
NGM: customs and VAT revenues increased

In the first two months of the year, Hungary’s EU customs revenues increased with almost 5 billion HUF, while 4.3 billion HUF more Value Added Tax (VAT) flown into the...

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The secret was revealed: UBER, Apple and Facebook used this trick

The machines are already thinking, while malleable robots and “smart dust” characterizes the modern wars. The SMART 2017 Conference on 5 April 2017 are about such and similar topics. At...

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Slovenia is at the forefront in the origin protection of traditional agricultural products

Slovenia is at the forefront in the community preservation of origin protection of agricultural products and geographical indications. Slovenia applies for protection for more products than Austria, Hungary or Croatia...

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Air freight and passenger traffic has increased

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) data, an increase occurred in air freight and passenger traffic in January compared to the same period of the previous year. According...

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Artificial intelligence technology for Hungarian HR experts

SAP has added new functions to its technology used by HR experts. Thanks to the artificial intelligence function of the cloud computing-based software, HR experts will have to do less...

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Rabbit, hop!

Confectionery manufacturers are optimistic ahead of the Easter season. Last year Easter confectionery sales were lower than in the year before. This had to do with a few percentages higher...

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Prices increased by 0.4 percent on average last year

According to data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in December 2016 consumer prices were 1.8 percent higher on average than a year before. In 2016 consumer prices elevated by...

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Inflation has jumped

In February, consumer prices were an average 2.9 percent higher than a year before and rose 0.4 percent in a month – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday....

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Fifth of the honey on the EU market is fake

The European Commission’s highlighted honey investigation has confirmed the suspicion of farmers. Thanks to the most modern methods it turned out that fifth of the honey available in the common...

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EU action is needed to protect European rice production

EU action is needed to protect European rice production – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture, told – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) informed MTI. The FM told that Fazekas Sándor...

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Another 80 billion HUF will be available in the Rural Development Programme by the end of March

Another 80 billion HUF will be available in the Rural Development Programme in thirteen proposals by the end of March. Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State of the Prime Minister’s...

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Offering an experience is now more important in serving customers

On 26 January 2017 Monte City Event Palace was the venue of the 8th Excellence in Serving Customers Conference and Gala, which was organised by ClientFirst Consulting. At the event...

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Where did Hungarians’ work motivation go?

In November 2016 GKI Economic Research Zrt. conducted a representative survey with the participation of 987 companies, trying to find the answer to questions such as ‘Why are companies unable...

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Last year the labour market was livelier

According to data from the Randstad Workmonitor, 2016 was a busier year in the labour market than the previous two: most people – every fifth worker – switched jobs between...

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Special Golden Chocolate Egg

Golden Chocolate Egg is a special product because inside each chocolate egg there is certified jewellery: the majority of pieces are quality fashion items, but lucky women can also find...

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Increase in sales concentration, more self-service products sold

In last March-April ham sales valued at HUF 7 billion – value sales were up 2 percent and volume sales augmented by 3 percent. Cooked ham realised 92 percent of...

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Last year the labour market was livelier

According to data from the Randstad Workmonitor, 2016 was a busier year in the labour market than the previous two: most people – every fifth worker – switched jobs between...

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Messze még a 6 millió sertés

Az állattartó telepek hatékonyságnövelő támogatására, az agrárképzés fejlesztésére és testre szabott finanszírozási megoldásokra van szükség ahhoz, hogy el lehessen érni Magyarországon a sertésstratégiában kitűzött 6 millió darabos állatlétszámot – írja...

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The mills would increase flour prices

The majority of the domestic mills will try to increase prices in March. The mills would increase the price of flour by around 5 percent, which would be equal to...

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KSH: the services and agriculture pulled last year’s GDP

The volume of gross domestic product (GDP) in last year’s quarter exceeded the previous year’s same quarter by 1.6 percent. The increase was primarily due to market-based services and agriculture...

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The Association of Hungarian Small Breweries debuted in Bucharest

The Association of Hungarian Small Breweries debuted in Bucharest on Tuesday. The members of the association want to expand beyond the borders of Hungary the first in Romania. Gyenge Zsolt,...

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Cofidis: Consumer loans and personal loans were the most popular last year

Consumer loans and personal loans were the most popular products of the credit market in 2016 – according to a recent national representative survey of Cofidis that was sent to...

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A szaktárca megemeli a Nemzeti borkiválóság program idei forrását

A Földművelésügyi Minisztérium (FM) megemeli a Nemzeti borkiválóság program idei forrását; míg a korábbi években a program végrehajtásara átlagosan mintegy 40 millió forint állt rendelkezésre, addig 2017-ben ez az összeg...

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The Minister of State discussed export options in Japan

Czerván György, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) discussed about export options in Japan with the Japanese Deputy Minister of Agriculture – the FM told MTI on...

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The 21st Agricultural Expo in Pápa will be held in May

Professional Programs, hunting and fishing themed days are waiting for the visitors of the 21st Agricultural Expo in Pápa between 19 and 21 May. – the president of the National...

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Száz palack bort árvereznek el a győri Kantharosz gálán

Száz palack bort árvereznek el április 6-án Győr és környékének egyik legnagyobb jótékonysági rendezvényén, a Kantharosz gálán, amelynek bevételéből tehetséggondozással és hátrányos helyzetű gyermekekkel foglalkozó szervezeteket támogatnak – tájékoztatta a...

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Romanian retail started the year well

Romanian retail sales volumes rose 6.4 percent in January, compared to last year’s first month – the Romanian national statistical institute announced on Friday. The calendar adjusted value indicates a...

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A Hungarian franchise conquering foreign markets

Duna House group is one of Hungary’s biggest real estate franchises that also offers related financial services. In April 2016 we bought 100 percent of Polish real estate agency Metrohouse...

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Invitel goes greener

In the spirit of sustainability, in the second half of 2016 Invitel Group started the full replacement of its 400-vehicle fleet. All of the new vehicles purchased meet the strictest...

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