
The economic sentiment in the euro area fell to a two-year low in December

With twelve months of continuous decline, the European Commission’s Economic and Financial Directorate, DG EcFin Euro Zone Economic Sentiment Index (ESI) reached a two-year low in December. Hungary has the...

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Free beer and ice cream is a reward for cycling

In Bologna, Italy, the city administration encourages the public with free beer and ice cream to use bicycles, public transport, or go by foot instead of driving a car. In...

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Magazine: Jó idők, rossz idők

Nemcsak innovációban, értékesítésben, hanem – a szélsőséges időjárás miatt – már beszerzésben és termelésben is a maximumot kell nyújtaniuk a gyorsfagyasztott zöldségek-gyümölcsök gyártóinak. Ugyanakkor (csakúgy, mint a többi gyorsfagyasztott kategóriában)...

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KSH: retail sales continued to increase

According to the raw data of last November, retail sales increased by 5.3 percent and calendar effect adjusted by 5.2 percent, compared to a year before – the Central Statistical...

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Analysts: retail sales growth may slow down this year together with real wages

Analysts interviewed by MTI were not surprised by the slight slowdown in the growth rate of retail sales in November, which was supported by the high base data for the...

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Reverse taxation for cereals to extended

The application of reverse taxation in addition to greenhouse gases and steel products to be extended to cereals and oilseeds from 1 January 2022 until 30 June 2022 – the...

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KSH: employment remained close to the peak

During the three-month period of last September-November, the average number of employees was 4,494 thousand, 44,000 more than a year before. The employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds increased by...

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AM: Thailand would only restrict imports of poultry from the infected area if there would be an epidemic in Hungary

In case of a possible outbreak of avian influenza, Thailand would not restrict the import of poultry products from the whole of Hungary, but “only” from the affected area –...

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E-trade is being developed on the basis of mobile phone data

Since the beginning of the year, the most innovative marketing and research company in Poland, Selectivv, has been present in Hungary. ű A recent research by the company can reform...

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German retail sales became better than expected

Instead of the decline expected by analysts, the German retail sales increased in November in a year-on-year comparision. On Monday, the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reported its preliminary data:...

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The pace of consumer price increases slowed down in the euro area

The rate of rise in consumer prices in the euro area decelerated to an 8 month low in December, according to a flash estimate of the European Union’s Statistical Office...

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London analysts do not expect recession

According to London financial analysts, despite the global growth indicators, the increasing risks and recent stock market losses, they do not expect that the global economy will be in recession...

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LG presents the smart kitchen of the future at the CES in 2019

LG Electronics (LG) opens a new chapter in smart kitchen solutions at the 2019 CES trade fair. According to the company, external partners will play an important role in creating...

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The rate of increase in wholesale prices slowed down in Austria

The rate of increase in wholesale prices slowed down at the end of the year in Austria, according to a report published by Statistik Austria on Monday. In December, wholesale...

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FAO: Agricultural output growth to keep food prices low over the coming decade, but many uncertainties are ahead

Global demand for agricultural products is projected to grow by 15 percent over the coming decade, while agricultural productivity growth is expected to increase slightly faster, causing inflation-adjusted prices of...

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Magazine: Which trade fair to choose in 2019?

Szilvia Máté, managing director of BD-Expo Kft. recommends the EuroCIS, ProWein and HOFEX trade exhibitions to Hungarian companies. She told that trade shows have remained important in sales, but both...

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The VAT on ESL and UHT milk is reduced

From January 1, the sales tax on ESL (longer-lasting) and UHT (ultrapast-pasteurized) milk decreased from 18 percent to 5 percent, according to the approved legislation – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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PM: neta increased by 20 percent

The general public health tax (neta) increased by 20 percent from 1 January , while taxable drinks include fruit spirits, pálinka and herbal drinks are among the range of taxable...

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The wines of Sopron and Eger won the Hungarian Wine Grand Prix in 2018

The 2016 Leányka Superior of the Tóth Ferenc Winery from Eger and the 2015 Kékfrankos Gamay wine of the Luka Enikő Winery from Sopron won the 2018 Hungarian Wine Grand...

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Sticker to protect the fruit from rotting

Food waste is a huge problem all around the world, and some estimates suggest that 52 percent of crops arot before it reaches consumers at all. A malaysian company, however,...

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Retail sales continue to thrive

Retail sales in October increased by 6.4 percent. Calendar effect adjusted increased by 5.5 percent, compared to the previous year, according to a second estimate of the Central Statistical Office...

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Nielsen: domestic retail turnover is stable

Retail performance is stable all across Europe: the steady consumer confidence and low inflation have also contributed to the 3.7 percent growth of the third quarter of 2018. Compared to...

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We intend to spend four thousand forints more on Christmas gifts

In 2018 Hungarians will spend more, on average of 56 thousand forints on Christmas gifts, compared to last year. We buy gifts for seven people per head and spend on...

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Job festival ticket under the Christmas tree. The time of useful gifts has come!

With Christmas approaching, every parent is looking for the perfect gift for their child, even ifthe kid has actually grown up. Instead of a newer smartphone, it is possible to...

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Two-thirds of customers have been involved in quality problems

According to Vatera’s recent survey, positive experiences of the past and evaluations on the sellers and shops boost customer confidence the most: • During the traditional and online shopping, two-thirds...

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The Századvég has upgraded the growth expectations for this year and for the next year

The Századvég Gazdaságkutató Zrt. has upgraded its growth forecasts for 2018 and 2019. For 2018 instead of the previous 4.4 percent, 4.6 percent is forecasted, while for 2019, 3.9 percent...

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We even offer courses for Christmas

While in Hungary still books, toys, fragrances, electronic products, and clothing are the main gifts, more and more people surprise their loved ones with gifts that can help in self-development...

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German business sentiment on a two-year low

In December, the German sentiment index of the Munich-based ifo Institute for Economic Research declined to a much lower than expected level, to the lowest of the past two years....

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NAV liquidated a luxury store disguised as a storehouse in Baranya

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) liquidated a luxury store disguised as a storehouse in Baranya – the press officer of the South Transdanubian Regional Criminal Directorate told MTI...

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Magazine: ‘When you communicate, think about your brand and not your company!’– Péter Geszti

RaM Colosseum was the venue of Péter Geszti’s GPS 2.0 marketing seminar for SMEs on 9 November. Mr Geszti started out by saying that no matter how big a company...

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