Tag "édesipar"

Germany unattractive as a business location

The Federal Association of the German Confectionery Industry (BDSI) has issued an urgent warning that the cost burden is increasingly becoming a location decision or even a question of existence...

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ISM 2024: More exhibitors, more diversity and new highlights

In the year 2024, ISM, the leading global trade fair for sweets and snacks, is more international and diversified than ever before. With 1,350 exhibitors from 70 countries and 35...

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A trade fair for everyone: an overview of interpack 2023

Don’t know where to turn in the exhibition halls? This cannot happen on interpack. In order to ensure that visitors can find everything they are looking for, the professional offer...

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Sweets industry requests the Government to immediately intervene in Germany

The explosion in energy prices in Germany threatens to make domestic confectionery and snacks producers non-competitive in the EU and internationally. Bastian Fassin, head of the German confectionery industry association,...

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Magazine: We need sweets even when times are hard!

According to the Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers, by the end of 2020 the confectionery market managed to recover from the shock it had suffered before Easter.  Secretary general Gábor...

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The Szerencsi kakaó trademark goes to the city of Szerencs

The domestic food industry plays a strategic role in the Hungarian economy, and while the production value of the sector increased by 7% last year and by 13.5% in the...

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Fewer sweets can be sold on the Hungarian market during the holidays, but in higher value

According to the expectations of confectionery manufacturers, fewer seasonal sweets may be sold on the domestic market this year, but in terms of value, they expect a slight increase, Magyar...

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The Christmas candy version of the cake of the Eucharistic Congress won the Christmas candy of the Year 2021 award

The Christmas candy version of the “Egy falat Mennyország” (“One Bite of Heaven”) cake of the Sulyán Confectionery in Gödöllő won the title of the Christmas candyof the Year 2021....

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Nestlé develops by from 35 billion HUF

The government has spent all its financial resources on preventing mass unemployment during the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said on Monday. According to...

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Cell-based chocolate may come

Origo reports after Storeinsider, that researchers at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich were using a bioreactor to create “laboratory chocolate.” Based on the current outlook, the growth in...

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Stühmer Kft. is expanding its capacity in Eger with government support.

The Stühmer Kft. a manufacturer of confectionery products, is making a significant capacity expansion investment in Eger with government support, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade announced on Friday...

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Confectionery manufacturers are expecting more traffic than last year

Last year’s decline in confectionery consumption has gradually recovered over the past year, with manufacturers expecting higher turnover this year, compared to the previous Easter. The Association of Hungarian Confectionery...

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A stress-free break with the new bar KITKAT chocolate

The past period has not been easy, almost everyone has had to face new challenges. April is the month of the fight against stress, which also warns us to always...

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Last year the Easter rabbit stayed put, but this year it plans to hop

The premiumisation process didn’t stop Easter confectionery was one of the biggest loser FMCG categories of the coronavirus pandemic that broke out in March 2020. Families spent their money on...

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Sweets Innovation Award for Rimóczi-Art

Rimóczi-Art Kft. in Lajosmizse won the Sweets Innovation Award of the Association of Hungarian Sweets Manufacturers with its innovation of “Santa in Mask”. The Association has established the award to...

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The market of quality and premium Christmas fondants is increasing in 2020

In addition to the traditional coconut, jelly, butter caramel and marzipan Christmas fondants, this year we can also find the salt-caramel or pumpkin seed flavors of premium category manufacturers. Sugar-free...

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Santa Claus will be more successful than the bunny, the candy makers hope

Although they expect a drop in sales, domestic confectioners are confident that the turnover of seasonal sweets, chocolate figures and Christmas candy linked to Santa Claus and Christmas can approach...

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The government is supporting the expansion of the Chocolate Factory in Szerencs with 282 million HUF

The government is supporting the nearly 600 million HUF investment of the Szerencsi Bonbon Kft. with 282 million HUF, which will save 130 jobs in the settlement of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county,...

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Nestlé closes successful half-year thanks to the company’s pandemic strategy based on support for employees and those in need

Not only did Nestlé take care of the health of its employees, but also their financial safety in the event of an emergency caused by the new coronavirus pandemic. The...

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Nébar Kft. develops

It is not the international loans that lead to vulnerability, but the work of the Hungarian people is the key to the success of the Hungarian economy – the Minister...

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The sale of hollow chocolate figures may decrease

The turnover of Easter hollow chocolate figures, which amounted to 5 billion HUF last year, may decrease by more than ten percent – Sánta Sándor, president of the Association of...

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ISM Cologne: tradition and innovation, fruits, proteins, free and sweet

The world’s largest confectionery expo, ISM Cologne, which celebrated its 50th anniversary, closed its doors on 5 February. The anniversary event received 37,000 professional visitors from 148 countries and hosted...

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The KITKAT Gold is first available in Hungary in Europe.

We have become accustomed to the fact that every year Nestlé surprises Hungarian consumers with new premium chocolate variants. So two years ago, KITKAT made from a special Ruby cocoa...

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The eighth Chocolate Carnival of Pécs awaits the visitors with twenty programs

The eighth Chocolate Carnival of Pécs awaits visitors with edible attractions, a 3D printer made of chocolate, a chocolate fountain, professional presentations, children’s toys, exhibitions and presentations next weekend. The...

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The Snickers giant weighs two tons

One of the most well-known sweets brands has timed its latest big hit to the finals of the American Football Championship – origo wrote after Store Insider. From the point...

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Nielsen: 450 tons of chocolate Santa Clauses in a value of two billion forints

Hungarian consumers bought eight and a half million chocolate Santa Clauses in a value of more than HUF 2 billion in November-December 2018. It is a 5 percent increase, compared...

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TM: the tested chocolate Santa Clauses complied with the standards

All 22 types of chocolate Santa Clauses meet the standards tested this year at the accredited Food and Chemical Laboratory of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) – the...

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Mars was the first to make vegan table chocolates

Mars introduces a vegan version of Galaxy’s most popular tabloid chocolate on the UK market – origo wrote. The US company is the first major confectionery manufacturer to offer its...

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Exciting l’Atelier novelties for the holidays

Nestlé expands its offerings from October with Ruby Chocolate enriched with raspberry slices, and an exclusive praline selection. New versions of l’Atelier will be available in Hungary from October. The...

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