Tag "Gallicoop"

Grilling cheese didn’t go up in smoke

The average price of grilling cheese is much higher (nearly twice as much) than the average cheese price, so it is no wonder that last year’s buying backlash hit the...

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Grilling product market hopes to heat up again

Price hikes and weakening purchasing power have had their effect felt on the whole grilling season. Households have held fewer barbecues, switching to cheaper, often private label (PL) products and...

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Convenient but not a luxury!

Suitable for any occasion, it is both a convenience and a healthy food trend: frozen finger foods are more and more popular around the world, and the figures indicate that...

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Serve breakfast like a king…

Most people think of breakfast as the healthiest main meal – even late risers share this view –and this is something that the food and hospitality industry should take into...

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Fel a csőrrel!

Bizonytalanság, kiszámíthatatlanság – ez jellemezte a piaci szereplők szerint 2022-t a szárnyasok értékesítésében. Talán az egyetlen pozitívumot az élénk kereslet jelentette, de ez főként a hatósági árnak volt köszönhető. Az...

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GALLIO Sült és füstízű pulykacombsonkam

Megtartva eddigi lendületét, tovább bővül a Gallicoop vállalat új termékcsaládja, a GALLIO.  A gyorspácolt prémium sonka 80% pulykacombhúst tartalmaz, kiváló alapot teremtve minden szendvicsnek. A magas fehérjetartalmú pulykahús rendkívül gazdag ásványi anyagokban, szelénben,...

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…and it is ready!

It isn’t easy to define convenience products, which constitute up to half of the food selection available in the shops of grocery retailers. If they can afford it, shoppers like...

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This year’s “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year” awards were presented at the Innovation Day conference

For the third time, Trade magazine organised the award ceremony of the contest that first took place in 2021, as part of the programme of a one-day conference. This article...

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We had both feet on the (play)ground (Part 2)

Between 19 and 23 September, the Trade Playground was full: Trade magazine organised its Business Days conference for the 15th time. Almost 900 decision-makers gathered from the HoReCa and FMCG sectors in Hotel...

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The hot dogs go to Vursli in Gallio’s autumn advertisements

The autumn reminder campaign for GALLICOOP’s premium turkey meat product line, Gallio, has reached its half-term. The TV spots of the national advertising campaign created by the creative team of...

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New responsible managers at the head of Gallicoop Zrt

From September of this year, Dr. Krisztina Sóki and János Ruck will manage the operation of the company with the country’s largest closed-system turkey meat production integration in the position...

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Convenience products aren’t simply about comfort

This article calls everything a convenient product that facilitates or simplifies the preparation or consumption of food. Although the principle is the same, the motivation is different at home, in...

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Magazine: Finger food’s conquest

Finger food is a category that keeps developing, thanks to the many areas of possible use and the general diversity. What is more, finger food also fits into basically every...

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Gallicoop is expanding its premium turkey product line

Already at Easter, many family table turkeys are put on the table instead of traditional ham products. Low-fat, nutrient-rich turkey meat is also increasingly being used to make salami, sausages...

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Magazine: Conscious shopping, high quality!

Demand is on the rise for high quality, healthy foods that are free from additives, colours, flavour enhancers and preservatives. GALLIO products perfectly satisfy this consumer need, so they fit...

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Magazine: Beyond meat sticks

From 5 kilograms of processed meat products sold one kilogram is wiener or frankfurter. This category has the biggest share in the processed meat category. Sales are declining a little...

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GALLIO Turkey Wieners

Premium quality GALLIO turkey wieners contain more than 60% of turkey meat and these special products offer a really crisp bite. GALLIO turkey wieners are available in shops in smoked,...

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Magazine: Have a nice breakfast!

Ákos Bősze, METRO’s business development executive (HoReCa) told our magazine that the breakfast service of restaurants seems to be one of the fastest-recovering segments in hospitality. In the period before...

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Magazine: Carry on, food industry!

During a pandemic health becomes more important to people than anything else. There is so much talk in the media about the importance of having a strong immune system that...

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There will be Easter and there will be ham too

Production continued The swine flu and COVID-19 had a big effect on the meat industry last year: the price of live pig dropped considerably, which put pig farmers in a...

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Gallicoop has never been unprofitable

The most important slogan in this sector is “develop or get out,” – Erdélyi István, former CEO of Gallicoop Zrt., told Agrárszektor. The former head of the company, which will...

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The taste of quality

Since last September Gallicoop Zrt. has had a new owner. Our magazine interviewed András Muzsek, the CEO of the company that employs 1,100 people. What changes with a new owner...

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Let’s grill in bad weather too!

One of the most cozy outdoor programs is barbecue. As long as the pleasant time lasts, we can bake it out, but we don’t even have to blow up the...

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Three Hungarian private equity fund managers bought Gallicoop Zrt.

The Gallicoop Zrt. was acquired by three Hungarian private equity fund managers, bringing the company’s 100 percent stake to Takarék, Béta and Status Food Private Equity Fund – Csák Gyula,...

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Gallicoop turkey around the world

Turkey meat is a truly international dish! It is not only a popular ingredient in European and American cuisine, but also in Asian gastronomy. If our dinner guests like spicy,...

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In Békés County, the companies will launch 24 investments in the coming months

Despite the crisis, in the coming months, Hungarian companies will launch 24 investments worth 10.5 billion HUF in Békés County, which will protect another 4,400 jobs – Szijjártó Péter, Minister...

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Gallicoop received nearly 300 million HUF in grants

The Gallicoop Pulykafeldolgozó Zrt. received a subsidy of approximately 282 million HUF in the government’s competitiveness-enhancing program created due to the coronavirus pandemic – Agrarszektor.hu , wrote. The company implements...

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What food we can give to the children

Spending time at home will test the patience and creativity of parents. Everyday question, what food we should give to the little ones? Turkey meat can be a big favorite,...

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The ranking of the TOP 5 Békés County companies has not changed

Linamar Hungary Zrt., Gallicoop Zrt., Guardian Orosháza Kft., Hirschmann Car Communication Kft. and Mondi Békéscsaba Kft. remain the top five companies in the Békés County TOP 100 corporate ranking. The...

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Gallicoop start the day with turkey meat!

If it’s a new year, it’s a new life. January gives us the opportunity to rethink our habits and introduce fresh rules to our diet and lifestyle. According to Gallicoop...

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