
Magazine: Growing market share for low fat cottage cheese

Although cottage cheese isn’t a real seasonal product, sales rise in December when people cook and bake more. Private label products are strong and the importance of discount supermarkets is...

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Based on facts only!

I think if one does something, they should do it well or at least give their best. Most of the time it takes just as much time to do something...

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Whitening the milk market

A couple of weeks ago a new data providing regulation entered into force, the goal of which is to whiten the milk production and distribution sector. It has been a...

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FM: the spring seasonal food chain control has started

The spring seasonal food chain control has started. The country-wide monitoring takes place between March 20 and April 17 – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday. The...

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The Agricultural Chamber Act may be amended

The National Assembly’s Agriculture Committee – with the majority vote of the MPs, with one abstention – scheduled the bill on the amendment of the Agricultural Chamber Act. For thr...

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This year’s tobacco producing and sales contracts were concluded

The two major acquiring companies have already concluded 99 percent of this year’s product sales contracts with the tobacco producers. Minimum number of contracts are expected for Burley tobacco varieties...

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The large companies expect higher revenues but lower profits for this year

Following the upturn in domestic trade the large companies in Hungary expect higher revenues but lower profits this year – the research of the K&H Enterprise Growth Index showed. The...

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Hungarian meat exports to be launched to the Philippines

After lengthy negotiations, three Hungarian companies received authorization to begin the export of Hungarian meat to the Philippines – Szijjártó Péter Foreign Economic Relations and Foreign Minister announced on Tuesday...

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All EU proposals will be announced by the end of the week

Until 2020, the country will receive approximately 9 thousand billion HUF from EU funds, while roughly three thousand billion HUF will be from the state budget – Bánki Erik (Fidesz),...

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The Slovak stores will be closed on all public holidays

The Slovak legislature on Tuesday in Bratislava approved the amendments to the Labor Code, which extends the store closure on public holidays. The amendment tabled by the ruling coalition take...

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London remains the world’s leading financial center

According to the latest investor survey London is still the world’s top financial services center, but only because the outcome of the US presidential election caused as much damage to...

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Hungary is taking part in a project aimed at the development of innovative home care products and services

Hungary is taking part in a Hoca (development of innovative home care products and services) project. The program is implemented with the support of the European Union’s European Regional Development...

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Rising food prices in the world market

Once again the FAO food price index grew in February – for the seventh month in a row – and the increase was mainly driven by rising wheat and corn...

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Nielsen: The market continues to grow

Fruit juice retail sales were up 8 percent in value and the size of the market exceeded HUF 52 billion between February 2016 and January 2017. In the same period...

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The sales of the Hungarian breweries increased by 2.5 percent last year

Last year, the sales of the Hungarian breweries increased by 2.5 percent. Mainly the exports pulled the sales. According to the beer market indicators published by the Association of Hungarian...

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(HU) GKI: 2,5 éves csúcsára jutott a konjunktúraindex márciusban

The GKI sentiment index is increasing for the fifth consecutive month in March. There were no significant changes, but the index reached its peak of the past 2.5 years –...

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SPAR renewed communication

The SPAR Magyarország has launched a new image campaign with the new “Quality. I Love It” slogan from 23 March. The campaign emphasizes the core values of the business chain....

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NGM: the growth in household incomes is faster than growth in retail

The strengthening of Hungary is indicated by the increase in household income that exceeds the growth of retail. The data indicates that the propensity to save of the households remains...

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Chamber of Agriculture: frost damages can be reported until 15 April

The farmers can claim compensation for frost damages until 15 April; the notification of frost damages will be no longer be possible after the deadline – the National Association of...

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Museal items at the Badacsony wine region’s wine tasting in Budapest

Thirty wineries debut in addition to the more recent vintages with museal items at the tasting called Badacsony in New York on 5 April in the New York Palace in...

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NGM Minister of State: a strong surge in investment is expected in the next few years

Powerful surge in investment is expected in the next few years, Hungary’s investment rate will be over 20 percent in the long-term – Hornung Ágnes, Minister of State of the...

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The grain-processing plant in Tiszapüspöki will be raedy for the summer

The grain-processing factory of the Tisza-TK Projekt Kft. in the outskirts of Tiszapüspöki is expected to be completed in the summer from about 45 billion HUF – the Managing Director...

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Brexit – British food sector: a free trade agreement with the EU is essential

According to the British food producer and retail networks, the sector will definitely need a free trade agreement with the European Union after the termination of the British EU membership....

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The foundation stone of Hungrana’s new new biomass power plant was laid in Szabadegyháza

With the one and half billion HUF investment the Hungrana Kft. will one hundred percently fulfill its steam and heat demand used for the production. Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture...

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New Hungarian startup

It was the Startup Capital Programme of Hiventures, the venture capital management fund of the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) that financed the startup which developed the detergent and cleaning product...

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NGM: several programs to help SMEs digitization

The “factory model” program that was launched this year promotes the technological development of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as the dissemination of digital information and communication...

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The SignExpo and PPDexpo awaits You this year

Sign making and Large Format Printing have always been an exciting and improving industry and they still are. Therefore, the founders of Sign Magazine had the plan to build a...

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FM: meat from Brazil is inspected at the Hungarian border posts

Bognár Lajos Chief veterinarian ordered the increased testing of meat products coming from Brazil, after the Brazilian authorities have revealed serious irregularities at the largest meat processing companies of the...

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The competitive position of SMEs may improve

The K&H SME confidence index interviewed half thousand domestic SMEs about how their competitive situation may occur this year, compared to their competitors. The market position of SMEs may strengthen....

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Prime Minister’s Office: applications for agribusiness training support can be submitted from 14 April

Applications for agribusiness training support can be submitted from 14 April, instead of the original 27 March date – the Prime Minister’s Office announced on Friday. According to the communication...

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