
The University of Kaposvár investigates the effects of a toxin polluting corn

The research of the University of Kaposvár investigates the endangering effect of the most common contaminant of corn (fumonisin mycotoxins) on the population. The institution is in collaboration with the...

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Consumer sentiment deteriorated in the US

The University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index fell to 95.7 points in February from the 98.5 points of January. The preliminary value of the index was 96 points. Within the...

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The non-performing loans decreased significantly in the region

The stocks of non-performing loans (NPL) in the Central and Eastern European region of non-performing bank loans in 2015 decreased significantly to 49 billion euros, due to the attractive macroeconomic...

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Cisco: mobile data traffic to increase seven-fold by 2021

Thanks to continued growth in the number of mobile phone users, mobile video, 4G networks and the Internet of Things, global mobile data traffic should increase seven-fold from 2016 to...

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Oil price increase

At the end of last year commodity prices, especially that of oil, continued to increase. Since the price of oil has great influence on the revenues of developing market economies,...

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Technology influences classic retail strategies

With the help of Frank Mayer and Associates, let’s examine what the future of retail will be like. 2017 will bring many things to the retail sector, including new programmes...

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Online shopping is comfortable and offers good prices

The most important reasons why consumers decide to buy online are comfortable shopping and good prices – reveals a survey conducted every year since 2001 by eNET. In 2015 Hungarians...

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Virtual shopper card for everyone

A new smartphone app called Fullcard can manage various loyalty cards and the offers in promotional leaflets, plus its geographical location function helps shoppers to find those offers which are...

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Weekday shopping more important than before

Six months after the ban on Sunday trading was abolished, much fewer card payments are realised on the seventh day of the week than before. The latest data from Mastercard...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 4.5 percent in 2016

The volume of retail sales increased by 4.5 percent in 2016 after the 5.8 percent increase of last year, while the calendar-adjusted figures indicate a 4.6 percent increase – the...

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Nielsen: retail sales increased by four and a half percent in the last quarter of 2016

In terms of value, retail sales in Hungary increased by four and a half percent in the last quarter of 2016 – Nielsen measured the food and chemical products market....

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FruitVeB: average fruit and vegetable harvests last year

The output of the fruit and vegetable sector in 2016 is provisionally estimated at 280 billion HUF, 5-7 percent more than in the previous year – the Hungarian Fruit and...

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Concorde: Hungary’s GDP growth may be over 3 percent this year

The Hungarian GDP growth this year may range between 3-4 percent, and next year it is expected to increase over 3 percent, due to the retail wage growth and the...

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The Kőröstej group roasts the cheese on skewers at the world’s largest food exhibition

The Kőröstej group with its own stand represents Hungary at the world’s largest food industry event, the Gulfood exhibition. The world novelty Hajdú gyros cheese will be presented at the...

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Wine competition for the “Wine of the Parliament 2017” title

Kövér László, Chairman of the National Assembly announced a wine competition for the “Wine of the Parliament 2017” title. According to the communication of the parliamentary press office, the bottled...

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National confectionery, cook and waiter competition in Tata

The largest National confectionery, cook and waiter competition called Carnival Cup (Farsang Kupa) will be held in Tata on Saturday. At the competition more than two hundred confectioneries, cooks, bakers...

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The NÉBIH seized more than 100 tons of unmarked feed

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH), seized more than 100 tons of unmarked, partly illegal feed at two venues in Pest County. According to the communication of NÉBIH sent...

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Hungarian food products in Sweden

Sweden is four and a half times bigger than Hungary but its population is about the same. Almost 70 percent of Sweden is covered by forest, therefore only 7.5 percent...

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Optimistic consumers

Germany has a 16-percent share in Hungary’s total food export– in January-October 2016 its value was EUR 1.04 billion, 3 percent more than in the same period of 2015. From...

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Retail sales: increase in value, decrease in volume

In January-October 2016 Hungarian companies sold EUR 211 million worth of food in the Netherlands – this represented 3 percent of our total food export. This sum was 59 percent...

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Magazine: Fierce competition for housewives

Compared with 2015, dishwasher detergent sales increased in 2016. Dishwasher tablet sales contracted a little, while dishwasher gales performed a bit better. Washing-up liquid sales decreased, with large-sized products producing...

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Magazine: Dolce vita

This year the Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers celebrated its 25th anniversary. President Sándor Sánta told: they have 25 members that are responsible for more than 85 percent of Hungary’s sweets...

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Hungary’s online retail is worth more than a billion euros

This year’s first survey by GKI Digital and Árukereső.hu revealed that online retail sales represented a HUF 310-billion value last year. Online sales expanded by 18 percent in 2016 – Norbert...

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The agricultural sector will be the winner of the digital transformation

The agricultural sector, the Hungarian farmers and food businesses should be the winners of the digital transformation – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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The one-fifth of world’s food production is wasted due to over-consumption and waste

About 20 percent of world’s food production is wasted due to the fact that people consume more than necessary, and a part of the food ends in the trash –...

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The Ministry of Agriculture awarded the participants of the “Save a Garden!” program

The agricultural training institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture also took part in the Year of Gardening program series announced by Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture in 2016. The Ministry...

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K&H: Subdued revenues and profit growth is expected by the SMEs this year

On average, 5.5 percent and 3.2 percent profit growth in revenues is expected by the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) this year – according to the latest data of the...

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Inflation is accelerating in Europe

Consumer prices in the Euro Area increased 1.8 percent year-on-year in January of 2017, following a 1.1 percent rise in December and in line with preliminary estimates. It is the...

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The Growth Loan Program ends

The companies have slightly more than one month left, to claim for the favorable sources of the Growth Loan Program’s for their investments. “The decisions on investments of a significant...

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New trade offices to be opened abroad

The government initiates the establishment and operation of three additional foreign commercial offices. This time, a total of slightly more than 400 million HUF will be spent on boosting up...

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