Tag "környezettudatosság"

On the path of environmental awareness, SPAR toGo food bars

In recent years, SPAR Hungary has launched a number of initiatives aimed at environmental awareness, responsible waste management and optimal energy management in its toGo food bars. The good news...

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Environmentally conscious food orderers

This was the conclusion of a survey by Greenstic Europe, a sustainable food packaging company present in the markets of Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. This article is available for reading...

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As a domestic manufacturer, Sydnex wants to employ Hungarian workers

Family business Sydnex Kft. has been active in the Hungarian packaging industry for more than 30 years. Thanks to extensive investments over the last 3 years, the firm has doubled...

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NAK organizes a professional day and market presentation focusing on farmers’ markets

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy and the Corvinus University of Budapest are organizing a professional event and market presentation in the capital under the title Producer’s market in the...

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It is extremely important for Hungarians that the shops operate in a sustainable manner

Environmental awareness is becoming an increasingly important aspect for customers, and according to a recent survey, Hungarians also find it extremely important that stores operate in a sustainable manner. Based...

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Innovation willingness isn’t frozen in the chilled dairy snack category

There is good news and bad news for the chilled dairy snack category (chilled milk bars and cottage cheese based desserts): there has been a double-digit decline in volume sales...

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Karcsúsodik, de zöldül a gyümölcslé

Az elmúlt időszak egyik legfontosabb trendje a gyümölcslépiacon is a fogyasztók egészségtudatosságának erősödése, mely igényt a gyártók különböző releváns innovációkkal, megoldásokkal igyekeznek kielégíteni. Mindemellett megfigyelhető a csökkentett cukortartalmú, valamint hozzáadott...

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István Nagy: small producers will get new help

Small producers will receive new help and facilitations, taking advantage of EU opportunities, they will receive special support – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy in a video published on...

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„Bőrgyógyász és kozmetikus” a fürdőszobapolcon

Az arcápolási kategóriában jelentős mértékű növekedés történt az elmúlt időszakban, ami leginkább a COVID alatti lezárások ideje alatt berobbanó trendnek, az otthoni, tudatos bőrápolásnak köszönhető. Arcbőrünk ápolása már korántsem egy...

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Termékek igényesen „tálalva”

A fogyasztói szokások változása a kereskedelmet közvetlenül érinti, így a displayk kihelyezésén is érzékelhetők ezen átalakulások. A jelenlegi inflációs helyzetben az üzletekben előtérbe került az árkommunikáció, míg a promóciók szerepe...

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The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy and the European Fresh Team program handed over 100 kilograms of vegetables and fruits

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and its program promoting the consumption of vegetables and fruits, the European Fresh Team, handed over 100 kilograms of vegetables and fruits, a packet...

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Háború nyet, vodka da!

Egyes vodkamárkák forgalmára igen, ám a vodka kedveltségére nem volt hatással az ukrajnai háború. A prémiumizáció hatása a vodkák szegmensében is érzékelhető. A termékfejlesztésben a gyümölcsös mellett a botanical ízesítés...

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An above-average grape harvest is expected in Mecsekalja

The bunches are full, the berries are larger than average, the yield is above average in the vineyard of the Viticulture and Wine Research Institute of the University of Pécs...

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Hand-washing or dishwasher?

NielsenIQ has reported that washing-up liquid sales augmented by approximately 15% in 2022 – value sales grew around 20%, but volume sales dropped 6%. This article is available for reading...

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Before and after the high season

Like-for-like household paper product sales augmented by 32.4% in value in 2022, but volume sales dropped 10% from the 2021 level. Value sales were up 40.2% in the facial tissue...

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The government places special emphasis on environmental protection

The government places special emphasis on the formation of an environmental protection attitude, on the programs that help this – said the Deputy Secretary of State for Environmental Protection of...

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Registration has started for TeSzedd! for a waste collection campaign

TeSzedd will be held again this year! waste collection action, for which volunteers can already apply – announced the state secretary of the Ministry of Energy (ME) responsible for the...

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CBRE: environmental awareness and social responsibility are increasingly important in the real estate market

Environmental awareness and social responsibility play an increasingly important role in the real estate market as well, according to a new global survey by the international real estate consultant CBRE....

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Use nearly 14 tonnes less paper from this year to Spar

SPAR Hungary took a big step towards environmental awareness again. The company reduces the paper administration needed to operate its stores by digital solutions. With the measure, the company saves...

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The durable and transparent packaging is the winner – results on the soup paste dry pasta Product sample

We asked the reviewers during the soup paste dry pasta Product Sample how important they consider packaging and presentation when buying pasta, and also on what basis they choose the...

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Dunapack starts production in new factory

Hungary’s market leader corrugated board packaging company, Dunapack Kft. has opened its new factory in Dunavarsány. Our magazine interviewed sales director Ádám Pöltl product management and business development sales director of Dunapack....

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Every Hungarian receives 30.5 kilograms of plastic packaging waste per year

According to statistical data, 40 percent of all plastic use in Europe is used for packaging, and in Hungary, 30.5 kilograms of plastic packaging waste is generated per person per...

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Focusing on sustainability!

SIÓ’s efforts for the protection of bees earned the Symbol of Sustainability award for the company in 2022. As the products of SIÓ-Eckes are made from fresh, healthy fruits, the...

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Only one thing, change is constant in the packaging industry

Béla Cservenka, local sales manager of DS Smith Packaging Hungary told our magazine that sustainability and the circular economy are in the centre of their operations. This is the reason...

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The eco-classroom and community space raise environmental education to a new level

Another eco-classroom was built in Hungary. The project, which mobilized more than 100 volunteers, was realized with the support and initiative of DS Smith with the assistance of the Department...

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World Earth Day – How to get your child to collect aluminum selectively?

Recycling aluminum cans is just one small, but very important step towards environmental awareness and saving resources. If we act wisely as parents, it will become completely natural for the...

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Smart energy use, green solutions in SPAR stores

SPAR Hungary strives for environmental sustainability during the construction of its new stores and the modernization of previously built stores. Compared to the value of 2017, greenhouse gas emissions at...

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World novelty: Hungarian grass paper, which saves trees

The demand for grass paper is constantly increasing here, individual consumers and companies alike are showing great interest in the environmentally friendly alternative – this is what Cardex Európa Kft.,...

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Moist tissue trend in the toilet paper category

Ildikó Kardos, Essity Hungary Kft.’s marketing manager told our magazine that value sales of both classic toilet papers and moist toilet tissues grew, but volume sales of the former dropped...

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Hello Alu! – HELL’s new campaign encourages the correct collection of aluminum cans

The HELL group of companies launched a special subbox collection campaign. During October, several tram stops in Budapest will be transformed into special box collection points equipped with counters for...

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