Tag "környezetvédelem"

From today, something will disappear from Auchan that customers really loved

Today, Auchan bids farewell to the heavily polluting plastic bags in which we have so far packed vegetables, fruit and pastries for weighing and repatriating. Instead of tear-off nylons, we...

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300,000 tonnes of waste was transported away within the Clean up the country! program so far

In the Tisztítsuk meg az országot! (Clean up the country!) program so far spent eight billion forints was spent on the elimination of illegal landfills and about 300,000 tons of...

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The EU would ban greenwashing and propose new consumer rights

The European Commission’s proposal, published on Wednesday, would ban greenwashing in the EU and introduce new rights for consumers to make environmentally friendly purchasing decisions. According to a press release...

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Britvic Brasil plants trees

The soft drink company Britvic Brasil plants nearly 2,000 trees, each one of which represents an employee of the company. According to a promise, the forest will grow with the...

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Beer brand for the environment

Mexican beer brand Corona organised a plastic fishing contest in Mazatlán last year, to raise awareness of how polluted Mexico Bay is. Participants had to collect plastic from the Pacific...

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Sustainability and digitalisation are already central issues for companies

Sustainability and digitalisation already play a huge role in the development of companies that are starting out or recently founded, and at least one sustainability aspect is taken into account...

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AM: to promote the replacement of fertilizers is environmental and economic interest

It is in the interest of the environment and the economy to promote the replacement of fertilizers, therefore a new support scheme is being prepared to help set up manure...

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Last year, Budapest Airport further reduced its carbon dioxide emissions

Budapest Airport further reduced its direct carbon dioxide emissions in 2021, which halved the level of ten years ago, while emissions per passenger are only one-third of the 2011 level,...

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In a week, the PET Cup’s bottle with a transmitter traveled 300 kilometers on the Tisza

A bottle of the PET Cup with a transmitter has traveled almost 300 kilometers in a week, providing useful data for researching the path of waste floating on the river...

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Let’s pour clean water into the glass

Sustainability and environmental protection affect all of us, thus in 2020 NRC decided to do research every six months on what Hungarians think and do about sustainability. Insufficient information and...

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Eco-friendly strategy is a priority for ALDI

ALDI Magyarország is dedicated to the cause of environmental protection. At the end of 2019 the discounter banned single-use plastic products and by 2025 private label products will be packaged...

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(HU) Áder János az egyszer használatos műanyag eszközök kiváltásának új lehetőségéről beszélgetett podcastjában

Áder János köztársasági elnök kedden közzétett podcastjában Vaszkó Gáborral, a Civita Group Zrt. társtulajdonosával és vezetőjével beszélgetett többek között az egyszer használatos műanyag eszközök kiváltásának új lehetőségéről, a kukoricából készült...

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ITM Secretary of State: the volunteers of the TeSzedd! action collected thousands of tons of garbage

In the waste collection operation, volunteers freed their environment from thousands of tons of waste last week, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) announced on Tuesday. Presenting the data,...

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Swiss-Icelandic partnership launches the world’s largest CO2 extraction plant

Switzerland-based startup Climeworks, which specialises in carbon dioxide air capturing technology, has teamed up with Icelandic carbon storage firm Carbfix, to develop the world’s largest carbon-capturing plant. The plant has been in...

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Underwater parking garage for bicycles helps wildlife and pedestrians

Cycling is extremely popular in the Netherlands where there are more bikes than people. This is one reason why bicycle parking is at a premium and the country is in...

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Lidl Italia expands climate-neutral product selection

Lidl Italia has come out with more than 20 climate-neutral products. The discounter aims to make a positive impact on climate protection, the conservation of biodiversity and resources. Lidl’s full...

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A super-slippery bottle that helps you get out every last drop

Ever get frustrated when that last bit of shampoo or ketchup just won’t come out of the bottle? Well, you may be in luck. A new line of packaging has...

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Magazine: Dark clouds are gathering

After the breakout of the pandemic numerous environmental protection experts thought that the lockdown might be a turning point in reducing consumption and protecting the environment. Today we can see...

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Scientists In Singapore Transform Fruit Leftovers Into Antibacterial Bandages

Scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore are tackling food waste by turning discarded durian husks into antibacterial gel bandages. The process extracts cellulose powder from the fruit’s husks after they...

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Coca-Cola Bottles Made From 100 Percent rPET

“On the Go” bottles for the Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero, Coke light, Fanta, Sprite, and mezzo mix brands, up to and including the 0.5-liter bottle, will now be sold in Germany...

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Almost nine tons of waste was collected in the II. Bodrogi PET Cup

Almost nine tons, a total of 1256 bags of waste were collected in the II. Bodrogi PET Cup. The record amount of waste was collected by the teams participating in...

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Brand develops edible seaweed-based packaging to reach the market soon

London-based startup Notpla (formerly Skipping Rocks Lab) has created a range of biodegradable packaging from seaweed and plants. The company first started in 2014 with their “Ooho” product, an edible packaging for liquids. Ooho resembles a bubble...

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The II. Bodrogi PET Cup starts on Thursday

The II. Bodrog PET Cup river cleaning and waste collection competition, in which the teams clean the Tisza by touching Bodrogolaszi, Olaszliszka and Szegi and reach the finish line in...

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Plastic waste used for 3D-printed electric tricycle

The Australian design firm EOOS has developed the first model for an electric tricycle that can be 3D-printed from discarded plastic packaging, left over by supermarkets. The “ZUV” (zero-emissions utility vehicle) as...

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Woodworker brings her skills to sustainably made e-bikes

Woodworker Evie Bee published two books detailing the process she undertook in designing and building her electric bicycle, Electraply. The name is a play on the words electric and plywood, with the...

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Unilever’s factory modernised with environmental considerations in mind

Unilever Magyarország Kft. completed the first round of modernisation at its Nyírbátor factory, where drug products are made. The company invested HUF 5 billion in the project that expanded the...

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Efficiency, scent and something extra

In 2020 the value of the laundry detergent market increased by 2.5 percent, which was much less than the +7.2 percent in 2019; volume sales stagnated last year – informed...

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Just one in five Aussies eat meat daily

New research from Toluna reveals that Australia’s meat consumption is on a decline, with only 20 per cent of respondents eating meat daily. Although the survey sample was relatively small...

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Colgate-Palmolive launches hand soap tablets and refillable aluminum bottle for Softsoap range

Colgate-Palmolive’s hand soap brand Softsoap is reducing plastic waste with the launch of Foaming Hand Soap Tablets and a refillable, recyclable aluminum bottle. The kit uses 71 percent less plastic...

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Asda To Switch To 100% Electric Car Fleet

UK retailer Asda plans to move its entire company car fleet of over 600 vehicles to electric vehicles in the next four years. The initiative will save over 2,411 tonnes of...

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