
FM: bio-ethanol factories are becoming more involved in the development of the cereals sector

The biofuel production companies have an increasing role in the larger-scale consumption of grain grown in Hungary – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) stressed...

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Eighty-three exhibitors offering their products on Vörösmarty Square

The Budapest Spring Fair awaits its guests until 30 April to the Vörösmarty square where 83 craft exhibitors and eight hot food service providers are participating and cultural programs also...

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This year’s Wild Garlic Festival in Orfű is taking place in line with the Easter spirit

The Wild Garlic Festival will be held for the fourteenth time in Orfű near Pécs in the second weekend of April – the organizers told MTI. According to your communication...

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EU and the euro area retail sales increased in February

The seasonally adjusted volume of retail trade rose by 0.7 percent in both the euro area and the whole European Union (EU28) in February compared to the first month of...

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Nielsen: nearly 30 billion HUF was swabbed last year

In the past twelve months, between March 2016 and February 2017, Hungarians spent almost 30 billion HUF on cleaning agents – the Nielsen Retail Index reveals. General cleaners are in...

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FM: food security has a key strategic role

Food security has a key strategic role in all countries of the world. The global food production is facing serious challenges. In order to give adequate policy responses to the...

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E-commerce is booming all across Europe

In Europe, the quarter of Internet users buy something every week in the online space, while among the Hungarians, the ratio is 18 percent – the Masterindex European e-commerce and...

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“Mandatory fetter”: how severe the burden of mandatory wage increase is?

The February business survey of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. economic researcher examined the business impact of the minimum wage increase. It is important to point out that the survey (companies...

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KSH: the growth of foreign trade turnover accelerated in January

In January this year, the value of exports in euros increased by 14.0 percent, while value of import increased by 15.2 percent after December’s 7.6 and 9.3 percent. The trade...

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HNT: wine-installation support requests changed from 1 April

In line with the EU rules, the size of the wine vineyards can be increased in Hungary, since last year. The new installation license application can be submitted to the...

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Jövőre Budapesten rendezik a nemzetközi borturisztikai konferenciát

A magyar főváros nyerte el a lehetőséget, hogy megszervezze az IWINETC (International Wine Tourism Conference, Exhibition & Workshop) konferenciasorozat tizedik, jubileumi rendezvényét 2018 tavaszán – közölte a Magyar Turisztikai Ügynökség...

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The gap between the richest and poorest EU regions is twenty-fold

There were huge differences between the in per capita gross domestic product of the 276 regions of the EU Member States in 2015 – according to data of the European...

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The NAV seized nearly 32 thousand packs of cigarettes

The financial investigators of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) seized almost 32 thousand packs of cigarettes hidden among frozen french fries in Pest County – the NAV told...

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Budapest hosts the leading agricultural statisticians of Europe and Central Asia

For established policy decisions reliable and comprehensive statistics are necessary – and this is especially true in the case of agriculture. During the week, statisticians from 20 countries of the...

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Austrians are prepared for the international export competition

Austria is the 14th richest country in the world as regards per capita GDP. It is the 29th biggest export economy and the 10th most complex economy in the world...

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Consumer confidence at a five-year-high in the last quarter of 2016

Just like in Q3, the Hungarian consumer confidence index was at 64 points in Q4 2016. The European average was 81 points. From the three components of the index Hungarians...

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Packaging is more than just an advertisement

The right packaging can make a product stand out from the crowd on the shelves of hyper-and supermarkets. DS Smith is a leader in the science of packaging, constantly looking...

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Producing quality for 125 years

The Dr. Oetker brand has stood for reliability and quality since the start in 1891. Dr. Oetker Backin Baking Powder, Vanilla Sugar and Pudding Mix have been the first products,...

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Magazine: NÉBIH starts using an INTELligent solution

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) has started using a new data analytics system, which helps the authority to monitor the whole supply chain: the Intelligent Food Chain Safety...

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Raw milk’s price rising again

In January 2017 agricultural production prices were down 2.6 percent in comparison with January 2016. This drop was the result of the price of vegetable products decreasing by 8.9 percent...

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Magazine: The many roles of oil

Cooking oil is one of the ‘magnet’ products of retail chains: there is constant demand for them and they are sold in large quantities. It isn’t easy for manufacturer brands...

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The salaries at the food chains will be increased this year again

The food chains will increase the salaries again this year, but recruitment does not take palce at every chains – companies told MTI. The in-store and warehouse manual workers of...

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The store of chains help the National Bank to develop financial awareness

The Hungarian National Bank (MNB) signed a cooperation agreement with five store of chains – the wrote. The customers therefore have access to informations, developing financial awareness in a...

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CIB Bank: GDP in Hungary could grow around 3 percent this year

This year the Hungarian GDP could grow around 3 percent, according to CIB Bank analysts, mainly due to the increase in domestic demand and the use of EU funds –...

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The Hungarian fish farming can be developed from sixteen billion HUF

According to the information the Prime Minister’s Office announced all Mahop tenders within the required time limit, in accordance with the government’s objective. The Prime Minister’s Office published the last...

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There is a need for a National protein feed program

Hungary covers its livestock protein requirement mainly from US imports. There is a need for a National protein feed program to induce genetically modified (GMO) foods – Fazekas Sándor Minister...

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Food production consumes underground water reserves with a dramatic pace

Food production consumes underground water reserves in many parts of the world, such as the pace of nature could replace it – BBC reported the findings of a new study....

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The Magyar Posta expects further expansion in package logistics

The Magyar Posta handled 17.7 million packages in 2016, which is 1.96 million pieces and 12.4 percent more than in 2015. The Magyar Posta expects a 12.5 percent increase package...

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MKB Group and the Megfosz signed a cooperation agreement

Balog Ádám, CEO of the MKB Bank Zrt. and Harsányi Zsolt, CEO and owner of Axiál Kft., chairman of the National Agricultural Tool and Machine Dealers Association (Megfosz) signed a...

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