The durable and transparent packaging is the winner – results on the soup paste dry pasta Product sample
We asked the reviewers during the soup paste dry pasta Product Sample how important they consider packaging and presentation when buying pasta, and also on what basis they choose the most suitable product for them. It turns out that quality is still the most important factor.

(Photo: Pixabay)
The reviewers scored the various aspects on a scale from 1 to 5. Based on their opinion, it can be said that the most important thing when buying dry pasta is high quality and a preference for domestic products, while packaging is only the 5th most important feature.
Examining the types of packaging, the respondents could choose between boxed and bagged versions, of which bagged dry pasta is the most popular type
Packaging is an important part of food because, in addition to providing protection, it can help you choose the most suitable product based on the information on it. Based on the results of the test, the most important aspect for dry pasta is the durable and transparent packaging, and the respondents also considered it essential that the cooking instructions be found on it. Based on the answers, the appearance and type of the packaging are the least authoritative.
Nowadays, more and more people pay attention to environmental awareness
As a consequence of this, packaging-free shops were created, where dry pasta is also available in addition to a wide variety of products. But is an environmentally friendly approach so important that we are willing to give up packaging? With the help of the questionnaire, we tried to find the answer to this as well. The majority of the respondents, 28.95%, would not like to buy dry pasta in a packaging-free store and only 10.53% would take advantage of the packaging-free option.
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