
Eat more vegetables and fruits!

On average, only 262 grams of vegetables and fruits per day are consumed by a Hungarian, including families with small children. With this amount, we are the last in the...

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What we buy from Chinese webshops

Chinese top mobile, robot dust extractor, soundbar and earphones – these are the hits of this year’s Christmas for Hungarians buying from Chinese webshops – Világgazdaság Online wrote. According to...

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The MNB will issue new 500-forint banknotes from 1 February

One can pay with the old version of the banknotes until 31 October 2019 – the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) told MTI on Monday. They also noted that with the...

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There will be lots of toys under the tree

This year at Christmas, Hungarian children can expect 2-3 different toys and games, the majority of the parents to spend more than 10,000 HUF – according to the research of...

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Minister of Agriculture: Hungary request greater share of EU research and development resources

Hungary calls for greater share of CEE funding from EU research and development sources – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said in Brussels on Monday, after the EU Agriculture and...

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The NAIK issued an agricultural storybook

The National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center (NAIK) has launched an agrarian storybook to promote the agricultural profession and the agrarian lifestyle – Gyuricza Csaba, director of the center told...

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The gap between the wealthiest and the poorest EU member states declined but remains huge

Although last year, as in previous years, the gap between the richest and poorest countries in the European Union, Luxembourg and Bulgaria has became somewhat smaller, but there is still...

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Inflation decreased in the euro area

In November inflation declined more than expected in the euro area, according to the final figures of Eurostat, published on Monday. In November, inflation declined to its six months low...

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Magazine: Food industry in the spotlight

In the autumn of 2016 the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) started the Food Industry Panorama programme series: food processing companies can listen to presentations to learn about the latest...

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(HU) GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. részletes előrejelzése 2018-19-re

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Agricultural producer prices increased by more than 5 percent in October

In October, agricultural producer prices increased by 5.1 percent, compared to a year before, following a 6.2 percent rise in the previous month. The price of plant products increased by...

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Nagy István: Hungary’s greenhouse production capacity has been doubled

Thanks to the applications that have been awarded so far, Hungary’s greenhouse production capacity has doubled – the Agriculture Minister said on Friday in Veresegyház. Nagy István said that, in...

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Nébih did not find major problems in case of the examined lemons

Misleading label was found at one of the ten lemon items examined, and one products was labeled incompleted – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI. The Office...

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The third of the annual sales of fish occurs before Christmas

30-32 percent of the annual sales of fish falls during the Christmas period, and we can found a wide range of good quality fish in trade – the President of...

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Tobacconists welcomed the postponement of the introduction of unified packaging

The Hungarian Tobacco Dealers Association (MDKSZ) welcomed the amendment of the Government Decree postponing the introduction of the Single Cigarette Packaging Deadline of May 20, 2019 in their communication. The...

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GKI: Hungarian agricultural entrepreneurs are cautiously optimistic

Hungarian agricultural enterprises are looking forward to the new year with cautious confidence, expecting a favorable general food demand and for the favorable evolution of economic regulation, but the economic...

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The number of Hungarian mobile wallet payments exceeded four million

The Hungarians have already paid with mobile phones more than 4 million times, with only one touch in stores – Mastercard told on Friday. The first Hungarian bank mobile wallet...

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AM: the AGROmashEXPO is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the agro-industrial trends

Knowledge-based agriculture is needed, so it is important for the industry to get acquainted with the latest agro-industry trends. The AGROmashEXPO and AgrárgépShow 2019 (Agricultural Machinery Show 2019) exhibitions take...

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Growth in retail sales were above expectations in the world’s largest economy

In November, retail sales were smaller than in the previous month, but increased above the expectations in November in the US – according to the report of Census Bureau published...

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High-tech Hungarian Treasures tour in Kecskemét

The autumn leg of the tour series organised as part of the Hungarian Treasures programme visited Kecskemét. Hungarian Product trademark users and partners had the opportunity to visit KÉSZ Kft.,...

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Megadeals and unicorn IPOs characterize 2018 deal landscape; trend to continue in 2019

Global IPO proceeds rose in 2018, supported by investor confidence, large pools of liquidity, strong valuations and low interest rates. Year-to-date, 2018 has registered 1,359 IPOs with proceeds of US$204.8b...

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Magazine: The busiest street means something else for each brand

On 15 November members of the Trade Marketing Club gathered for this year’s last meeting. The topic was location-related differences and geomarketing research revealing these. Zsuzsanna Hermann welcomed participants and...

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Kopint-Tárki has improved its growth expectations

Kopint-Tárki expects this year’s economic growth to be faster than expected. The economic researcher has raised its growth forecast for this year by 20 basis points to 4.8 percent, while...

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A festive season starts with a wide fish selection

This year’s fish production is of the highest quality, the selection is even more abundant than last year, and there is no problem with quantity as well – Lévai Ferenc,...

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Seed sales generate 100 billion HUF turnover

The volume of grain seed produced in Hungary totaled 316.3 thousand tons last year – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of the data of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute...

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The breeding time of the carps was shortened to third

The researchers at the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Debrecen shortened the breeding time of carps to third – origo wrote after Debreceni Nap. The central specie of the...

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African swine fever: infected wild boars were found in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county

In Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, African swine fever (ASF) virus was found in a sample of a shot wild boar in the outskirts of Tiszavasvári. The laboratory of the National Food Chain...

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Hungarians worry the most about environmental pollution

Climate change and environmental pollution are considered to be one of the greatest societal challenges for those seven countries who have been asked by E.ON for a representative research. The...

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Hungarians trust in artificial intelligence

Ten out of ten people have heard about artificial intelligence (MI) in Central and Eastern Europe – Világgazdaság Online quotes the data of NMS Market Research company’s research commissioned by...

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Magazine: One sense above all

Perfume sales are above the average in the Valentine’s Day, Women’s Day and Mother’s Day periods, but it is December and Christmas time when sales are the highest. This is...

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