Tag "Európai Bizottság"

EC: there is a danger that Hungary will not achieve the 50 percent waste recycling by 2020

In the 14 EU Member States, including Hungary, there is a risk that the 50 percent waste recycling rate will not be achieved by 2020 for household waste – the...

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The European Commission has registered a Citizens’ Initiative to Ensure a Quality of Food

The European Commission has decided to register a European Citizens’ Initiative urging the prevention of fraud in food products, the EU Commission said. According to the information, the Eat original!...

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Weak consumer sentiment in the euro area

Consumer confidence in the euro area declined in August, reaching the lowest level of more than a year earlier, according to preliminary figures released by DG ECFIN (Directorate General for...

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European Commission: record in the number of employees

Favorable trends can be observed in the labor markets. The number of employees reached new record levels and social status improves as well according to the European Commission’s 2018 report...

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The European Commission expects a 4 percent growth in Hungary for 2018 and 3.2 percent for 2019

The European Commission improved its prognosis for the growth in Hungarian gross domestic product (GDP), which is expected to grow by 4 percent in 2018 and by 3.2 percent in...

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The European Commission proposes a new program to protect consumers and to strengthen SMEs

The European Commission proposes a new 4 billion euros targeted program for consumer protection and for the strengthening of the position of the European Union. The European Commission proposes a...

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The European Commission has proposed to protect pollinator insects

The European Commission has put forward a proposal to halt and reduce the decline in the occurrence and diversity of wild pollinator insects. According to the EU Commission’s report on...

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The EC would reduce the agricultural subsidies granted to Hungary by 5 percent between 2021-2027

For the EU, the European Commission (EC) foresees agricultural subsidies of 5,775 billion euros (3700 billion forints) in the proposal for the EU budget for the period 2021-2027, which was...

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The chamber’s opinion has reached the European Commission

The European Union has been dealing with the problem of Unfair Trade Practices (UTP) in the supply chain for years. Last year the European Commission (EC) started a consultation, and based...

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The European Commission has proposed amending the VAT rules and alcohol tax

The European Commission has proposed a modification of the rules on value added tax (VAT) and the reform of EU rules on excise duties on alcohol – the EU commission...

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The price of pálinkas may increase by 10 to 20 percent because of the NETA

If the public health product tax (NETA) should also be extended to these products it would increase the consumer prices of pálinka and herbal sparkling liquors by ten to twenty...

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The European Commission called on Hungary to discontinue the discriminatory taxation of spirit drinks

The European Commission sent a reasoned opinion to Hungary because, in its view, tax rules on certain distillates favor local products, in which Hungary violates the relevant EU directive. According...

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European Commission: the growth of the Hungarian economy will remain strong in 2018

The growth of the Hungarian economy will remain strong in 2018, but it is expected to slow down in 2019, as the construction industry’s opportunities will be more limited and...

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The NAK’s position is also valid in the European Commission’s new directive proposal

The European Union has announced a new regulatory proposal aimed at improving the role and conditions of competition for farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises in the food supply chain....

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The European Commission has proposed the strengthening of EU consumer rights

The European Commission has submitted a package of measures to strengthen European consumer rights – the EU commission said. As it has been said, despite the strict consumer protection rules,...

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EC: the limitation of the retail margin of certain products is illegal

In the framework of an infringement procedure, the European Commission (EC) has repeatedly called on Hungary to abolish the restriction on the retail margin of agricultural and food products. In...

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The European Commission: most dangerous products reported in the EU come from China

Most of the dangerous products reported in the European Union are coming from so-called third countries, most of them, 53 percent from China, according to a report released on Monday...

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European Commission: The EU is characterized by vigorous economic activity and high employment rates

At the beginning of the 2018 European economic semester of the budgetary and social policy management, there is a strong economic activity, employment indicators are peaking, and declining unemployment has...

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Online payment will be safer

The European Commission has adopted new rules to make transactions with credit cards safer and to make electronic payments made online more secure, to reduce the scale of payment fraud...

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The European Commission is expecting a a GDP growth of 3.7 percent for this year and 3.1 percent for 2019 in Hungary

The European Commission has published its winter economic forecast for the European Union as a whole and for each Member States. In the recent assessment of the economic and financial...

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The European Commission has proposed a single VAT area

The European Commission has proposed new rules for the creation of a single EU VAT area, in order to decisively reduce the VAT frauds amounting to 50 billion euros a...

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The EU has adopted a measure to prevent the smuggling of tobacco products

The European Commission has decided to set up a new EU Product Tracking System from 2019 to ensure that tobacco products can easily be traced across the EU with the...

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The European Commission has presented the main principles on the common EU agricultural policy

On Wednesday, the European Commission presented its proposals on the main principles of the common EU policy on agriculture, focusing, among other things, on giving Member States wider powers on...

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The European Commission is expecting a 3.7 percent growth this year and a 3.6 percent growth for 2018

The European Commission is expecting a 3.7 percent growth in Hungary this year, and a 3.6 percent growth for 2018. For 2019, 3.1 percent economic growth is expected. The European...

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The milk producers demonstrated in Brussels again

The EU milk producers demonstrated in front of the European Commission’s (EC) headquarters in Brussels again – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The farmers are pushing for action to get a fair share...

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The EU is investing 30 billion euros for innovation

The European Commission is investing 30 billion euros for new solutions to the societal challenges and breakthrough innovations in the 2018-2020 period from the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework...

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The European Commission has proposed a comprehensive reform in the EU VAT system

The European Commission has presented the most comprehensive plans of the past twenty-five years for EU VAT rules on Wednesday. The plan would reduce the possibility of VAT fraud and...

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The European Commission has approved an investment package that supports environmental protection

The European Commission approved a 222 million euros investment package covered by the EU budget on Thursday that that supports environmental protection and climate policy program called LIFE for a...

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Brussels calls for summit over major egg contamination scandal

The European Commissioner, responsible for food safety has called for a meeting of ministers and national regulatory agencies for Friday, to discuss a widespread European contamination scare, which has seen...

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The European Commission launches a school program for healthy nutrition

The European Commission launches a new EU School Fruits, School Vegetables and School Milk Scheme on 1 August. The program aims to promote and widespread healthy nutrition and to support...

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