Tag "agrárminisztérium"

Development is also the key to success in agriculture

In order to increase the efficiency of the agriculture and food industry and remain competitive, the further, wide-ranging modernization of the sector is essential. The actors of the agrárium understood:...

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Accelerated development also forces agriculture to adapt

According to István Nagy, producers can’t help but follow the transformations continuously, since even a short drop would put them at an irreparable disadvantage. That is why he welcomed the...

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This amount of money will be used to finance the farmers in the following years

We are spending more than HUF 5,300 billion to support agriculture, the operation of Hungarian farmers is guaranteed and safely financed until 2027 – explained the Minister of Agriculture in...

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There will be no shortage of Hungarian pork during the holiday season either

There will be no shortage of high-quality Hungarian pork during the festive season, and pig farmers can count on the support of the government even in the most difficult times...

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AM: bread occupies a prominent place in the food industry

In the food industry, more than 3,900 companies produce in 33 branches. Among them, bread has a prominent place, because it is one of the most basic foods – stated...

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Ministry of Agriculture: already awarded tenders are not covered by the information issued on the Rural Development Program

In the past few days, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) has informed farmers and businesses that have submitted support applications for Rural Development Program applications but have not yet received...

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AM State Secretary: the Hungarian strategy of the Common Agricultural Policy strives to balance sustainability and competitiveness

In accordance with the interests of producers, the Hungarian strategy of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) strives to balance sustainability and competitiveness, said the Secretary of State responsible for agriculture...

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Information for investment applications of the rural development program

In the past few days, the Ministry of Agriculture has informed farmers and businesses that have submitted support applications for Rural Development Program applications but have not yet received support,...

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There are no economic obstacles to purchasing crops on the domestic grain market

Numerous indications have been received from producers that, contrary to the practice of the previous period, they are not able to sell their products, the economic actors who continue the...

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Poultry farmers can apply for a frame amount of HUF 15 billion

In order to improve animal welfare conditions and prevent animal health problems, the Ministry of Agriculture launched a new animal welfare support scheme available to the poultry sector within the...

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The conditions for irrigation development support have become more favorable

In order to successfully implement investments for the development of irrigation, the Ministry of Agriculture has increased by 30% the amount of expenditure that can be accounted for in connection...

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The quality Hungarian honey is the IX. The protagonist of Bakony Expo

The values ​​of the countryside are put in the spotlight, the cultural and gastronomic traditions of our country are preserved, while the producers who present themselves at each exhibition offer...

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The Common Agrarian Policy Strategic Plan provides substantial help for grape production

This year is two-faced: the price explosion of energy and input materials, the historic drought left a serious impression on agriculture. Despite this, in the first half of the year,...

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The autumn sowing works in the fields are slowly being completed, such a result is expected

The domestic sowing work, which lays the foundation for the 2023 crops, is progressing at an appropriate pace and will essentially be completed by the middle of November, Minister of...

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More than HUF 5,300 billion will be spent on Hungarian agriculture

The adoption of the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy is the basis of a safe food supply, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced on his social media page....

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AM State Secretary: the new KAP strategy serves both sustainability and the interests of Hungarian farmers

In the Hungarian strategic plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP), the Hungarian government concluded substantive agreements with Brussels that both serve the environmental sustainability goals and the interests of...

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The adoption of the Hungarian strategic plan of the Common Agricultural Policy represents a historic opportunity

István Nagy emphasized that a favorable agreement was reached on EU agricultural and rural development subsidies for Hungary in the period until 2027. The European Commission considered sustainability to be...

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(HU) Ott voltunk a (játék)szeren (1. rész)

Between 19 and 23 September, the Trade Playground was full: Trade magazine organised its Business Days conference for the 15th time. Almost 900 decision-makers gathered from the HoReCa and FMCG...

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The aim of the new agricultural support system is to increase efficiency

During consultations and negotiated compromises with the European Commission, the Hungarian government has created a new agricultural support system, the aim of which is to increase efficiency, said the State...

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GMO-free production is an important value of Hungarian agriculture

The aim of the Ministry of Agriculture is to ensure that GMO-free products are placed on store shelves and on the tables of Hungarians, starting from GMO-free feed for our...

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Recession-proof solutions at the AGÓRA conference

More than 150 trademark users sent their representatives to Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft.’s 8th Agóra conference in Esztergom. Managing director Eszter Benedek welcomed participants and told: they believe that sharing knowledge...

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Food security cannot be sustained without reducing energy prices

In order to curb the increase in food prices due to sanctions and to increase food security, the sanctions policy imposed by Brussels must be changed, energy prices must also...

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HUF 19 billion in support for the preservation of indigenous animal species

Decisions have been made on 90 percent of the grant applications submitted this year for the rural development call for in situ conservation of the genetic stock of protected indigenous...

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The Ministry of Agriculture pays special attention to the preservation of the biological diversity of our country

The plants and animals used in agriculture, as key genetic resources, are the basis of our food production, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on his social media page. Biodiversity...

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Breast or thigh?

Bird flu, rising poultry feed prices and inflation – these were the most important factors influencing the first six months of the year in the poultry market. Product shortage due...

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Food security is a cornerstone of global peace

The Sixth Bread of Peace Conference was held in Slovenia on October 27-28, with the participation of 12 countries. At the event, Hungary was represented by Oszkár Ökrös, the Deputy...

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The interest of the farmers of the Carpathian Basin is cooperation

The fall regional meeting of the Hungarian Farmers’ Conciliation Forum (KEF) of the Carpathian Basin was held in Pula, Croatia, at which delegates from 9 Carpathian Basin regions represented Hungarian...

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These data are required for the 2022 damage mitigation allowance application

After agricultural damage that occurred in the 2022 damage mitigation year, the application for damage mitigation benefits can be submitted until November 30, 2022 by the injured parties who announced...

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Ministry of Agriculture: Hungarian agriculture must be modernized

Agriculture has faced several serious challenges in the past two years, but these difficulties bring opportunities, and they have taught us that agriculture is necessary – said Minister of Agriculture...

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Hungary’s largest irrigation development investment has been completed in Mezőhegyes

Thanks to the HUF 10.5 billion program, the irrigable land area of ​​Nemzeti Ménesbirtok és Tangazdaság Zrt. has doubled. Agriculture Minister István Nagy said at the handover ceremony that irrigation...

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