Tag "gyümölcs"

Online Grocery Shopping Grows In Portugal In 2018: Study

Online grocery purchases in Portugal rose to 16% in 2018 from 9% in 2017, the latest data has revealed. According to the Observatory Shopping Experience from in-Store Media, the primary...

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Agricultural economist: 50 percent less apples have grown, compared to last year

Apple trees last year produced 900,000 tons of fruit in Hungary, and due to the weather, we can expect about half of this amount this year – agricultural economist Fórián...

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Nébih: an average Hungarian throws out six kilos of vegetables and fruits a year

An average of six kilograms of vegetables and fruits are thrown out annually by an average Hungarian – the head of the Department of Plant, Soil and Agri-Environment Protection of...

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Nearly 1 ton of fresh vegetables and fruits were tasted with children on the four weekends of June

The Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Celebration series, held in June, brought the consumption of vegetables and fruits closer to more than 10,000 children and tasted nearly 1 ton of fresh...

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NAK: a good apricot harvest is expected

Countrywide, apricot harvesting is under way. According to the survey of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK), growers expect a good harvest this year after the very bad harvest of last...

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Children could taste nearly 1 ton of fresh vegetables in the last month

The weekend of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits has ended, bringing the consumption of vegetables and fruits closer to more than 10,000 children, tasting nearly 1 ton of fresh seasonal vegetables...

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The melon season starts with a smaller domestic supply

A larger amount of domestic melons are expected to be marketed from 1 July. The watermelon harvest can begin at the end of the week, early next week, so a...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the price of sour cherries may double

The price of sour cherries could double, compared last year due to spring droughts and high temperature fluctuations – the president of the the national horticultural and supplier department of...

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Melon cubes from Japan

This year, the transportation of special cubic melons were launched from Zentsuji, Japan. Some local farmers produce these melons, which serve more as ornamental than as fruit – origo wrote...

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Millions of cardiovascular deaths can be caused by low fruit and vegetable intake

Millions of deaths in the world can be caused by cardiovascular diseases each year, which may be due to the low intake of vegetables and fruits. The first results of...

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ALDI: the leader in green solutions

ALDI operates 139 stores in Hungary and the secret of their success is that people are the most important in their set of values – be it customers or workers. ...

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Magazine: Growing importance of modern channels in fruit and vegetable sales

Eszter Kocsis, Nielsen’s retail services senior manager spoke about the results of the company’s fruit and vegetable buying habits survey at the 5th Zsendülés conference in Szeged. She revealed that the...

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FruitVeB: special attention has to be paid to the protection of vegetables and orchards due to the rainy weather

The amount of rain that has fallen in the previous days has been good for both vegetables and fruits, and helped their growth, but the cool and rainy weather favors...

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Coop Italia Launches Campaign For Pesticide-Free Fruit And Vegetables

Coop Italia has launched a campaign to eliminate pesticides from Coop-branded fruit and vegetables. The retailer aims to gradually remove four types of herbicides, including glyphosate, from its own brand...

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Domestic strawberries to appear on the maarket

According to the panorama of the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics, the Hungarian wild strawberries are expected to appear on the markets in mid-May in larger quantities. Strawberries are Greek,...

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REWE To Offer Unpackaged Organic Fruits And Vegetables

https://www.esmmagazine.com/rewe-offer-unpackaged-organic-fruits-vegetables/73852Mind a 630 üzletében megszünteti organikus zöldség- és gyümölcsárujánál a műanyag csomagolást a REWE. A  német kiskereskedő-lánc ezzel a lépésével évi 60.000 kg-nyi műanyag szeméttel csökkenti  hulladéktermelését. Egy nemrég végzett...

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GfK: we spend more on vegetables and fruits

GfK Hungária’s report on consumption of fruit and vegetables has been completed based on a Household Panel Research with the participation of 2000 people and an online survey of 1,000...

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AM: the ministry is doing its utmost for the competitiveness of the egg, vegetable and fruit sectors

The state’s margin of maneuver is influenced by Hungarian and EU legislation when influencing market processes, while the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) makes use of all possibilities and grabs all...

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The Frutti and Veggi also encourage children and families to consume fruit and vegetables this year

Most families with children consume little vegetables and fruits. Frutti and Veggi, two mascot figurines of the European Fresh Adventures, are returning this year to fight for a healthy diet...

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FruitVeB: drought adversely affects the fruit and vegetable production areas

Drought has a negative impact on the fruit and vegetable production areas. Currently 120-160 millimeter rainfall is needed in the soil – Ledó Ferenc, President of the FruitVeB Inter-Professional Organization...

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More than two hundred people took part in the fruit vaccination program of the Kisalföld Forestry

The fruit vaccination program of the Kisalföld Erdőgazdaság (Kaeg) Zrt. (Kisalföld Forestry) that lasts for 5 years is succesful – the head of the forest school in Ravazd told MTI....

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The EU’s school fruit, school vegetable and school milk program will continue next year

Thanks to the European Union’s 250 million euros (approximately 80 billion forints) program to promote healthy eating habits among children, schoolchildren will receive milk, fruit and vegetables in the next...

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Lidl focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables

The joint study of Lidl Magyarország and the Hungarian National Dietetics Association (MDOSZ) reveals that more than the third of the Hungarian adult population do not have precise information on...

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A few pieces of stinking fruit were sold at an amazing price

Some special pieces of the Southeast Asian fruit, the Durian are sold in a hypermarket in an Indonesian city for gold prices. For a single piece, 14 million rupees, 1343...

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Magazine: Vegetables perform better than fruits

Vegetables are grown on 83,000-85,000 hectares of land in Hungary, annual production is around 1,900-2,000 thousand tons and this represents a value of HUF 185-190 billion. According to Ferenc Ledó,...

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European oversupply and weak quality are undermining the domestic apple market

The quality of edible apple originally stored for human consumption is much weaker than usual, so it can only be sold for industrial purposes – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The plant...

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Producer prices increased further

In November last year, agricultural producer prices increased by 4.4 percent compared to a year before. The price of plant products increased by 9.1 percent, while the price of live...

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Eat more vegetables and fruits!

On average, only 262 grams of vegetables and fruits per day are consumed by a Hungarian, including families with small children. With this amount, we are the last in the...

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The European Fresh Adventures program encourages to consume more vegetables and fruits

On average, only 262 grams of vegetables and fruits are consumed by a Hungarian per day, including families with small children. With this amount, we are the last in the...

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Chinese love Durian

The most unpleasant odor, the spiky Durian is Malaysia’s latest big hit. Though many people sicken of that fruit, Chinese love it. They add it to chips, pizzas, salads and...

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