brands have been rewarded with the MagyarBrands prize for the ninth time. From 2018 the MagyarBrand programme evaluates brands in four categories: business, consumer and employer...

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The people who decide

Members of the Product of the Year jury must be recognised economic and marketing experts, who are also familiar with the domains of product innovation and brand building. These characteristics...

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Magazine: Once upon a time… Business Days 2018 (Part 2)

Thursday was the third day of the Business Days conference and the first speaker was Dr Zsolt Feldman, state secretary of agriculture from the Ministry of Agriculture. His topic was...

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Environmental protection product fee: a raise would be exaggerated and disproportionate

At the end of September a draft of a planned amendment to the environmental protection product fee law appeared on the government’s website. According to this, from January 2019 the...

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The best stores honoured for the fourth time

The jury selected the winners of the SuperStore 2018 competition in 15 categories. This prize rewards points of sale created with the most innovative concept, honouring those solutions which meet...

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Magazine: Once upon a time…Business Days 2018 (Part 1)

This year we invited partners to tell and listen to fairytales at the Business Days conference in Tapolca, which was organised in cooperation with the Chain Bridge Club. Between 25...

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Magazine: It isn’t enough to win, the prize should also be retained – but how?

The Superbrands programme has been rewarding the best brands for 14 years, but there are only a few of these that are able to win the prize year after year....

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Magazine: Brands are the engine of growth

Dr Ágnes Fábián, president of Branded Goods Association Hungary (BGA) and managing director of Henkel Magyarország Kft. talked to our magazine about 2017 from brand owners’ perspective: ‘2017 continued the growth...

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