
The EU is fighting against food waste

By 2030, the European Parliament wants to reduce the amount of food waste to the half of the current volume – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The report of the European Parliament’s...

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The second vintage of BalatonBor was presented

The second vintage of BalatonBor, the first community wine brand of the region was prepared with the participation of twenty-four wineries; The 2016 Riesling of the producers will be bottled...

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The national hail mitigation system to be completed in a year

The national hail mitigation system will be completed for 1 May next year. The system will be operated by the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) – Győrffy Balázs, president...

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Hungary can transport beef and meat products to Saudi Arabia again

After sixteen years Hungary can transport beef and meat products to Saudi Arabia. The Middle Eastern country opened its doors in late March for the Hungarian products – the Ministry...

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The strenghtening of the social economy raises regulatory questions

Thanks to the spread of the Internet and smart devices, we can hear more and more about a whole new business model, the sharing economy. The names of Uber, Airbnb...

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Unchanged interest towards agricultural training

Unchanged interest surrounds the jobs in the agricultural industry. The number of agricultural training participants grew 2.7 percent last year – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel...

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Inflation slowed in the euro area and in the EU

In March, the annual rise in consumer prices slowed in the euro zone and in the European Union. Eurostat confirmed inflation in March in the 19 countries sharing the euro...

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Two hundred million forint development in Debrecen

Debrecen-seated Zolend Kft. built a 4,000m² new production hall from a HUF 200-million bank loan. The company is a supplier of major companies in the chemical, food, oil, automotive and...

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Another 80 billion forints in the Rural Development Program

Within the framework of 13 grant programmes, about HUF 80 billion becomes available until the end of March in the Rural Development Programme – announced the Prime Minister’s Office at...

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KMS trademark can be earned this year as well

Businesses can apply for the use of the Quality Hungarian Pork (KMS) trademark this year too. So far 86 have enterprises have earned the right to use the KMS marking....

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The shopping fever on Thursday brought the biggest turnover

The turnover on Thursday before Good Friday was 15-25 percent higher than the largest revenue-generating day of last year’s Easter period – CBA’s Communications Director told Világgazdaság. Fodor Attila explained...

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Butter Churning Roadshow to be launched

The first Hungarian BUTTER CHURNING ROADSHOW will be held on 19-20 April 2017 with the support of the KKASE – Cheese Makers Association, the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Council,...

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Nearly half a billion aluminum cans are not recycled

In Hungary, 800-900 million aluminum cans of beer and soft drinks are marketed every year, but only about half of this amount 450 million cans are recycled – wrote....

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MKB Bank: agriculture financing should be tailored to the needs of customers

At the end of last year, the loan portfolio of Hungarian agriculture was about 560 billion HUF on the basis of the data collection of the Ministry of Agriculture. Including...

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K&H: the investments of large companies will continue to decline this year

The investments of large companies will continue to decline this year, as the downturn in the sector’s willingness to develop continues according to K&H’s survey – the bank told MTI...

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International portugieser festival and wine tasting in Pécs

International festival and wine tastings will be held for the promotion of portugieser on April 21 and 22 in Pécs and in Palkonya, part of the Villány wine region. To...

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Nébih: animal breeders can receive state aid to prevent bluetongue disease

Animal breeders can receive state aid to vaccinate their stock to prevent from bluetongue disease. Where the disease has already appeared, vaccination is mandatory, to prevent the other animals from...

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Tax audits are becoming more effective thanks to the ekáer

The tax inspectors are increasingly effective against illegal trade, thanks to electronic goods traffic control system (ekáer), which is a “heavy weapon” of the tax administration, but many entrepreneurs are...

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(HU) Orbit Gyermekmosoly Kampány

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Raw milk’s price rising again

In January 2017 agricultural production prices were down 2.6 percent in comparison with January 2016. This drop was the result of the price of vegetable products decreasing by 8.9 percent...

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How do we try to spend less?

Nielsen asked Hungarian consumers how they try to spend less: 55 percent said they switch to cheaper groceries (back in 2013 this ratio was 70 percent). 52 percent said they...

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Nearly 700 million forints for research on the quality of irrigation water

The Centre for Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), the National Public Health Centre (OKK), HAS’s Centre for Agricultural Research and Smaragd GSH Kft. were granted HUF 693.13-million...

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Hungarian grey cattle to be bred organically

The Association of Hungarian Grey Cattle Breeders (MSzTE), the Hungarian Organic Culture Association and Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft. signed a strategic agreement. The three parties’ goal is to breed grey...

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Twelve billion forint dairy sector development project in Debrecen

Alföldi Tej Kft. invests HUF 12 billion to create 181 new jobs in Debrecen; the municipality finances the project with HUF 120 million. Managing director Tibor Mélykuti told that the...

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Healthy and practical products from VFI

Glatz Hungary Kft. is an Austrian-owned company that specialises in cereal and food trade. It is them who represent KRONEN products – a corn germ cooking oil, and lemon- and...

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A sharp increase in demand for many products at Easter last year

Demand significantly increased towards ham, eggs, chocolate and alcoholic beverages at Easter last year – according to the Central Statistical Office’s summary. The larger stores this year expect a significant...

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Analysts: inflation rate this year may be around the purpose of the MNB

Inflation decreased to 2.7 percent in March, lower than the expectations of the analysts, after the 2.9 percent in February. In the rest of the year, inflation will temporarily exceed...

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From sea to the plate – tracking fish

Important progress has been made in the international documentation system, initiated by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) through which illegally caught fish could not be taken on the...

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GfK: the proprtion of those who buy in foreign websjops is increasing

Six out of ten prefer the domestic sites. According to the survey of the GfK Digital Connected Consumer (DCC) in 2016, nine of ten Internet users have purchased online. Considering...

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Export Academy for the tenth time

The Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) launches its complex export development training, the MNKH Export Academy for the tenth time between 12 and 27 April. The training program of the...

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