Tag "kutatás"

Cultivated meat consumption is increasing in Western Europe

A recent survey has revealed that consumers are shifting to meat alternatives, often choosing plant-based products instead. In the survey 4,096 people were interviewed across Germany, France, Italy and Spain about their...

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Consumer spending focuses on experiences and basic needs

Mastercard Economics Institute’s “Shifting Wallets” survey analysed how much consumers stick with their habits which give them comfort, experiences or both. The study sets out to answer three key questions...

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More than half of Hungarians have a sweet tooth, this is what sells best in stores

Six out of ten prefer the sweet taste, the second most popular taste is salty, which is the favorite of every fourth Hungarian. This and many other interesting facts came...

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Inflation will slow next year, but food and energy prices will remain high

The players of the global corporate sector are increasingly pessimistic about the global economic outlook, and the mood is especially gloomy in Europe – according to the fourth quarter global...

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Climate, water and food security fears appear on the consumer radar

Consumers are more worried about climate change today than ever before. According to new research results from the 2022 Mintel Consulting Sustainability Barometer, the number of global consumers citing climate...

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Ipsos: moderate interest in Qatar World Cup

Ipsos’ study of the global reception of the upcoming soccer World Cup in 34 countries. The Arab world, Asia, and South America are visibly moved by the event, on the...

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Hungarians are open to trying meat alternatives

A representative online survey conducted by Pápai Hús Kft. in September 2022 revealed: every fifth person follows some kind of diet in Hungary, 16% of them say they are vegetarian...

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Strengthening events industry

A global forecast by American Express on the events industry for 2023 interviewed 580 event organisers in 23 countries. 77% of respondents are optimistic about the situation in the industry,...

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41 percent of Hungarians have no disposable income

Ominous trends emerge from the latest representative research by Generali Biztosító, which deals with the general awareness of the domestic population aged 18-65, as well as their savings and expectations...

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Újszászi Bogár László: a smiling face makes people eat and buy more

The experiment of Piotr Winkielman, a researcher at the University of California, San Diego, and Kent C. Berridge, who works at the University of Michigan, shows that the sight of...

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Bulk shopping costs HUF 50,000-80,000 more per month

Food inflation is already at 35.2 percent in Hungary. According to a recent study, an average family spends HUF 50,000-80,000 more on shopping than it did a year ago. According...

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Corvinus research: how ecologically unsustainable are households in the Budapest urban area?

From an ecological point of view, Budapest and its surroundings are amazingly unsustainable: the ecological footprint related to the household consumption of a resident of the capital is 2.5 global...

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Gfk: The average purchasing power per capita in Europe in 2022 is 16,344 euros

However, there are significant differences between the 42 countries: people in Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Luxembourg have significantly higher purchasing power than in the rest of Europe, while Kosovo, Moldova and...

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According to the KPMG 2022 CEO Outlook research, leaders of large global companies stick to long-term goals

According to the KPMG 2022 CEO Outlook, eight out of ten CEOs of the world’s largest companies expect an economic downturn in the next 12 months. However, half of the...

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K&H: Domestic family-owned companies face challenges

After successfully overcoming the uncertainties caused by the coronavirus and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the continuous rise in prices may now bring a change of attitude to domestic family-owned companies. Inflation...

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Intrum survey: the majority of households are affected by the utility increase, a quarter of them are at risk

On average, the respondents expect an increase in costs of HUF 26,000 per month due to the amendment of the utility reduction rules, the expenses of households with the lowest...

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Coface: what to expect on the Hungarian fuel market?

European countries have already faced rising inflation, but prices may get another boost – according to the analysis of the credit insurance company Coface, in which the development of raw...

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Traffic light eco-ratings on menus prompt vegetarian choices

A traffic light system rating the eco-friendliness of food on delivery app menus influences vegetarian choices, according to a new study. Conducted by the University of Bristol, of 1,399 adults...

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Bakery products end up in the bin the most, durable food and meat the least

The vast majority of Hungarians consider themselves to be conscious consumers, despite this, 59% of our compatriots throw away food, and 23% especially a lot – according to the data...

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Plant-based food sales rise, but meat sales not affected

UK’s craving for meat is not affected by campaigns for plant-based alternatives, according to new research by the University of Surrey. The study looked at UK supermarket sales during the...

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This is how Hungarians dine – sandwiches, fried meat and eggs are the TOP3

Dinner is a conversational meal spent together with family and friends, and dinner prepared at home is the most common scenario, but at the same time, for almost half of...

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European customers are under pressure, but Christmas can be a ray of hope

According to two NielsenIQ studies, even though inflation has a strong impact on European shoppers, they are sticking to their Christmas shopping plans for the time being. NielsenIQ Consumer Insights’...

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Black Friday 2022: this is how our willingness to spend changes during the livelihood crisis

Despite the economic and livelihood crisis, half of the population plans to buy something during Black Friday. Hungarians would spend an average of HUF 41,000 during the pre-Christmas sales period,...

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This is what Hungarians give up during the crisis

Restaurants, holidays, culture – these are the things that Hungarians are ready to give up in times of crisis. 80 percent of people are in a worse financial situation than...

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Payment discipline in Hungary fell to the level of 2015

After an improving trend until 2019, the proportion of late payments and bad debts increased significantly as a result of the pandemic and the energy crisis. Exactly 76% of bills...

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Research was conducted on the importance of energy saving in electronic devices

Customers consider it important that their devices are energy-efficient, however, the majority of them are not aware of the meaning of energy labels, and not everyone is willing to pay...

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It is now so important for customers to use energy-saving devices

Customers consider it important that their devices are energy efficient, however, most of them are not aware of the meaning of energy labels, and not everyone is willing to pay...

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Generation Z and X employees are the most dissatisfied

Managers are too optimistic about the happiness of their employees, according to the latest research by the Capgemini Research Institute. Based on a survey involving 750 managers and 1,500 employees,...

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Hungary’s digital payment index is above average

Mastercard measured the Digital Payment Index of Hungary for the second time this year. The Index relying on three pillars that are infrastructure, knowledge and use, shows the market’s level...

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Food buying habits of Hungarians

Rama has conducted a nationwide representative survey on the food buying habits of Hungarians. 58% of respondents claimed that price is one of the top 3 most important factors influencing...

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