
Romanian beer consumption stagnated last year

Romanian beer consumption stagnated last year. Romanians drank an average of 80 liters of beer per capita in 2016 – the Romanian Brewers’ Association announced. According to data provided by...

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The Brits associate chocolate eggs with Easter

The three-quarters of the Brits associate chocolate eggs with Easter. The largest British polling firm, the YouGov interviewed 2670 adults in the UK this week what do they think most...

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The decline in agricultural producer prices slowed in February

The decline – that lasted for seven month – in agricultural producer prices slowed in February. The average price level was 2.0 percent lower than a year before, after the...

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The Agricultural Marketing Center encourages the consumption of high-quality pork

The consumers can taste high-quality pork between 11 and 29 April 2017 in two large retail chains, as well as in two rural butcher shop networks. The primary objective of...

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A collaboration is needed for the market access of good quality Hungarian products

The stakeholders should work together in order to reach the widest possible market access of excellent quality Hungarian products – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday in Hegymagas,...

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GKI: how companies protect themselves against cost increases due to mandatory wage increases?

The corporate survey of the GKI Economic Research Co. in February interviewed the companies how they avoid cost increases caused by the minimum wage increase.   In terms of an...

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Certification slowdown causes problems in seed exports

Field seed certification and document issuance slowed significantly in the recent period. This threatens the 40 billion HUF worth Hungarian exports of seed – wrote. As a result of...

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Fazekas Sándor: awareness actions to promote Furmint

This year is the Year of the Furmint. The governmnet would like to draw attention to this unique Hungarian value – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel...

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The turnover of chauffeur services increases during the holidays

In Hungary, 4 out of 10 people have driven drunk already. 7 out of 100 people regularly sit behind the wheel after a glass of alcohol. Unfortunately, few people know...

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K&H: annual expectations of the SMEs deteriorated

The confidence of the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has become worse. K&H’s confidence index indicating the expectations for the coming year worsened from the year beginning’s 11 points...

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The GVH’s activities helped consumers to save 136 billion HUF

The activities of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) helped consumers to save 136 billion HUF between 2010 and 2016 – the agency told on Wednesday. According to the information, the...

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Nine thousand packs of cigarettes were found by the finance guards near Ásotthalom

Finance guards found nine thousand packs of cigarettes in a car and in a car carrying trailer at the border crossing of Ásotthalom – the National Tax and Customs Office...

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A new department was opened in the outlet center in Parndorf

A new department was opened in the outlet center in Parndorf, Burgenland, so the range was expanded with 15 new shops, cafes and restaurants – the mall’s owner and operator...

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The most reputable brand

Ferrero is the most reputable food company in the world – according to the Reputation Institute. The ‘2017 Global RepTrak 100’ study reveals that Rolex is the most reputable company...

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8-10 percent of the annual quantity of eggs is sold at Easter

The Easter Egg consumption averages around 200-230 million units per year, 8-10 percent of the annual consumption – the Poultry Product Council (BTT) told MTI on Tuesday. According to the...

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OKSZ: the mandatory requirement of staff number is a new tax

The mandatory requirement of staff number would be a new tax on retail – the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) said on Tuesday, in response to the government trade policy proposals...

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NÉBIH: Most of plum pálinkas complied with the regulations

Most of the plum pálinkas passed the food safety standards based on the examination of the National Food Chain Safety Office – the NÉBIH told MTI. The professionals selected 30...

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Back to school

Learning new things is one of the biggest driving forces for adults. Nestlé’s goal with the Youth Employment Initiative is to make entering the world of work easier for young...

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I want to be a kid at this year’s Food Truck Show

The Food Truck Show and the Kincsem Park organize the all-time best May Day this year between 5 and 7 May. The children are awaited with giant carousel, zoo and...

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Chamber of Agriculture: 51 percent of the businesses are looking for skilled workers

51 percent of the food business enterprises are looking for skilled workers, 18 percent graduated workers, 7 percent are looking for higher education employees, and there is a 24 percent...

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GfK: the household appliances market is increasing with double-digit for three years now

GfK’s in-store sales figures show that the household appliances market has been developing dynamically in the past three years. The refridgerator and the washing machine exchange programs played a huge...

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(HU) IFS Húsipari Szakmai Nap (2017. április 20.)

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Better end-of-year performance from Hungary’s retail sector than the European average

Retail value sales augmented by 4.5 percent in the last quarter of 2016 in Hungary if compared with Q4 2016 – revealed the quarterly Nielsen Growth Reporter. This performance was...

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There isn’t enough rapeseed oil in Europe

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) revealed that domestic sales of wines without geographical indication and wines with protected designation of...

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A rapidly expanding market

Grocery stores sold breakfast cereals, cereal bars, muesli, sesame seed and muesli bars for more than HUF 20 billion in January-December 2016. Like-for-like value sales were up 14 percent. Last...

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The performance of the Hungarian food industry grew by 1.5 percent last year

The performance of the Hungarian food industry grew by 1.4 – 1.5 percent last year, exceeding the industry average. The value of production amounted to 2880 billion HUF after the...

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Analysts: export growth may continue, but this year’s surplus may be smaller

In the next few months export growth may continue, but this year’s foreign trade surplus may be smaller than last year’s 9.935 billion euros surplus. The further strengthening in household...

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NÉBIH: it is worth to review the ham and egg labeling during purchase

It is worth to review the labelings of ham and eggs during Easter shopping. On the basis of the labeling, the customer can get information about product type and quality,...

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Sheep Product Council: this year’s Easter lamb exports are expected to be lower than last year

Compared to the average of 100-120 thousand Easter lambs, this year about 10 thousand less is expected to be exported to Italy, while the available price will also decrease –...

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The countyside is more efficient in the selection of beverage cartons

There are significant differences in the practice of selective collection among the population of the Hungarian cities – the Italos karton Környezetvédelmi Szolgáltató Egyesülés (Beverage Carton Environmental Services Association) wrote...

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