Tag "karácsony"
Small Christmas? Big Christmas!
Date: 2023-08-30 11:51:14
It was a big question before last year’s end-of-year season how much families would tighten their belts when buying sweets for Saint Nicholas Feast Day and Christmas. The answer turned...
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Christmas Eve can be a holiday in commerce
Date: 2023-05-30 15:19:20
In the next year, the number of days off around Christmas would increase according to a fresh draft decree, but it excludes retail employees who work tirelessly during the pre-holiday...
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Who will bring the gift and what will be on the festive table? – Ynsight Research netnography
Date: 2022-12-22 15:19:17
2022 may not have turned out to be our favorite year, but soon the holidays will arrive, the gifts will arrive, the family will get together and we can finally...
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No matter how evil the human Grinch may be, the wonder of Christmas unites everyone
Date: 2022-12-22 12:25:00
Like other large companies, Erste Bank touches our hearts every year with the current Christmas short film. This year, however, the story is even more connected to the current situation....
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With this little trick, you can make festive baking and cooking more sustainable – drop off used cooking oil at MOL gas stations!
Date: 2022-12-22 11:40:57
Christmas is upon us and with it the preparations for the holidays: buying and wrapping gifts, cleaning and decorating the apartment, and compiling and then buying the holiday menu. It...
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Christmas logistics: how do we store the ingredients of the holiday meals correctly?
Date: 2022-12-22 10:53:13
Crumbling shopping baskets are a typical element of pre-Christmas preparations. Everyone is trying to stock up before the winter break to fill the holiday table with sweet and savory delicacies....
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This Christmas commercial will make everyone laugh, it’s so sweet
Date: 2022-12-21 12:27:52
On the Internet, you can find many videos in which dogs or cats come into conflict with the Christmas tree. However, the clothing brand The Binge decided to show the...
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Nearly 20,000 families were helped by SPAR customers at this year’s Giving Joy! in the context of fundraising
Date: 2022-12-21 11:40:58
The Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and SPAR Hungary have joined forces to give Joy! thanks to its fundraising campaign, 143 tons of food could be made into gift packages in...
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Auchan customers collected 18 tons of donations for the Hungarian Red Cross
Date: 2022-12-21 11:12:04
The Hungarian Red Cross and Auchan organized this year’s fundraiser on the first two weekends of December. During the charity campaign, non-perishable food and cleaning and hygiene products were the...
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Christmas Feast of Love: Thousands of families are counting on help in the current crisis
Date: 2022-12-21 11:03:46
The Ételt az Életért Alapítvány, a charitable organization that carries out the humanitarian activities of Krishna believers, has been organizing food distributions in Hungary for 30 years, almost every day...
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Year-end collaboration between Mastercard and SPAR
Date: 2022-12-20 14:24:23
Mastercard and Spar are preparing for the festive season with one of the biggest consumer promotions of the year. The parties believe that just a few occasions are enough to...
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(HU) A McDonald’s szerint ez a legfontosabb dolog karácsonykor
Date: 2022-12-20 12:48:20
Like other major global brands, Meki also produced its own Christmas short film, in which it shows the true essence of Christmas. In the short film “The List”, a boy...
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The price-value ratio is the most important thing when buying Christmas presents
Date: 2022-12-20 11:39:59
In October, the Offerista Group conducted a survey in all its markets, including Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Germany and Austria. The purpose of the survey was to find out what...
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Lidl helps 1,000 families with Christmas packages
Date: 2022-12-20 11:32:11
Lidl Hungary wants to make the Christmas of families living in difficult circumstances more beautiful this year, so it invited its customers and social media followers to join forces. The...
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Packaging technology company: damage from returning damaged products at Christmas can reach 18.1 billion euros in Europe
Date: 2022-12-20 11:17:05
The return of damaged products at Christmas can cause damage of 18.1 billion to European companies, the packaging technology company DS Smith told MTI. According to their survey, products purchased...
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Household appliances work for disadvantaged children
Date: 2022-12-20 09:31:21
Gorenje’s kitchen and household appliances will go to work on Lake Balaton for two good causes: this Christmas, the company will help the safe rest and the summer vacation of...
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Bad vegetables! The hero carrot will stop you!
Date: 2022-12-19 12:29:59
If anything, we are never disappointed in Aldi’s Christmas advertisement! The food chain’s social communication is mostly based on funny posts, so we were not surprised when we ran into...
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We wrap it, drink it, cook it: we choose quality wines for Christmas
Date: 2022-12-19 11:51:11
At Christmas, wine is placed on every second table, even several types, selected according to taste and the menu. In such cases, we like to eat something special next to...
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European Commission: 43 percent of online stores violated EU rules during the Advent period
Date: 2022-12-19 11:45:18
43 percent of online stores violated EU rules when announcing discount prices during the Advent period, according to a report published by the European Commission on Monday. The sellers announced...
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There will be plenty of fish available for Christmas
Date: 2022-12-19 11:42:15
Domestic fish consumption has been slowly but steadily increasing in recent years; despite the difficulties, there is enough fish and everyone can find something for the Christmas table in the...
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According to Coca-Cola, the best Christmas gift is love
Date: 2022-12-16 12:28:19
We have reached the third and final Christmas short film in this year’s Coca-Cola anthology. Like the other two, this one touches on a heart-felt subject. The love… The 11-minute...
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Fish has almost completely disappeared from Hungarian gastronomy
Date: 2022-12-16 11:43:18
At the end of the 1880s, the average annual consumption of fish per person was below one and a half kilos, which practically halved by the mid-1930s. Although there was...
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Every Hungarian receives 30.5 kilograms of plastic packaging waste per year
Date: 2022-12-16 11:10:03
According to statistical data, 40 percent of all plastic use in Europe is used for packaging, and in Hungary, 30.5 kilograms of plastic packaging waste is generated per person per...
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One hundred million charity for the needy from the Tranzit Group
Date: 2022-12-16 10:45:48
The Szabó family pays special attention to health institutions that provide care for children. “Social responsibility is essential from those who can do it. This manifests itself in concrete assistance,...
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If you liked Elf christmas movie, you will love this commercial!
Date: 2022-12-15 12:32:17
ASDA’s Christmas commercial featuring everyone’s favorite elf is both funny and cute! Bring your pockets, because there will be tears of laughter! It’s been 19 years since Buddy, the young...
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Damaged products, undelivered packages – tips for sending the right Christmas package
Date: 2022-12-15 11:44:23
During the Christmas period, the number of package deliveries also increases by leaps and bounds. However, this also means that even more incorrectly sent packages end up in the warehouse,...
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Hungarians would most like to see household appliances and electronic products under the tree
Date: 2022-12-14 15:30:25
Buyers are trying to counteract the economic difficulties with a more conscious attitude, more than half of whom – taking advantage of the sales and discounts at the end of...
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A recent survey by Costa Coffee and GKID investigated the sources of stress associated with the holidays
Date: 2022-12-14 14:01:56
What makes most people happy during the holidays? Are we able to enjoy the little things or do we stress over the cracked bagels and crooked Christmas tree? This Christmas,...
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What does a vampire do at Christmas and what’s wrong with Santa???
Date: 2022-12-14 12:40:00
It is revealed in Coca-Cola’s second holiday short film! The 10-minute long Christmas Bites is a comedy about an American vampire who meets his girlfriend’s parents for the first time,...
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