
World’s future food security “in jeopardy” due to multiple challenges, report warns

Mankind’s future ability to feed itself is in jeopardy due to intensifying pressures on natural resources, mounting inequality, and the fallout from a changing climate, warns a new FAO report...

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Hungary lost a lot because of the sanctions against Russia

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told Russian daily Kommersant that Hungary lost USD 6.5 billion because of the economic sanctions imposed against Russia. The minister hopes that...

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Client Gateway risks

The tax authorities more and more frequently inform businesses about tax inspections by sending an e-mail via the Client Gateway (Ügyfélkapu) system. The problem is that while these letters were...

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The Russian embargo reduced the Hungarian agricultural exports with nearly a hundred million euros

The Russian import ban introduced in 2014 affected the Hungarian agri-food industry badly. During three years, the sector’s exports decreased by nearly one hundred million euros – Magyar Idők wrote....

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The mountain council to develop a plan to regulate the sale of grapes

The National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) worked out a draft for the regulation on the sale of grapes. The viticulturist interbranch organization plans to publish a new type of...

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The rise in real wages can be 8 percent this year

This year, real wages can increase by 7-8 percent in addition to a 1-1.5 percent inflation rate – Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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GfK: the proportion of customers loyal to their banks is increasing

The proportion of customers who are loyal to their banks increased steadily last year, while the proportion of those who are open to change bank is stable; it is around...

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Prologis: strong demand stays on the logistics real estate market

Strong tenant demand remains on the domestic logistics real estate market, and because the current stock is saturated, new developments are expected this year – Kemenes László, managing director of...

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The chain of stores are preparing for significant wage increases

Wage negotiations are taking place smoothly this year at the a large international supermarket chains – Világgazdaság Online wrote. In order to keep the workers, the companies were forced to...

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The Hungarian simmental heifer is more and more popular

These cattle are popular in Hungary and abroad as well – Magyar Hírlap wrote on Tuesday. Füller Imre, executive director of the Association of Hungarian Simmental Breeders’ told the newspaper...

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Brazil is importing coffee

Brazil’s government has authorised the country’s first-ever imports of robusta coffee, at the request of the instant coffee industry, and it should soon start taking delivery of limited amounts from...

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Newer applications for local economic and tourism development

Another five, call for proposals were published aim to support of local economic and tourism development, energy modernization and development of sustainable urban environment. The value of the call for...

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FM: about ten thousand pheasants should be disposed in Abádszalók

Due to avian influenza about ten thousand pheasants, the entire herd must be destroyed in Abádszalók at the Hubertus Hunting Company. The disposal began on Tuesday – the Ministry of...

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HENT: false pesticides can cause cancer and infertility

Counterfeit pesticides can have serious adverse health effects in human beings, they may contain dangerous and toxic pollutions and uncontrolled by-products that have carcinogenic or gametes damaging effect – the...

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Invoicing with value limits

Those businesses that don’t follow this year’s tax rule changes are risking serious fines – warn the experts of MAZARS. In the past the tax number of a product’s buyer...

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Under a supported roof

With a sum up to HUF 5 million in a 5-year period, companies can support the real property buying (or the paying back of real property loans) of employees tax-free....

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Efficient NAV

In 2016 the reformed, customer-oriented National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) put HUF 12,793 billion into the national budget, HUF 31 billion more than originally expected by the government. Secretary...

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Cunning merger

Hungarian regulation on mergers has changed fundamentally. Due to the changes in competition law, in the future a transaction can be approved in 8 day instead of the present 30...

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ÉFOSZ and Branded Goods Association welcome the ministry’s decision

The Federation of Hungarian Food Industries (ÉFOSZ) and the Branded Goods Association (BGA) welcome the announcement that Róbert Zsigó, secretary of state at the Ministry of Agriculture made today: in...

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Ministry of Agriculture (FM): comprehensive testing has started because of the differences in the quality of food products sold

Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas has commissioned another comprehensive laboratory testing of similar food products sold in shops in Hungary and abroad, in order to compare their qualities – told...

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Nielsen: Europe faces slow growth

Amid great political and economic change around the world, global consumer confidence moved modestly in 2016, rising three points between the first and fourth quarter to 101. Confidence scores in...

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KSH: gross average earnings increased to over 305 thousand HUF in December

Last December, gross average earnings increased by 5.7 percent of gross earnings, while net average earnings were 7.3 percent higher than a year before. Excluding the wages of public employees,...

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The Financial Directive of 2018 revolutionizes mobile banking

The online and mobile banking have become everyday part of life for the majority of users. But if the customers want to gain complete control over their financial information belongs...

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There is no powerful Hungarian economy without agriculture and food industry

There is no powerful Hungarian economy without agriculture and food industry – the Minister of National Economy underlined at a forum in Budapest, organized for young agricultural professionals. Varga Mihály...

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Agricultural Management Exhibition will begin on Tuesday

The 3rd Precision Agricultural Management Exhibition and Conference (Prega) begins on Tuesday this week. Milics Gábor associate professor of the University of West Hungary told M1 news channel on Monday...

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Mountain Villages: fewer grapes this year

Fewer grapes will be harvested this year because of the frost – Brazsil Dávid, Secretary-General of the National Council of Wine Communities told M1 news channel on Saturday. The Secretary-General...

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MNB: household wealth increases continuously

The net savings of households increased by 522 billion HUF in the fourth quarter of 2016, while in the total year by 1574 billion HUF. In the proportion of the...

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The government launches a supplier development program

The government launches a two-year development program for suppliers: The total amount of the program for 2017-2018 will be 14 billion HUF- Varga Mihály, Minister for Economic Affairs said at...

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EU’s energy consumption fell below its 1990 level

Energy consumption in the European Union in 2015 was below its 1990 level the EU’s statistical agency Eurostat announced on 20 February. EU dependency on imports of fossil fuel imports...

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