
The Clean Air Action Group recommends the dissemination of home delivery services

Instead of taxing the home delivery services, these services should be encouraged, because they are environmentally more favorable – the Clean Air Action Group wrote in its letter that was...

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Fidelity: optimistic corporate sentiment

The sentiment of the management of the world’s largest companies improved at a level has not seen since 2014, so it has changed from negative to positive by 2017 –...

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The Chamber of Agriculture would build its service centers in each counties

The National Association of Agricultural Economics would build its service centers in each counties, which would give advices to farmers in different areas – the organization’s presidency spokesman told M1...

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The government rearranges 3.5 billion HUF

A total of 3.5 billion HUF was rearranged by the government from the emergency reserves for connecting vending machines to the tax authorities, as well as for priority road projects...

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Újabb digitalizációs robbanás fenyeget

Az elmúlt 15 évben több, mint 760 százalékkal nőtt az internet-felhasználók száma, világszerte. Míg 2000-ben 361 millióan voltak jelen az online térben, addig a legfrissebb adatok szerint ma már több,...

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Retail sales growth accelerated in the Czech Republic

Retail sales increased by 5.6 percent on an annual basis in the Czech Republic in January – the Czech Statistical Office announced in Prague. In December last year, this figure...

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Consumers are confident in the world’s largest economy

Consumer sentiment improved in the US in February – according to the usual monthly survey of the University of Michigan. The preliminary results were published on Friday. The consumer sentiment...

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Unknown origin rabbit meat was seized

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) seized more than 60 kilograms of unknown origin rabbit meat – the agency told MTI on Friday. The NÉBIH checked meat shops containing...

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First Services Centre opens

On 15 December 2016 the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) opened its first services centre in Hajdúböszörmény. In the new centres NAK won’t only offer traditional services to farmers, but...

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NÉBIH and SZIE cooperate

A real milestone: on 3 November 2016 the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) and Szent István University (SZIE) signed a cooperation agreement. The goal is to establish a Risk...

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OKSZ: the new regulatory proposals of trade violate the interests of consumers

According to OKSZ, such package of measures was prepared for the government that curbs the further development of trade as a whole – including small businesses – as well as...

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Milk Truck to promote milk consumption

The Milk Marketing Board plans to start a Milk Truck in the spring to promote the consumption of dairy and milk products, as well as health-conscious diet – wrote....

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Smink mindenekelőtt: tízmilliárdnál is többet költöttünk dekorkozmetikumokra tavaly

Az arc-és testápoló termékek, valamint a dekorkozmetikumok piacán töretlen felívelés egy optimista időszak szintén optimista leképeződése. A magyarországi fogyasztói bizalom stabilizálódása és a kiskereskedelmi piac európai átlag fölötti, dinamikus bővülése...

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Food adulteration is the largest business after drug trafficking in the EU

According to the survey of the European Union, forgery and tax evasion are the biggest illegal business after drug trafficking – Helik Ferenc of the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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The 2017 Country Tasting has started

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) announced again the Country Tasting in four categories under the National Wine Excellence Programme. This year one can compete in four categories – white wines,...

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MEPs urged stricter food inspections

The MEPs approved the new regulation enabling to tighten the EU food inspection system at the European Parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg on Wednesday – the press service of the...

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Several group of companies can bring their R & D centers to Hungary

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) action plan against tax evasion recently tightened the international rules on discounts related to intellectual products (intangible products). Due to the combined...

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Drones can replace the dying bees

Today’s massive bee mortality is not only dangerous for humanity, because we may have to look for other sweeteners instead of honey in the future – wrote. If the...

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The Chamber of Agriculture calls for the development of a national integration system

Because of the fragmentation of the agricultural sector it is necessary to build an integration system that is available at local, regional and national levels – Győrffy Balázs, president of...

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Inflation increased in the euro area and in the EU in February

Euro area’s annual inflation became 2.0 percent in February 2017, up from the 1.8 percent in January. In February 2016 the rate was -0.2 percent. European Union annual inflation was...

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Chamber of agriculture plans agri-expo and arable land days

NAK will organise the 21st Pápa Agricultural Expo between 19 and 21 May 2017. In 2016 there were more than 12,000 visitors at this event. The 1st NAK Arable Land...

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The tracking platform is on the right track

It was one year ago that the National Food Tracking Platform (NÉNYP) was established. In the next year the platform will be busy preparing sector-specific guidelines based on relevant laws...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices continued to fall in January

In January, agricultural producer prices decreased by 2.6 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The decline was the result of the 8.9 percent decline in the...

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The breweries would reduce the VAT on draft beer

The big brewers and small-scale distilleries turned together to Varga Mihály National Economy Minister to extend the local dining preferential VAT on draft beer – Világgazdaság wrote. As it is...

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The e-commerce and dual product quality are in the focus of this year’s consumer protection

The regulation of e-commerce and eliminate the double product quality are in the focus of this year’s consumer protection, but the monitoring of the product demonstrations remains a priority as...

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The performance of agricultural exports is outstanding for years

The driving force behind the Hungarian economy was agriculture in 2016, the performance of agricultural exports is high for many years – Czerván György, Minister of State for the Ministry...

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A new era of eating problems has begun

Overweight and obesity are more frequent and a whole range of diseases will comewith them – the new FAO report on the European and Central Asian region reveals. Due to...

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Good crop prospects in orchards, despite the harsh winter

The unusually cold winter frost did not cause significant damage to the orchards – the Hungarian Horticultural Propagation Management Company (MKSZ) states on the basis of laboratory tests of fourteen...

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VinCE Budapest: the Torres, Taittinger and the Roederer houses among the guests

Miguel Torres, Clovis Taittinger and the cellar master of the Roederer Champagne house will held master courses at the 8th VinCE Budapest Wine Show, during which a number of specialties,...

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Cooperation agreement between the NÉBIH and the Association of Excise Services

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) and the Customs, Excise and Taxation Service Providers Association (VJASZSZ) signed a cooperation agreement to contribute to the fight against food adulteration and...

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