
Tender to be launched for the marketing of fisheries products

A non-refundable tender resource will be opened for the marketing of fishery products with a budget of 400 million HUF – the Prime Minister’s Office told MTI on Wednesday. According...

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The Ficsak and the Emmi call for to make school canteens healthier

The Club of Young Families (Ficsak) and the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) call for to make school canteens healthier canteens. Király Nóra, founder of the Ficsak at a press...

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Carp installment has begun at the Lake Balaton

Balaton Fishery Management Company (BHN) started the spring carp installation into the Lake Balaton. Nagy Gábor, the company’s fishing industry leader told MTI on Thursday that 25-30 tons of carps...

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Young Entrepreneurs Association: only 27 percent of Hungarian entrepreneurs can be considered young

Twenty-seven percent of the Hungarian entrepreneurs belong to the age group under 40 years, only they can be considered as young entrepreneurs, however, there are 19 thousand companies can be...

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Inflation accelerated in the euro area

Euro-area inflation accelerated to the fastest pace since January 2013, providing fresh arguments to those calling for an exit from the European Central Bank’s monetary stimulus program. Consumer prices rose...

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European Union stands united in many fields

What are the most important issues on the agenda of the European Parliament (EP) in 2017? In the spring the EP’s committee will vote on the report on tax avoidance....

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Half a billion forints paid to hackers because of ransomware attacks

According to antivirus software manufacturer G Data, Hungarian companies pay HUF 180,000 on average to hackers, so that they get back the access to the data on their computers. Having...

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Consumer expectations about tax and employer contribution cuts

According to a representative survey conducted by TNS Hoffmann in December 2016, 59 percent of Hungary’s population heard about the tax and social contribution cuts the government had announced. 68...

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The world has turned around in twenty years

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) conducted its annual Global CEO Survey for the 20th time. It revealed that in the last two decades not only the markets changed but also the opinion of...

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Last year, the value of advertising spending exceeded 160 billion HUF

The value of Hungarian advertising spendings (without the TV ads) exceeded 160 billion HUF last year, which is a 12.11 percent growth compared with 2015 – Hivatal Péter, a member...

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It is too early to bury this year’s wine harvest

It is too early to bury this year’s wine harvest, because the grapes are in “hibernation”. Grapes can tolerate temperatures around minus 20 degrees – the Borháló Borkereskedés (Wine Net...

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Stamegna Network in Budapest again between 12 and 14 March!

You can sign in to the Stamegna Network International meeting sponsored by Trade Magazin. The event takes place between 12 and 14 March at the Hilton Budapest City Hotel. The...

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3.2 million poultry had to be destroyed due to the bird flu

The avian influenza in Hungary infected 233 livestock farms so far. 3.2 million poultry had to be destroyed – Bognár Lajos Chief veterinarian told at a professional forum – according...

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One and a half billion euros, six thousand new jobs on the stage

Last year, more than ever positive decisions were born for a total of 71 projects to be implemented in Hungary, supported by the National Investment Agency (HIPA). In addition, the...

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The VAT on Internet use to be reduced to five percent from next year

According to the work plan of the Digital Prosperity program, the VAT on Internet use to be reduced to five percent from 1 January 2018 – Deutsch Tamás Prime Ministerial...

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The Purchasing Managers’ Index is on annual top

The purchasing managers’ index in February increased by 2.5 percentage points to 59.5 points from the 57.0 points of January. This is the highest value of the last year, and...

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US consumer confidence is on top

Consumers’ assessment of current conditions in the U.S. increased in February, according to a monthly survey released on Tuesday. The Consumer Confidence Index hit 114.8 in February, according to data...

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The NÉBIH suspended the operation of a meat plant

Due to serious food-safety deficiencies the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) suspended the operation of a meat shop in Pereszteg and the related plant and ordered the destruction of...

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Virtual shopper card for everyone

A new smartphone app called Fullcard can manage various loyalty cards and the offers in promotional leaflets, plus its geographical location function helps shoppers to find those offers which are...

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Under a supported roof

With a sum up to HUF 5 million in a 5-year period, companies can support the real property buying (or the paying back of real property loans) of employees tax-free....

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Márciusban jön az év legnagyobb e-kereskedelmi rendezvénye

2017. március 30-án ismét megrendezésre kerül Magyarország legnagyobb e-kereskedelmi rendezvénye, az Ecommerce Expo. A tavalyi rendezvény óriási sikerére való tekintettel és a rengeteg pozitív visszajelzés miatt, idén ismét befoglalja az...

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Misusing prestigious FMCG-brands?

BGA Hungary successfully combats illicit Asia Center ad campaign misusing prestigious FMCG-brands....

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More ads, more GDP

Fresh survey shows one euro ad spend generates seven euro GDP growth – BGA takes this opportunity to urge local policy-makers not to over-regulate the market....

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Magazine: It is easier if you aren’t alone

The European Union is Canada’s second biggest trading partner – their No.1 trading partner is the USA. After many years of negotiations, Canada and the EU signed the so-called Comprehensive...

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Technology influences classic retail strategies

With the help of Frank Mayer and Associates, let’s examine what the future of retail will be like. 2017 will bring many things to the retail sector, including new programmes...

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Nestlé expands Bük pet food factory

Nestlé invests more than HUF 20 billion in creating its biggest pet food production facility in Europe. The existing part of the factory will be modernised and a new 5,000m²...

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Nielsen: Are you satisfied with your salary?

According to a Nielsen survey, fewer Hungarians are satisfied with their salary than consumers in neighbouring countries. Austrians are the most happy with their present salary, followed by Slovakians, Croats...

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The NÉBIH to strengthen its controls with an intelligent analytical system

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) strengthens further its tools to filter those who carry out illegal activities. Oravecz Márton, president of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH)...

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Investments decreased by twenty percent last year

The volume of investments in the national economy in 2016 decreased by 20.0 percent, compared to the previous year, when it rose 7.1 percent in an annual comparison. In last...

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Municipal slaughterhouse was inaugurated in Hajdúböszörmény

A municipal slaughterhouse was inaugurated in Hajdúböszörmény on Tuesday. In addition to the completed project, the foundation stone of the local government’s meat processing plant was also placed. Kiss Attila...

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