
Yuan-based bank cards can be requested in Hungary

The Bank of China issued yuan-based debit cards. The cards will be issued within the cooperation of the Bank of China and UnionPay and this will be the first Chinese...

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Production prices down 3.8 percent in agriculture

In September 2016 agricultural production prices reduced by 3.8 percent from the level of September 2015 – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). This drop was driven by the price...

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Scones for kindergarten children

In mid-November NAK’s Tolna County directorate invited kindergarten children to Pannon Varázs bakery in Szekszárd, where they got a chance to see how and where bakers work. Before leaving, the...

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Milk prices continued to rise

Price increases continued in the dairy market in December. The producer price of milk increased to 88.65 HUF per kg, which is a 6 percent increase, compared to November and...

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Plenty of small shops have closed in the past 10 years

Over the past decade, more than 26 thousand small shop were bankrupted, however turnover increased per shop and per square meter. Of course, the number of large department stores increased...

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Analysts: the pace of wage growth continued to accelerate

The pace of wage growth continued to accelerate in November last year and for this year an even more dynamic growth is expected due to the raising of the minimum...

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Fazekas: GMO dissemination is not the remedy for water shortage

The dissemination of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is not the remedy for water shortage in agriculture – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture emphasized on Saturday in Berlin at the Global...

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Hungary asks for the European Commission’s crisis support

In order to easen the economic impact of the bird flu, Hungary officially asks for the European Commission’s crisis support – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Monday....

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Less grape harvest was predicted compared to last year in Ópusztaszer

The farmers and the wine estates predicted less grape harvest for this year, compared to last year in the National Historical Memorial Park of Ópusztaszer on St. Vincent day. The...

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NÉBIH: the ban on the most widely used pesticide would make weed control difficult

The withdrawal of glyphosate-based products would make weed control difficult and would make it more expensive – the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) told MTI. The agency recalled that...

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Consumer sentiment improved slightly in Europe

According to the preliminary data published by the European Commission’s Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN) on Monday, the sentiment index rose by 0.2 points to minus 4.9 points in the...

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China has become one of the most important trading partner of the EU and Hungary

At a panel discussion at the Lámfalussy conference, Palotai Dániel, managing director of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) emphasized that China has become one of the most important trading partner...

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The secret of fruit pálinka

The composition of the fruit pálinkas can be transformed consciously with the changing of the parameters of distillation, so the fruit characters appear more intensively – wrote. As a...

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The Chamber of Agriculture established a phone company

The National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) launched a Telecommunication service – Magyar Nemzet wrote on Saturday. The members of the Chamber of Agriculture can choose more favorable fee packages...

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Utility bill payment machines in retail units

Hungarian Post Zrt. started cooperation with CBA and Rossmann Hungary: utility bill payment machines will be installed in 91 drugstores and grocery stores all over Hungary. Rossmann hopes that thanks...

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Food safety from the farm to the table

On 3 November 2016 the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) and Szent István University signed a cooperation agreement. The goal is to establish a Risk Analysis Department at the...

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(HU) Harmadik hónapja emelkedik a GKI konjunktúraindexe

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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KSH: the increase in earnings has accelerated

In November, the average gross earnings amounted to 285 800 HUF, which is a 8.2 percent increased over the year, while due to changes in average net income of the...

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FM: the tracking system of the food industry enterprises should be raised to European level

The tracking system of the food industry enterprises should be raised to European level by extending the modern, web-based, mobile-technology solutions in Hungary – Laszlovszky Gábor, the food processing department...

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Grüne Woche: now it’s all about Hungary

The International Green Week began on 19 January with a grand gala in Berlin. At the opening ceremony, Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture said before an audience of about three...

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Germany is the number one partner in agriculture

Germany is Hungary’s number one partner in agriculture. Exports last year amounted to to 1.3 billion euros –Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told. He added that the relationships are further...

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Invitel: SMEs are open for Internet marketing applications

The Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are open for Internet marketing applications, most of them already have their own website and a significant number of them would use other...

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Russia expects the embargo to remain

Regardless of the results of elections in any foreign nations, Russia should expect the sanctions imposed on it by the West to remain in place, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev...

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The Young Leader of the Year was elected

Kindli Erna, director of marketing and sales of the Tresorit IT company has become ” The Young Leader of the Year – 2016″. She was selected fromnearly forty candidates. This...

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ProWein 2017 in the Starting Blocks

Very much in line with its slogan “To Another Great Year” ProWein from 19 to 21 March 2017 is setting new standards. Specialists in the international wine and spirits sector...

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Rézangyal Kft and Coca‑Cola HBC Magyarország Kft further strengthen their relationship

[19] January 2017. Budapest After six years of successful cooperation, Coca‑Cola HBC Magyarország Kft (“CCHBC Hungary”) and Rézangyal Kereskedelmi Kft (“Rézangyal Kft”) are extending their existing partnership agreement. As of...

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Cooperation for the development of organic farming

The Hungarian Organic Association and the Savings Bank signed a cooperation agreement. The aim is the development of the Hungarian organic farming. The parties undertook to pay special attention to...

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Fazekas: the fact that Hungary will be the guest of honor at the Grüne Woche is a very important opportunity

It is an honor and a very important opportunity to introduce Hungary as the guest of honor at the Berlin International Green Week (Internationale Grüne Woche – IGW), at Germany’s...

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The Bocuse d’Or finals in Lyon can be followed online

The Bocuse d’Or international cookery competition’s finals on Tuesday in Lyon can be followed on Internet. Those people who did not travel out to cheer, can watch the show at...

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