
Commercial distilleries can also enter to the distillate competition of the Gyulai Pálinka Festival

The distillate competition will be held under the Brillante-2017 name within the Gyulai Pálinka Festival. In addition to private distilleries, commercial distilleries can also enter this year – was said...

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Hungarian artisanal beers to be introduced in Romania

The Association of Small Breweries to host Romanian beverage wholesalers and restaurant professionals on 7 March 2017 in the Petőfi Community Centre in Bucharest. At the handicraft beer tasting, organized...

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Employment growth may continue

The growth in the number of employees may continue this year, as well as the decrease in the number of unemployed, but the process due to the lack of experts...

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Driverless tractors to come in a few years

The Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote an article (“The farmer thinks the tractor steering”) about the automatic agricultural machinery. The tractors and combine harvesters are able to calculate the optimal route and...

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Cash usage costs a lot

From March, new two thousand and five thousand forint banknotes will arrive to everyday life. The new, modern banknotes are needed, but it is worth to make steps towards a...

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The payment behavior deteriorated at the Hungarian enterprises

Last year, two-thirds of the bills were paid in time, but this result is a few percentage points below the results of 2015 – the quotes the Payment Experience...

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The grain museum to be renovated

The renovation works of the Gajdács farm, which is part of the Grain History Exhibition Place in Békéscsaba have started – was said at a press conference on Tuesday at...

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The airport center of the mail-order services is under construction on sixteen thousand square meters

The air cargo traffic at the Liszt Ferenc International Airport in Budapest has increased significantly, by 26.8 percent in January, compared to the previous year – the Budapest Airport told...

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Invoicing with value limits

Those businesses that don’t follow this year’s tax rule changes are risking serious fines – warn the experts of MAZARS. In the past the tax number of a product’s buyer...

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Hungary lost a lot because of the sanctions against Russia

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told Russian daily Kommersant that Hungary lost USD 6.5 billion because of the economic sanctions imposed against Russia. The minister hopes that...

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Client Gateway risks

The tax authorities more and more frequently inform businesses about tax inspections by sending an e-mail via the Client Gateway (Ügyfélkapu) system. The problem is that while these letters were...

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A big gun enters the Hungarian market

In November 2016 Spain-based Natur House, one of the most dynamically growing European franchise networks entered the Hungarian market. In Hungary NaturDiet Zrt. represents the healthy and weight loss diet...

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Efficient NAV

In 2016 the reformed, customer-oriented National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) put HUF 12,793 billion into the national budget, HUF 31 billion more than originally expected by the government. Secretary...

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Soon winter is over and after the rather slow January-February period, the Hungarian food industry will speed up again. General expectation is that the sector’s output will continue to increase...

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Franchise superior 2016

On 19 January 2017 the Hungarian Franchise Association announced the eight category winner franchisors and franchisees. András Tóth, president of the Hungarian Franchise Association T.M.: – How do you assess...

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The fall in prices may begin with lettuce and cabbage

The high fruit and vegetable prices may be broke down by the appearance of the domestic version of the most cold-tolerant leafy vegetables (salads, brassicas) at the end of March...

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GKI: the growth of the sentiment index stopped in February

After a three-month increase, the improvement of the GKI sentiment index has stopped in February. The business expectations have not changed, while the consumer expectations deteriorated slightly. The index fluctuates...

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The Chamber of Agriculture would reduce the VAT rate for cereals to 5 percent

The Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) suggests to reduce the VAT rate for cereals to 5 percent if the European Union does not allow reverse VAT payment after 2018. With this...

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EU’s agri-food exports increased significantly in 2016

The European Union’s agri-food exports increased outstandingly in 2016, exceeding the previous year’s figure with 1.7 billion euros, reaching 130.7 billion euros – the European Commission said on Monday. According...

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The number of card-accepting terminals may increase with 25-33 percent

This year an explosive growth is expected in the number of card accepting terminals – wrote. In Hungary, credit card acceptance points appeared with the development of the dual...

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KSH: the improvement in employment came to a halt during the winter months

Between November 2016 and January 2017, the average number of employees was 4 million 401 thousand, 161 thousand more than the year before. The data shows a slight decrease of...

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Applicants for rural development receive free assistance

The free services of the Széchenyi Program Office were expanded. The applicants of the rural development funds can receive free information and advice on development – the Prime Minister’s Office...

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Nearly 700 million HUF for irrigation water quality research

The Ecology Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy, the National Public Health Center, the Agricultural Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) and the Smaragd GSH Kft jointly...

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Economic and business sentiment improved in the euro area in February

The European Commission’s business sentiment index and economic indicator improved in the euro area in February. A separate business confidence indicator, which points to the phase of the business cycle,...

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A big gun enters the Hungarian market

In November 2016 Spain-based Natur House, one of the most dynamically growing European franchise networks entered the Hungarian market. In Hungary NaturDiet Zrt. represents the healthy and weight loss diet...

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NGM: retail sales are expanding for forty-two months

While retail sales are expanding for forty-two months, consumption has expanded at a rate has not seen since 2003 in 2016, thanks to improving employment indicators and the low inflation...

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K&H: agricultural enterprises expect growth

The majority of agricultural companies expect increase, their investment intentions are also stronger than the investment intentions of other companies, but they expect to face many challenges in the coming...

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FM: 5 billion HUF is given to the farmers to alleviate agricultural damages

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) provides approximately 5 billion HUF to 3300 farmers to alleviate agricultural damages, due to the bad weather of last year – the FM told MTI...

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Stuffed Moon Gastro Weekend at the Downtown Market

The dishes of the new bistro of Széll Tamás were also available at the Töltött Hold Gasztrovíkend (Stuffed Moon Gastro Weekend) from Friday to Sunday at the Downtown Market in...

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Prime Minister’s Office: rural development applicants can get free assistance

The free services of the Széchenyi Program Office were expanded. The applicants of the rural development funds can receive free information and advice on development – the Prime Minister’s Office...

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